Workday integration Training – the only tutorial you need
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This Workday Integration Tutorial for Beginners will cover every topics and information about the technology.
But, before starting off let’s see what Workday Integration is?
What is Workday Integration?
Workday present’s single-architecture, cloud-based enterprise applications, and management series that connect finance, HR, and analytics into a single system.
As part of the platform, users can efficiently maintain and customize data collections from any appropriate workforce source.
As it is designed to support high-security standards, quick updates, compelling penetrations, and basic UI across devices. So, anyone can practice or customize dashboards to get real-time actionable insight
Workday integration with other diverse apps supports projects to reduce silos & various sources of integrity and make together complex functions on one particular interface.
The Workday Integration Cloud Platform delivers significant business value to our customers and partners in three key areas, affectionately referred to as the 3 C’s:
- Cost : Utilizing Workday Studio and the Enterprise Interface Builder, clients and accomplices can significantly diminish the time and cost of building and looking after integrations.
In particular, they would now be able to exploit simple to-utilize, open, Web administrations-based integration tools while utilizing the economies of scale offered by the Workday Integration Cloud.
- Choice : Switching to integration platform also expands opportunity for our clients by making it easy for many application software vendors and custom integrators to build and quickly unite them into Workday applications.
Sequentially, we anticipate the number of associates using our integration platform will grow exponentially.
- Community: The power of community used by Workday clients and associates—made possible by the capacity to share and cooperate around unique versions of multi-tenant SaaS applications—generally enlarges to our integration platform.
What is Workday Integration Architecture?
Workday integration architecture connects and exchanges data between Workday, a cloud-based HCM and financial management software, and other applications and systems. Its centralized structure allows real-time data synchronization and automation, streamlining corporate processes and improving data accuracy.
Application integration, data integration, and security layers work together to guarantee seamless data flow and communication between Workday and other systems. Workday and other applications can communicate data via inbound and outbound data integrations, web services, APIs, and connectors.
Why are integrations important, and how does Workday approach them?
For an enterprise it is essential to get the benefit from its technology expenses, it needs to able to unite and exchange various applications, data sources and should processes quickly with a steep grade of the position.
Each client has a diverse set of software and practices. Integrating these various components is a crucial job for any IT department; doing it efficiently requires professional expertise and a perception of an enterprise needs.
Workday integration enables a client to be agile in how these practices are connected with Workday applications.
This structure allows for many entries to create these integrations with connectors, witches, or an integrated development environment (IDE).
Any of these can be utilized, in light of the clients’ ability level.
Will integrations with Workday be less complex?
Yes. To simplify integrations, Workday offers a variety of packaged integration tools:
- Application Programming Interfaces (APIs): APIs specify how various software components interact. Workday offers comprehensive APIs to support all integrations to and from Workday
- Integration Cloud Platform: Enables integrations to be built, deployed and managed in Workday’s Cloud
- 3. Integration Cloud Connect: Workday’s ecosystem of packaged integrations and connectors are managed in the Workday Cloud. This vendor-supported approach significantly shifts the cost, risk and burden of integrations from the customer to Workday.
Let’s see Real time Integration Process User Case studies
Integration Process Monitoring in Workday
Step 1:
Log on to Workday tenant. In Search box, we have to Search with the word “Process Monitor”. Now as Shown below Screen Shot, ‘Process Monitor’ Will Appear.
Click on that.
Step 2:
It’s categorized in to different Scenarios, we have to provide from date, to date, with timings (It’s Depending on the Integrations Schedule).
Process Types are categorized in to Batch files, Integration files, Jobs, Report and Web services and Maximum rows which we want have to provide.
Now click on OK button.
Step 3:
It Shows all the Integrations, job, batch, report, Web Service files still running or completed every file Details shows as shown below.
Click On the format which ever you want either Filter, Excel Format.
Step 4:
Under Background Processes Different Column names appear as mentioned above. In that
1. Started date and time Indicates the Process at what date and time it will start.
2. Process Type Indicates the type of process
3. Process Indicates Process Name which we are mentioned before (Ex: Integration Names, Job Name…Etc)
4. Request Indicates Request Name which we are mentioned before Generally Process Name and Request Name both Should Same.
5. Status This is the main Column which we are using in the Process Monitoring. The integration event status.
- Completed Completed the Process Successfully
- Completed with Errors [Parent: Successfully Completed] Process Completed but with some Errors (Ex: Network Issues)
- Completed [Parent: Successfully Completed]Completed the Process Successfully
- Completed with Warnings [Parent: Successfully Completed]Process completes with some Process Warnings
- Failed [Parent: Process Terminated] Indicates Entire Process Failed
- Processing [Parent: In Progress] Indicates Still It is in the Processing state.
In Any Process Fails, Completed with Errors, or terminate process we have to Rerun the process.
Sometimes Processing time will take much time on that situation also we have to rerun the Process.
6. Percent Complete Normally It indicates the process how much percentage completes for the process.
7. Total Processing time It Indicates the total Process It will take for complete.
8. Errors & Warnings It shows how many Errors or Warnings to Complete the Process.
Note: Before Rerun the failure Integrations or Process we have to find the root cause of the Process.
How to get the failure Process /Root cause of the Integrations failed?
In the Request Column Right click on the Request process name as shown below and Its Open as Separate window.
- Now we will get the Every Details of the Integration Background Process, as shown below.
Background Processes
We will see every background process which was running for the Process to complete.
In that
- Integration Details
- Process Information
- Output files
- Messages
- Notifications
- Child Processes
Every Category Indicates Entire details of the Integration. Under Messages tab we have to find out the root cause of the Failure, as shown below
Tips & Tricks
- Run the process monitor to find out the failed integrations.
- Identify the root cause of integration to proceed further.
- Open the failed integration in separate and explore the logic. If it is an Studio change, download the clear file and import it to WD Studio and analyze the logic.
- In case of performance issues, search for previous integration events for this integration in process monitor to find out the average response time of completion.
- If integration is failed due to data issue, please intimate the business/functional user on the same to correct the required data.
- If code change is needed, do the modification and then try deploying the modified code and rerunning the integration in Sandbox preview do a level od unit testing / sanity check.
- Intimate the user with the solution to the issue and request for User acceptance testing.
- If test results re accepted by the user, proceed with ALM QC process and continue with the Go-Live process.
Integration Process Monitoring – Business Process Flow:
- Here you can see the image how integration monitoring process flow

Mahesh J