Windows Server Interview Questions and Answers
This technology enterprises of any size; managing and storing data efficiently while hosting global applications and services are two core capabilities that Windows Server serves.
It offers organisations a secure environment to function and expand, thanks to its intuitive user experience and comprehensive security features.
1. What is Kerberos?
Kerberos is an authentication protocol employed by domain controllers to authenticate users and ensure secure communications among machines. It uses a language similar to one commonly found for this purpose.
2. What is the purpose of Active Directory?
Active Directory is a domain technology incorporating an eight-sided triangle server housing an Active Directory database for secure file sharing across a network, it manages machines securely while offering file-sharing options quickly and effectively.
3. What are the security considerations for Microsoft administration services?
Although Active Directory is generally secure, additional security considerations must be addressed, these include ensuring firewalls are appropriately configured, using strong passwords, regularly applying security patches and software updates as needed, monitoring network traffic logs for suspicious activities as required, and keeping logs updated to detect any irregular activity on networks and logs regularly for suspicious activity.
4. What is Active Directory?
Active Directory is a system that ensures all machines have an IP address associated with their name, it is typically used for web presence and hosting company websites.
This name must then be linked to its IP address via the DNS server and connected by Active Directory.
5. What is the DNS database?
A DNS database refers to an electronic record stored by each DNS server, which includes names and IP addresses associated with every machine registered to that DNS server.
6. What is the role of domain controllers in Active Directory?
Domain controllers are essential in maintaining an ordered environment within Active Directory by creating GPOs (Group Policy Objects), which allow administrators to deploy software updates across machines to control various aspects of a network environment.
7. How does the internet work in Active Directory?
One key element of Active Directory is its Internet, represented as a cloud, this offers secure traffic access via firewall restrictions that permit only specific types of information to leave its safe environment and head directly out into cyberspace.
8. What are traditional domains in Active Directory?
Traditional domains have been an essential feature of Active Directory for decades, with an embedded firewall to safeguard internal networks from exposure and provide a secure passageway onto the Internet via traffic-limiting firewalls that only permit certain items, traditional domains are an invaluable component.
9. What are the advancements in VPN and virtualisation in Active Directory?
Advances in Virtual Private Networks and virtualisation technology have significantly enhanced their security and efficiency, providing remote users access to network resources while centralising resource management more efficiently.
10. What are the foundational concepts of Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS)?
Active Directory Domain Services’ foundation relies heavily on Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and Kerberos authentication; both technologies have been around for decades and continuously upgraded for security.
11. What is the role of a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or VPN concentrator in protecting against hackers?
VPN concentrators facilitate secure connections, while RAS servers, also known as RAS servers in Microsoft environments, were often employed for routing and remote access services that support VPN technology, RAS servers protect companies against hackers by only permitting authorised individuals access to company resources.
12. What is the role of RAS servers in the Microsoft world?
Routing and remote access services (RAS servers), commonly called VPN support servers, allow employees to securely access resources within an organisation without fear of hackers breaching it.
13. What are VPN tunnels?
VPN tunnels are encrypted communications that connect directly with a Remote Access Server (RAS) server for secure access to resources and provide protection from hacking by only showing traffic going up the firewall.
This helps reduce the chances of attacks upon these resources by hackers, who typically only see what goes up through that particular firewall.
14. What is the concept of virtualisation?
Virtualisation creates a virtualised environment where multiple servers run simultaneously on one physical server, it offers redundancy through hypervisor-enabled server setup and virtualising the other servers as an autonomous machine known as Hyper-V.
15. What is the benefit of complete redundancy in virtualisation?
Users leveraging redundancy can purchase another server and place copies of virtual machines running on it on this second one effectively having only two servers instead of eight.
This powerful feature enables improved resource management, as only authorised traffic may access these resources.
16. What is cloud computing?
Cloud computing is an umbrella term created from virtualisation technology that allows multiple machines to share RAM processing power to form a pool-like scenario where servers may release excess memory into this shared pool of RAM and CPU resources.
17. What are cloud services?
Cloud services are one part of cloud computing that involves companies simulating hardware by creating virtual machines for software storage and operating system installation purposes, offering these virtual machines for hosting services for companies at a fee-as-a-service offering.
