What is SAP ATTP?

What is SAP ATTP? 

All-inclusive solution designed to assist pharmaceutical businesses in complying with serialisation rules worldwide while protecting patients against fake goods sales and guaranteeing patient security.

By employing this cutting-edge technology, these businesses can closely track specific pharmaceutical items from production through distribution.

Serialisation is one of the mainstays of SAP ATTP’s technology suite. It gathers valuable product details and assigns individual serial numbers for every pharmaceutical product in real-time as they travel throughout their supply chains. Follow their trail in realtime.Tracking systems track these products as they travel.

SAP ATTP guarantees conformity with worldwide serialisation standards, including those established by the US Drug Supply Chain Security Act and the EU Falsified Medicines Directive.

This feature assists with detecting and removing counterfeit items from supply chains, prioritising patient safety and brand integrity by effectively detecting and eliminating counterfeit items from being introduced into supply networks.

Integration is the cornerstone of SAP ATTP’s success. The software integrates with other SAP programs and systems to create a unified technology landscape. SAP ATTP boasts numerous benefits that help pharmaceutical businesses meet worldwide serialisation regulations more easily. The program’s compliance assurance features give this solution another competitive edge.

Overview of SAP ATTP 

SAP’s cloud-based Advanced Track and Trace for Pharmaceuticals (ATTP) helps pharmaceutical businesses adhere to worldwide serialisation and track-and-trace requirements. The system enables serialisation at the case, pallet, and shipment levels while tracking product movement within their supply chains.

ATTP works seamlessly with SAP ERP, SCM, and external trading partner systems to provide serialisation, aggregation tracking, and tracing features that improve operational efficiency and streamline tracking and tracing operations.

These features include serial number management, aggregation, event tracking, reporting and analytics capabilities, and regulatory compliance assistance features like creating Electronic Product Code Information Services (EPCIS) events.

Pharmaceutical companies using this comprehensive solution can adhere to serialisation and track and trace regulations while increasing supply chain visibility and efficiency.

SAP ATTP is part of SAP’s broader offering for life sciences companies. It provides a comprehensive solution for the industry’s needs, including manufacturing, quality management, and regulatory compliance, thus enabling pharmaceutical companies to manage their operations effectively and efficiently.

Define SAP ATTP or what does SAP ATTP mean 

SAP ATTP is a software solution that allows pharmaceutical companies to track and trace their products electronically throughout the supply chain, from manufacturing to dispensing.

The solution assigns unique serial numbers to saleable units, supports serial number aggregation, offers real-time reporting and analytics, and integrates with other SAP and third-party systems.

It enables compliance with track and trace regulations, counterfeit drug prevention, and product and patient safety.

The user-friendly interface of SAP ATTP simplifies the management and monitoring of the pharmaceutical supply chain, reducing the risk of errors and increasing operational efficiency.

Supports multiple data formats, including EPCIS, XML, and CSV, enabling pharmaceutical companies to exchange data seamlessly with various trading partners and systems, regardless of their technical capabilities.

SAP ATTP offers flexible deployment options, including on-premise and cloud-based solutions, making it a scalable solution for pharmaceutical companies of all sizes, from small start ups to large enterprises.

What Does SAP ATTP do, and what is SAP ATTP used for?

Anyone working within the pharmaceutical sector will benefit from becoming acquainted with SAP ATTP or Advanced Track and Trace for Pharmaceuticals (ATTP). Knowledge of ATTP provides many advantages, and studying ATTP offers significant gains.

Increased career opportunities

Due to SAP ATTP’s rapidly growing field, expertise is in high demand among professionals, and knowing SAP ATTP could significantly enhance your chances of finding employment.

Learning SAP ATTP can open doors to higher-paying jobs with more responsibility in the pharmaceutical sector and help advance your career.

Expertise in the pharmaceutical industry’s supply chain

Production, distribution, and consumption as a whole. This provides project managers, business analysts, and supply chain managers with invaluable information to use effectively for decision-making.

Compliant expertise for regulated markets

By working closely with SAP ATTP professionals, you will learn all you need about pharmaceutical compliance information that could protect your business financially and legally.

Managed projects

Project managers are accountable for creating, implementing, and overseeing SAP ATTP implementation projects.

SAP ATTP is an enterprise data warehouse solution. Business analysts must collect and evaluate business requirements for implementation.

At the same time, supply chain managers utilise SAPATTP supply chain management software to track pharmaceutical products through supply chains. IT Managers oversee deployment operations.

IT managers manage and oversee the daily operation and upkeep of SAP ATTP systems, while quality control leaders ensure that all SAPATTP systems comply with industry standards.


SAP ATTP Training

How Does SAP ATTP Work? 

SAP Advanced Track and Trace is a global system for medicines serialisation that offers pharmaceutical businesses an all-in-one solution to ensure compliance.

This platform provides a centralised location to store and manage serial numbers. It supports current business operations with serialisation data integration and customisable regulatory reports tailored for every nation, all to prevent fake goods and ensure product security throughout their supply chains.

SAP ATTP’s serial number management capabilities make it one of its main assets. It enables you to assign and track unique serial numbers for pharmaceutical items and work seamlessly with ERP and SCM systems to integrate serialisation data according to global rules.

Whether it’s the EU Falsified Medicines Directive (FMD) or the US Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSSA), SAP ATTP complies with serialisation laws on a global and national scale.

Our solution allows us to offer regulatory reports that are up-to-date, accurate and tailored specifically to each country, thus assuring product purity and protecting market exclusivity.

