Snowflake Training – The only Course you need
⏰24 hours | ▶️ 24 Videos | 📣 9301 Participants | 🎓 4602 Reviews | 4.9 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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Self Paced
Unlimited Access- Advanced sessions
- Interview Q&A
- Free study Materials
- Premium Technical support
Instructor Led Live Training
Unlimited Access- Live Instructor
- Advanced sessions
- Interview Q&A
- Premium Technical Support
Corporate Training
Unlimited Access- Live Instructor
- Advanced sessions
- Interview Q&A
- Premium Technical Support
Upcoming Batches PST
Mar 13(1 HR A DAY) |
07:30 PM PST |
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Mar 26(1 HR A DAY) |
07:00 AM PST |
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Mar 22(1 HR A DAY) |
07:00 PM PST |
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Upcoming Batches IST
Mar 14(1 HR A DAY) |
08:00 AM IST |
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Mar 26(1 HR A DAY) |
07:30 PM IST |
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Mar 23(1 HR A DAY) |
07:30 AM IST |
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Course Description
Snowflake training show you the path to the data cloud platform, which acts as Software-as-a-service(SaaS) and permit data processing, data storage, and logical solution.
Here in CloudFoundation, we will make you ironic with the emerging concepts of Snowflake, such as data platform as a cloud service and its architecture, query processing, and storage.
We provide weekday and weekend classes virtually with complete tool access and guidance from the trainers.
Snowflake acts as a crossroad for industry solution education, healthcare, and department solutions such as marking, security, product development.
SnowPro core and SnowPro advanced are two different certifications for Snowflake.
You can grasp these certificates by pursuing the Course here and get your vision career in big data, cloud, and Hadoop.
✅Lifetime access | ✅Lifetime video access |
✅Real-time case studies | ✅The project integrated into the Curriculum |
✅24*7 Support from our team of administrators |
Course Content
1.Snowflake Getting Started
- Snowflake Web Sign Up
- Snowflake Introduction & Architecture
2.Loading Data from Multiple Sources in Snowflake
- Different Data Loading Options in Snowflake
- Bulk Loading Using the COPY Command
- Load Data from S3 Bucket
- Loading JSON Data in Snowflake
- Snow pipe: Load data fast, analyze even faster
3.Snowflake Time Travel and Some Other features
- Snowflake Querying Historical Data using Time travel.
- Zero Copy Clone
- Copy Clone with Time Travel
- Dropping and Restoring Objects
4.Snowflake Data Sharing
- Snowflake Data Sharing
- Snowflake Secure Views
- Data Sharing with Non-snowflake Users
- Data Sharing Using Web UI
5.Snowflake SQL: DDL AND DML Commands
- Create Database and Table, Insert and Select Statement in
- Truncate, Delete and Drop Command
- Update Command in SQL
- After Table Command in SQL
6.Snowflake SQL: String and Date Time Functions
- Left, Right, Char Index and Substring Functional in SQL
- Concat, Repeat and Replace Function in SQL
- Date and Time Functions Part-01
- Date and Time Functions Part-02
7.Snowflake SQL: Operators in SQL
- Basic Overview of Operators
- AND Operator
- OR Operator
- IN Operator
8.Snowflake SQL: Aggregate Functions
- Overview of Aggregate Function
- Group by Statement Explanation
- Having Clause
- Example of Aggregate Function
9.Snowflake SQL: Joins
- Inner Join
- Examples of Inner Join
- Outer Join
- Examples of Outer Joins
- Self-Join
- Cartesian Product
10.Snowflake SQL: Subquery
- Subquery Introduction
- Subquery with Select, From and Where Clause
- Subquery with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
- Correlated Subquery
11.Snowflake SQL: Analytical Functions
- Row Number
- Rank and Dense Rank Functions
- Rank and Dense Rank Example Part-01
- Rank and Dense Rank Example Part-02
- Cumulative Sum and Moving Average
- Examples Cumulative Sum, Moving Average and Moving Count
12.Snowflake SQL: Advanced Concepts
- Case statement
- Coalesce Function
13.Snowflake SQL:
- Union
- Union All
14.Snowflake Views
15.Snowflake SQL Temp tables
- Temporary Tables
- Translent Tables
❓ Do you offer any discount/offer?
✅ Yes, offers keep changing from time to time. You can chat with us or call our training coordinator for more details.
❓ Is there any demo video which I can watch before enrolling to the course?
✅ Yes, we have provided a Demo video section on each course page so that you can get a glimpse into the course you want to enroll.
❓ How soon after signing up would I get access to the learning content?
✅ Yes, we will provide access to all the learning materials after the complete payment for the course.
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