18. What is infrastructure as a service (IaaS)?
Infrastructure as a Service, more commonly known by its acronym IaaS, means hosting your hardware infrastructure without actually owning it, with providers hosting all necessary parts for you and offering interfaces and interaction methods via IaaS systems such as Microsoft’s Azure providing this type of solution.
19. What is the model for IaaS in cloud computing?
With IaaS, you pay only for what you consume, with an algorithm tracking how much memory, processing power, and storage you use each month, a monthly fee covers what is finished, and calculators help forecast spending. Alarms are set if an exceedingly specific budget threshold has been reached.
20. What is Platform as a Service (PaaS)?
PaaS refers to cloud services that enable developers to build and deploy applications without infrastructure management issues or concerns, these services take care of the operating system, middleware, and development tools.
The developer can focus on writing code and deploying applications without worrying about supporting infrastructure requirements or concerns for management purposes.
21. What is Software as a Service (SaaS)?
Software as a Service, commonly referred to by its acronym SaaS, is a cloud service that allows access to software applications over the Internet from servers run by cloud service providers, these applications can be accessed from any device with Internet access.
Users typically find SaaS applications user-friendly as they require minimal configuration or maintenance from them themselves.
22. What is Microsoft’s Office for the Web?
Microsoft’s Office for the Web is a cloud version of its Office Suite applications, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, it is accessible from any internet-enabled device and ready for immediate use without requiring installation on individual users’ devices.
23. What is Azure Active Directory?
Azure Active Directory is Microsoft’s cloud directory service designed to manage user identities across applications and services centrally.
Azure AD uses web programming languages and industry-standard authentication protocols to deliver scalable yet secure management of user accounts.
24. What is Microsoft Teams?
Microsoft Teams is a collaboration platform that enables teams of all sizes to communicate and work effectively in real-time, including chat, video calls, file sharing and task management features.
Accessible via any internet-connected device and operating simultaneously in both platform-as-a-service and software-as-a-service models, it helps organisations communicate more efficiently as teams.
25. What is One Drive for Business?
One Drive for Business is a cloud storage service that allows users to easily store, access, share, and collaborate on files from anywhere, with access restrictions to Microsoft Office applications for sharing and version control features.
26. What is Intune?
Microsoft Intune is a cloud-based mobile device management solution, users can remotely monitor devices such as phones, tablets, and laptops with this tool, which also features device configuration, app management, conditional access policies for optimal device usage, and Autopilot for reconfiguring Windows machines.
27. What is Azure?
Azure is Microsoft’s cloud computing platform designed to assist organisations in building, deploying, and managing applications and services in the cloud.
It offers various types of services: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS), it was explicitly designed to assist enterprises in building cloud applications quickly while efficiently meeting compliance regulations.
28. What is Azure AD Connect?
Azure AD Connect is a synchronization-based system that syncs on-premise users with Azure AD, it facilitates password synchronisation, allowing them to log on simultaneously from their physical computer and the cloud resources.
29. What are the benefits of using Azure AD Connect?
Azure AD Connect enables access to resources online and on-premise via its Single Sign-on (SSO) feature, users can synchronise access to resources locally and in the cloud simultaneously from any connected PC, enabling access from either computer with one single log-on.
30. How does Azure charge for its services?
Azure charges users for CPU, RAM, and Storage use in Azure 365 according to the licenses granted to them; users can take advantage of these features by subscribing to specific licenses.

Windows Server Training

PowerShell is a command-line utility used for various computer tasks, to move or copy something, PowerShell uses “move” or “copy, ” with the noun “dash” denoting where this action should happen.
32. How can you access PowerShell on a Windows machine?
To access PowerShell on a Windows Machine, right-click the start button and navigate directly to Windows PowerShell, there are two versions of this utility regular PowerShell and PowerShell with Administrative Privileges, which gives users administrative rights, while regular PowerShell treats users more like normal users.
33. How does PowerShell support IntelliSense?
PowerShell facilitates IntelliSense by suggesting commands as the user types them out, typing “get” followed by the letter “s” should prompt this feature and help locate whatever command the user may be searching for; should an error arise during their search.
They can hold down the shift key to reverse and go back through its steps again.
34. How can users modify a service in PowerShell?
In PowerShell, to change services, users have to alter the verb, for instance, to stop WinRM services, they should type “stop, ” followed by a dash and service name (for example, when shutting them down).
35. How do you get assistance with PowerShell’s stop-service command?
You can gain assistance for PowerShell’s stop-service command by typing “get-help” followed by “stop-service. ”
This will provide helpful instructions on how to use it. Alternatively, search Microsoft’s website using “stop-service” as your search term and select its manual document as required.
36. How do you terminate a Win or M service in PowerShell?
To stop a Win or M service in PowerShell, copy and right-click its command, then change its service name to “win or M in.”, this should stop it without congratulatory messages being displayed; once done successfully, it should stop without errors being received and remain stopped permanently.
To restore it, use this command with startup enabled instead if required.
37. What are some other useful commands in PowerShell?
Aside from getting processes running and viewing running processes, PowerShell also features many useful commands, such as getting processes, viewing Windows event logs and system logs, and using Google to look up specific parameters or search specific commands in Google help documents.
Each help document offers examples of how best to utilise them, to access particular parameters easily, use Google, as its help document will provide instructions and examples on using them correctly.
38. What is the “get dash command” in PowerShell?
This command displays all commands currently stored in memory at the time of execution of this command and allows users to search specifically for words containing “net.”
39. How do you use “get command” and “dash noun” in PowerShell?
In PowerShell, using “get command” and “dash noun” requires entering “get command” followed by “dash noun,” for instance, “net.”
This will display all commands that start or end with this word you may use wildcards such as “star”/”asterisk” after net or even just now.
40. How do you discover a command with the term “net” using the “get command” function in PowerShell?
To use PowerShell’s “get command” command to search for commands containing “net, ” use this syntax: get command dash noun. ”
This will display every command that starts or ends with “net,” while an asterisk before “net” shows every instance where “net” occurs in its text; placing two asterisks on either side will display every instance where this word appears in text form.
41. How can PowerShell use the “get command” function to organise and execute tasks?
Utilising PowerShell’s “get command” command is simple and effective for quickly finding what you need to complete your desired task, furthermore, its modules enable more commands to be loaded in memory, making this tool invaluable for managing and performing tasks efficiently.
42. How can a script dealing with Autopilot from Microsoft’s PowerShell gallery be obtained?
Navigating to PowerShell and searching for “autopilot, ” creating a path variable on your hard drive before clicking “install dash script, ” and copying and pasting “get Windows autopilot” as the command will work well.
43. Why must multiple domains be in active directory design?
Multiple domains provide many advantages to any organisation. One benefit lies in administrative duties as their business spreads throughout various geographic locations – for instance if one company’s location lies in Britain and another in Japan, it could create child domains under with trust relationships, enabling resources between sites.
44. What is the global catalog in Active Directory?
Active Directory’s global catalogue enables domains to search for required objects across domain boundaries, this enables domains to find contact info or resources across their forest more quickly and effectively.
45. What are the roles of enterprise and domain admins in Active Directory?
Enterprise admins tend to reside at the root of a forest and control all its parts, while domain admins only possess rights over specific domains within that forest.
46. What is the purpose of the configuration partition in Active Directory?
Active Directory’s configuration partition replicates information about forest layout to all domain controllers across an entire forest, this partition holds information regarding how your forest has been structured, which then repeats across every node in that forest.
47. What is the function of the schema partition in Active Directory?
Active Directory uses this partition as its central data store of object templates and attributes for building objects such as user accounts, groups, or organisational units, it communicates with this partition so it can construct objects correctly.
48. What is the purpose of the domain partition in Active Directory?
Active Directory uses its domain partitions to efficiently store user, group, and organisational unit-related data, allowing it to maintain and update its database without issues or challenges.
49. How does the replication of data work in Active Directory?
Active Directory uses data replication to move copies of domain controller data between domain controllers, configuration partition data replicates forest-wide, schema partition data replicates forest-wide, and domain partition data replicates within its respective domain.
This ensures that all controllers possess all necessary copies of data for smooth functioning.
50. How does Active Directory manage data across domains and branches of domains?
Active Directory manages data across domains and branches, using configuration, schema, and domain partitions to distribute information efficiently and safely.
Acknowledging these crucial aspects can ensure efficient data administration within Active Directory’s system.
51. How does Active Directory organise data?
Active Directory organises its data using partitions, each domain in a forest has its dedicated partition that stores all objects related to that domain and replicates only to domain controllers.
There are also built-in partitions involving DNS that hold similar objects and repeat accordingly.