SAP ATTP’s tracking and tracing capabilities enable pharmaceutical firms to detect and prevent counterfeiting within their supply chains, providing robust tracking and tracing. One benefit that stands out among all these features is improved compliance; firms using ATTP may reduce fines associated with noncompliance with global serialisation requirements.

SAP ATTP ensures little forgery by efficiently tracking and tracing goods, maintaining transparency within supply chains and safeguarding consumer confidence.

Technology promotes visibility and control by speeding procedures and delivering real-time information into inventory levels and product movement along the supply chain.

Integrating serialisation procedures into established company activities results in greater efficiency and expense reduction while simplifying routine tasks. SAP ATTP is flexible and scalable enough to quickly adapt to changing regulations while allowing businesses to expand serialisation capacity as desired.

Why SAP ATTP, and what are the benefits of SAP ATTP? 

SAP ATTP features an expansive set of functionalities designed to manage serialisation data efficiently and assist businesses in developing a serialisation strategy.

When choosing appropriate serialisation technology and data carriers, SAP ATTP helps companies establish and implement their serialisation plan effectively.


Enhancing collaboration, increasing operational transparency, and cutting down implementation times are just a few ways this can be done.

Supply chain management can be improved by providing real-time visibility into material movement and prompt identification of potential difficulties.


Our Serialisation data management solution is flexible enough to accommodate large volumes and rapidly evolving regulatory requirements, providing businesses of any size with a practical, flexible solution for serialisation.

Data protection and management

Secure Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Data by Monitoring Data Flow Security. Seamlessly Integrate serialisation into existing logistics and warehouse processes and systems to allow a smooth transition to serialisation.


Efficient reporting to government and institutional databases reduces administrative costs while lightening compliance reporting loads.

Advantages of SAP ATTP

Using SAP ATTP has multiple significant benefits, including

Saving Money

By mitigating costs associated with current and future serialisation regulations, such as country-specific reporting, SAP ATTP can reduce the expenses of serialisation activities and regulations.

Improved Supply Chain Efficiency

This software enhances supply chain efficiency by offering a comprehensive insight into material movement to individual sales unit items.

Strengthened Brand Protection for Your Organization

SAP ATTP helps businesses protect their brand image by safeguarding against products falling into the wrong hands and counterfeiting.

Counterfeit Product Protection

By creating an un hackable product tracing and tracking system, SAP ATTP protects products against counterfeiters.

SAP ATTP’s unique advantage lies in its capacity to enhance supply chain transparency. By providing real-time information regarding products’ whereabouts and status updates, SAP ATTP improves supply chain visibility.

SAP ATTP Online Training

What is SAP ATTP software and how to use SAP ATTP

The intuitive interface facilitates supply chain management and tracking, leaving less room for human mistakes. Pharmaceutical organisations can monitor their supply chains and meet regulatory obligations using real-time analytics and reporting.

Inventory management features make proactive management possible, reducing waste and ensuring patient safety.

In addition, SAP ATTP helps with regulatory compliance by creating and organising all the required paperwork and reports.

This product can be implemented on-premise or cloud-based, giving you plenty of flexibility.

To meet the comprehensive demands of the life sciences industry, SAP has developed SAP ATTP as part of its more significant offering to these businesses with the help of SAP ATTP tools.

SAP ATTP products, modules, and SAP ATTP Process

SAP ATTP’s serialisation tracking and reporting solutions cover every stage of supply chain management, from packaging and shipping to receiving, dispensing, and receipting. We work seamlessly with ERPs, WMSs, and packaging facilities.

This program seamlessly interacts with existing enterprise resource planning (ERP), warehouse management (WMS) systems, ERP and packing lines to facilitate serialisation data collection and distribution.

Track serial numbers. With SAP ATTP’s system for tracking serial numbers across your supply chain, you can see exactly where your products are at any moment. Our Sort Data by Batch option also makes tracking easier.

SAP ATTP’s program quickly tracks goods back to their source by helping identify products during recalls and isolating any that need recalling. SAP ATTP provides various consultation reports designed to detect and resolve serialisation problems within businesses.

Global track and trace compliance by transmitting serialisation data directly to external partners and regulatory bodies, such as third-party or regulatory bodies.

What are the most effective methods of learning SAP ATTP?

Comparative to more conventional educational practices, online SAP ATTP training offers many advantages over its counterpart.

Professionals on the go may find online training an efficient and flexible option accessible anywhere with internet connectivity.

SAP Authorised Training and Certification (ATTP) certification provides a valuable credential to anyone wishing to demonstrate their expertise in this area. Various effective techniques are available for learning SAP ATTP.

Instructor-led live training

One of the more widely utilized ones is teacher-led live Training. It offers an interactive, dynamic learning experience led by an experienced instructor in real time, creating a more vibrant and exciting educational experience.

This approach is ideal for Learners who prefer more conventional classroom settings as it facilitates questioning, debate participation, and instantaneous feedback.

Self-paced training

It allows learners to study at their own pace, making it the perfect solution for individuals with busy schedules or who prefer to learn independently. This method offers learners maximum flexibility because they can access and complete modules conveniently. Modules often include interactive simulations, quizzes, and hands-on exercises to ensure complete comprehension.

Both strategies can help learners attain the knowledge and abilities necessary to pass the SAP ATTP certification exam and become certified professionals.

Both learning styles helps to maximise your experience and meet certification goals successfully choose the best method to achieve certification.

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The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice