Web API Tutorial

What is Web API

Web APIs (application programming interfaces) provide users with a set of functions hidden behind an interface and use these hidden functions to interact between applications.

An elevator API provides this kind of interaction; when someone presses one of its buttons, their elevator goes up or down automatically before opening its door to their destination floor.

There are various APIs, from those provided by an operating system to applications running on it.

Web Applications (APIs) are integral parts of the internet, enabling users to interact and communicate with websites across it.

An API travels across it all while connecting clients and servers – each client, represented by color in an API request made to a server travels along a route which connects back with them before receiving and fulfilling it.

Which could range from retrieving database records all the way to posting new or removing existing ones based on requests made from clients or servers.

The server provides different endpoints that perform various actions, such as retrieving data from databases or posting new or updating existing records to the web using HTTP protocol.

Once an action has been performed by the server it returns its response back to its client via this web-based protocol and uses HTTP for transmission of this data back out into cyberspace.

Web APIs serve the purpose of interconnecting software applications seamlessly, providing for efficient communications between software programs and their respective users.

A website’s user interface (UI) may differ depending on which device it’s being viewed on, though its consistency should remain across both mobile apps and websites.

Business logic should also be written using an accessible web API so any necessary updates to be easily made in one spot – making for an efficient maintenance experience.

An iPhone serves as an example of a web API; its various interfaces exist on Android, Windows and Chrome platforms and offer different levels of interaction;

Though their business logic tends to remain consistent between all three devices despite differences between interfaces in some common spots that make maintenance and understanding simpler.

Web APIs, also referred to as RESTful web services, provide operations which can be invoked over HTTP in order to take advantage of their functionality and enhance applications’ user experiences.

Web APIs are being integrated into mobile, desktop and gaming apps utilizing them for tasks like leader board tracking, managing contacts or looking up business or recipe information.

Web applications that leverage APIs offer dynamic placement options.

At Microsoft, web APIs include Microsoft Graph, Azure DevOps API, Cognitive Services and PlayLab – each one providing information out of M365 accounts; Azure DevOps provides details about DevOps pipelines while Cognitive Services offers machine learning functionality.

PlayFab provides developers with an interesting set of APIs for game development, providing features like leader board tracking, scoring and player administration.

Web Services            

As part of an effort to connect different web applications hosted on various platforms, a web service was designed using C# in.Net which uses classes called C-sharp for representing data sets, tables, and readers;

Java doesn’t understand C-sharp classes so these would remain unusable to it.

Java lacked knowledge about C platforms, leading to difficulty when trying to transfer data between platforms. Furthermore, C classes did not exist yet in Java’s data representation objects causing issues when communicating between web applications hosted on different platforms;

To address this challenge a web services concept was devised as an answer.

Web applications work through having a web server which processes requests made from browsers. Client emissions with any browser being capable of acting as web clients are also present.

Web servers respond back to browser requests by responding back with responses that allow users to communicate among themselves and with one another.

Communication among different web servers can often prove challenging – for instance if two servers running different applications like A.Net and Java make communication between themselves even harder to establish.

The evolution of web services has been directly tied to browser innovation, enabling users to interact and access various web apps through these browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Safari – as these browsers play an essential role in how servers communicate between themselves.

Web API Training

HTTP Request

The HTTP protocol is an integral component of the internet, enabling users to access web APIs over it and exchanging information via client/server exchange protocols such as this one.

Requests typically originate with recipients – typically web hosts themselves – typically initiating requests initiated through this client/server protocol itself.

It also manages user generated content such as text layout descriptions, photographs, videos scripts or subdocuments which require this protocol for creation and maintenance purposes.

CRUD operations can be implemented using HTTP protocol with four primary HTTP methods mapped to them: get, put, post and delete.

Get fetches resources representation at given URL while put modifies their state by changing input changes or making input modifications at given URL; post creates new resource URL and delete removes resources from given URL.

Each HTTP request consists of three parts, which include: request line, headers and bodies. The request line provides instructions to clients while bodies may or may not be present depending on circumstances.

The HTTP protocol is critical for web applications’ smooth functioning as it facilitates retrieving resources such as HTML pages, documents and images as well as exchanging data between clients and servers for efficient communication between each side of a connection.

An HTTP Request is an interactive communication between client and server that involves providing user’s name as part of query string; users familiar with URL should recognize this.

When response comes back from API it will come with its associated status code which tells clients how successful or unsuccessful their request was.

If all went according to plan, a status code in the 200 range will be returned; otherwise if something went awry when creating the request such as not existing paths (ie: path not found) an error code in the 400 range may occur instead.

Error statuses 500 can also indicate something went awry with the server side data transfer; here, both formats used most are: XML and JSON – wherein XML refers to HTML with tags defined by developers while JSON uses JSON tags defining information flow between devices and servers respectively.

Data sent over is contained within the body of an HTTP request and passed onto a server, who then parses out and returns appropriate responses.

Clients send data over via the body of HTTP request which gets parsed out into response data by parsing out and returning appropriate replies by parsing them out using appropriate algorithms.

How Web APIs Help Share Data Across Devices and Apps

Web API is an ideal foundation for making service data available across devices and applications, and serves as an ideal platform for developing restful applications using the.

NET framework due to its open nature; all HTTP features can be utilized without declaring specific configuration for different devices.

Key features of web API include its use with asp.net web API platform for developing restful services, using request response (also used with ASP.NET request response pipeline mapping to method names in API)

Various data types supported natively such as JSON-XML formats etc., native support is offered by API itself etc.

As part of its API framework, the API framework features an HTTP client which enables clients to communicate with web API servers. Furthermore, ASP.NET MVC applications and Windows Forms Applications Console servers-side apps are supported as well as various server-side APIs.

The various versions of API framework are tailored specifically to different applications and devices, including browser-compatibility with both mobile browsers and devices, making your data and services available across a broad spectrum of devices easily.

Furthermore, its API also supports multiple data types including JSON XML formats that make your data easily available across devices.

What Is WCF

WCF is an agile framework with features designed to accommodate various data representation and protocol patterns, but developers must understand why each feature is essential to their development process.

WCFs support for multiple protocols is one of their chief advantages, meaning developers need to configure each protocol, representation and protocol properly in order to use it effectively – this requires significant amounts of data and configuration work.

Contracting tasks is another aspect of WCF that developers should keep in mind while writing code for it. Doing this often requires multiple configuration steps which may take some time before working correctly.

Crud operation templates are indispensable tools for developers. This type of template enables one controller or endpoint that supports four types of operations (create retrieve update delete). They’re particularly handy for creating services consumed over the internet.

Web API Online Training

ASP.NET Web API Framework

The ASP.NET Web API Framework is an innovative solution for quickly creating HTTP services accessible by various clients such as browsers, mobile phones and tablets.

As part of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), which stands for Windows Communication; the ASP.NET Web API can easily work alongside MVC sites as well as forms.

ASP.NET Web API is an ideal foundation for developing restful applications, offering secure, scalable communication framework with uniform programming model for service-oriented apps.

Development with this framework resembles that of MVC with routing controllers, action results filters model binders IOC containers and dependency injection capabilities similar to what can be found within it.

Asp.NET Web API is a great foundation for building restful apps, since its architecture closely mirrors that of WCF. Asp.NET Web API allows web services that can be accessed across browsers, mobile phones and tablets

Perfect for building apps with restful architecture that are accessible across clients such as browsers.

How to create two ASP.NET web applications using various application dot frameworks

As part of our activities for this class, we will create two ASP.NET web applications using various application frameworks (Visual Basic and C-Sharp), choosing C-Sharp with its latest framework.Net 4.7.2 as our preferred choice.

From among these templates–empty, web, web forms, event-driven interaction concepts, web application and MVC–we will select one most suited to our purposes.

Event-driven interaction concepts provide event-driven interactions in web applications; web forms send data back to servers which then respond with full mark-up pages or HTML pages with user actions sent back for processing on client side and then back out again as full mark-up pages or

HTML pages to clients for processing by server; MVC and web forms templates can also be selected when developing applications using either MVC or web forms frameworks when building applications from scratch using MVC frameworks or web forms templates from these frameworks when developing apps using these frameworks.

MVC applications allow us to develop applications using the Model-View-Controller architecture and web APIs are also available for this architecture.

Web API Controllers in MVC Applications

MTC and web API controllers can be used to manage and control web API in an MVC app, providing control for actions performed using entity framework.

Mandatory namespace storage for all controllers created within an entity framework project: default data controller created using namespace “namespace”, extension controller is created similarly with same name.

The default data controller outlines all properties and methods needed for an API controller; with code such as calling “my data is equal” followed by declaring random strings as data one, two and three for your API controller to function effectively.

Code then calls the “my data is equal” method on an array of strings to declare all values as being equivalent and ensure all are considered “equal”.

Code execution begins by adding the web API controller and “default data controller” controllers, with each serving to define properties and methods specific to an API controller.


Web APIs have quickly become an essential element in modern web development as they facilitate easy communication across software systems and allow seamless integration and interoperability among various software products.

Web APIs facilitate interoperability across platforms and devices by offering programs an open standard to share information over the internet.

By taking advantage of web APIs, developers may enhance functionality, user experiences and the creation of dynamic interactive apps more rapidly and cost effectively.

With their ability to facilitate creative solutions that scale, Web APIs will become ever more essential in shaping our digital environments as technology progresses.

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Madhavi Koppadi
Madhavi Koppadi


Bonjour. A curious dreamer enchanted by various languages, I write towards making technology seem fun here at CloudFoundation.