52. What are the three primary partitions in Active Directory?
Active Directory contains three primary partitions, they include the Forrest partition:
Domain Partitions: Each forest domain features its domain partition, which contains object data related solely to that domain and replicates only on domain controllers.
Application Partition (app part): With this custom partition, users can specify what objects will be stored there and which domain controllers will receive copies.
53. How do you link your server to Azure Active Directory in the cloud?
Next, there is an alternative method of linking your server with Azure Active Directory; instead, install its on-premise version.
54. What is the D S R impasse?
DSR impasse refers to the director’s services restore mode administrator password that can be used to restore Active Directory from backup copies.
55. when promoting your server to a domain controller, can you specify your domain capabilities?
After clicking “promote this server to a domain controller,” a dialogue box will open, you’ll need to enter details regarding its capabilities, including DNS installation status and global catalogue information (if available).
Rod C may also need to be selected when setting this server as the root domain controller.
56. What is the recommended method for storing the database and logs when setting up a Windows domain controller?
For optimal performance, separate hard drives should house both components.
57. What is the purpose of the import-module import DDS-deployment command when setting up a Windows domain controller?
The PowerShell command installs Active Directory automatically by running the import-module import DDS deployment command in the background, setting up a new forest with the create DNS delegation parameter set to false, and installing DNS on the machine.
58. Why must the DNS database be checked while installing a Microsoft domain controller?
To verify their DNS database is in the CDC1 for lookup zones.
59. What is the purpose of disabling IPv6 on the Ethernet adapter?
Disabling IPv6 ensures the server connects with its domain using its correct IP address, thus answering question number 61 of this series.

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60. What is the difference between installing a DNS server and a global catalogue server?
DNS servers translate domain names to IP addresses, while global catalogue servers maintain an identical copy of the Active Directory database across an entire network.
61. What is the purpose of installing a domain controller to an existing domain?
Installing a domain controller into an existing domain ensures a seamless transition, assuring the domain controller can effectively manage all aspects of its network.
62. What is FISMO in Active Directory?
FISMO (flexible single master operations) was implemented into Active Directory with its launch, providing flexibility of single master operations (FSMO).
63. What was the primary domain controller before Active Directory?
Before Active Directory was implemented, only the primary domain controller had write access, and all others could only read information.
64. What are the five flexible single master operation roles in Active Directory
Active Directory supports five flexible single master operation roles that may be utilised, with [domain naming master (forest level), schema master (forest level), domain name master (domain level) and schema master (domain level) being the options provided as flexible single master operations roles].
Amongst these flexible roles lies domain naming master, schema master (forest level), Domain name master and schema master in terms of forest-level security groups, respectively.
65. What are the three-domain level FSMA roles in Active Directory?
These three FSMA roles include red master, infrastructure master, and PDC emulator master.
66. What are the ways to recover lost roles in Active Directory?
Active Directory roles that have become lost can be recovered via transfer or seizure, the former provides transfer from one domain controller to another.
In contrast, seizing allows converting read-only versions into writeable ones.
67. What is the role of the RID master in Active Directory?
The RID master in Active Directory is responsible for issuing unique CID numbers to objects in its directory and ensuring no two objects in a domain share the same CID number, thus guaranteeing no name collision.
68. What is the PDC emulator master role in Active Directory?
Active Directory’s PDC Emulator Master role pivots in handling tasks such as password changes, time synchronisation, group Policy Objects (GPOs), and legacy N T boxes.
69. What does the PDC emulator master do?
A PDC emulator master ensures all computers in its domain remain synchronised to avoid conflicts caused by user access permission issues, password list updates on authenticated domain controllers, and GPO management.
70. Why is the PDC emulator master important?
A PDC Emulator Master is essential in keeping machines synchronised on time and efficiently performing all necessary tasks, it ensures all machines operate in sync while meeting deadlines efficiently.
71. How can administrators manage FISMO roles in Active Directory?
Administrators can manage FISMO roles in Active Directory by registering the schema tool and employing its respective tool, this gives them access to view operation masters such as red, PDC, infrastructure, domain naming, and schema master, as well as manage domain name settings and the schema master role.
72. What is seizing a role in Active Directory?
Seizing occurs when one or more roles unexpectedly go offline without signs that they will return, forcing an administrator to take immediate steps such as charging.
Holding is another alternative whereby one or more read-only roles are converted to writeable copies, providing another method of seizing or holding.
73. What command can seize a role in Active Directory?
In Active Directory, TDSUTIL commands can help take any roles within it, this directory service was initially known as TDS when it was still in beta in the late 90s.
74. What command can move a role in Active Directory?
The “move” command may be your solution for moving Active Directory roles around in PowerShell, furthermore, PowerShell features an excellent article detailing its use.
75. What is the “PowerShell” command used in Active Directory?
Active Directory’s PowerShell command quickly demonstrates various commands, making them ideal for assigning or changing roles.
76. What is the difference between seizing and moving a role in Active Directory?
Seizing and moving roles within Active Directory differ in that the former involves making one of its read-only copies writable while driving consists of moving it from one domain controller to the other; seizing should only ever be attempted as an extreme last measure while going is an everyday practice.
77. What are a Windows N T server’s primary domain controller (PTC) and backup domain controllers (BDC)?
On a Windows N T server, the primary domain controller (PDC) is the hub for data storage and administration; backup domain controllers (BDCs) act solely as read-only replicators that store and manage domain records like PTC.
78. What is the default setting for the password replication policy?
By default, the password replication policy restricts authentication only to certain groups (for instance, salespeople), thus, only members of these specific salesperson groups can access Roxy server authentication services.
79. What is the purpose of the warning symbol displayed after installing Active Directory?
After installing Active Directory, a warning symbol informs users that their computer has stopped connecting to its designated domain controller for DNS services.
To fix this issue, users must access their domain controller’s config configuration tool and inspect its address to resolve this problem.
80. What command can install a backed-up copy of the active directory?
The “install from media” command can install a copy of an archived Active Directory backup.
81. How can PowerShell remoting be set up?
To set up PowerShell remoting, the “Win Our M” service must first be active – right-clicking on the Start Button under Computer Management and then expanding “Services” under “Windows Remote Management Services” can get this going.
After it is launched, it can be accessed via PowerShell by right-clicking its Start Button again under “Windows PowerShell admin”, typing “get service”, right-clicking again under Windows PowerShell admin, then organising “Win Our M List.”
82. What is the benefit of using PowerShell remoting for replicating large databases?
PowerShell remoting provides a practical, time-saving method of replicating databases of any size.
83. What happens if the copy of the active directory is outdated?
Once installed, even an outdated copy will update automatically.
84. How can you remotely access and see things running on another machine using PowerShell?
Use this shell command on other servers for remote access or monitoring purposes, type “computer name = dash computer name + server name to view all processes, services and more that may be running there.
85. What are some advanced techniques and courses available for users looking to get deeper into PowerShell?
Advanced techniques and courses exist that enable users to explore all its capabilities.
86. What is the main foundation for remote computer access using PowerShell?
PowerShell is essential for remote computer access and server administration, including authentication requirements to connect to Win Our M services.
87. What is a variable in PowerShell?
PowerShell variables provide a programmatic storage facility for words, numbers, and timestamps, a variable can store these values using their programmatic name.
88. How is the number five stored in a number one variable?
We typed this into PowerShell by typing “number one” and “number 2”, this should hold five in that variable named “number one”.
89. What other operators can be used to store variables in PowerShell?
Other operators, including subtraction, addition, multiplication, and division, can all store variables within PowerShell.
90. How is the ISC used in PowerShell?
PowerShell includes an integrated scripting environment (ISC), which users can access by typing “ISC. “, the ISC makes writing scripts from within PowerShell easier for users.
91. How can users format an event log in PowerShell?
Users can format event logs using PowerShell using the pipe symbol “format as a list”.
92. What is PowerShell’s “declare variable must” command?
VMC assigns values to variables that become mandatory while declaring variables must assign values as needed and make mandatory.
93. How can users save their scripts in PowerShell?
Users can store scripts as files within PowerShell or run them as scripts, depending on their preference.
94. What is the main benefit of using the ISC in PowerShell?
Utilising ISC makes scripts written from within PowerShell much more accessible for users.
Windows Server delivers robust and reliable solutions for enterprises of any size, offering comprehensive features and functionalities essential for running essential apps and services.
Administrators can quickly and effectively manage and maintain Windows Server systems using its intuitive user interface and tools, reliably and efficiently meeting current business demands.

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