VisualForce Interview Questions
Visualforce is an increasingly popular platform that allows developers to build custom visualizations for Salesforce data, boasting intuitive navigation and robust functionality features that facilitate its adoption among Salesforce users worldwide.
1.What is Visualforce?
Visualforce is a scripting language used to design web pages.
2.What are global values in Visualforce?
Global values in Visualforce include the ability to access specific pages by clicking on the U R L icon and slashing epics. This is only possible if developer mode is enabled.
3.Define the variables in Visualforce?
Variables in Visualforce include today’s date and the function called “today.” An expression is used to calculate the value of that thing when run.
4.How can Visualforce be used to store the current date of the system?
VisualForce can be used to store the current date of the system by using the date.
For example, to send an email notification after 15 days, we can use the day of creation.
5.Point out the difference between today’s date and the expression in Visualforce?
Today’s date provides various formats, including G M T extensions and year.
To convert the day to the year, we can use the “explanation mark” and the “day” followed by the “day” and “day”. We can also use the “explanation mark” to convert the month to the day and then the year.
An expression in Visualforce is used to calculate the value of that thing when run, and other expressions can be used without an exclamation mark.
6.List out the functions available in APIX programming to calculate the maximum and minimum values in a list of numbers?
Functions available in APIX programming to calculate the maximum and minimum values in a list of numbers include Max and Min.
For example, to calculate the maximum, you can use the function Max, which returns 90, and for the minimum, you can use the function Min, which returns 0.
7.Define Sq-Rp expression in APIX programming?
The Sq-Rp expression in APIX programming evaluates the square root value.
8.Mention the purpose of conditions used in APIX programming?
Conditions can be used in APIX programming by using expressions and conditions like if the expression is true or false.
For example, if Salesforce contains the word “Senate,” you can use the function Salesforce to display “Hello, De Pecan” or “Hello, guys.”
If the expression is false, the program will execute, and if it’s true, the other part of the code will be evaluated.
9.What is the if-else block in APIX programming?
The if-else block in APIX programming executes if the expression is true, and if the other part is true, the other part of the program will be evaluated.
This is similar to using an expression to check if a particular word contains specific letters.
10.What are standard controllers in APIX programming?
Standard controllers in APIX programming provide information about standard objects like accounts, contacts, and opportunities.
They are not written but can be called to access information from the account object.
11.Elaborate CSS custom style sheets?
CSS custom style sheets are colors custom styling of the page that can be accessed by going to a specific website and looking at the developer tools.
12.How can the correct stylesheet be used for a specific page?
By adjusting the stylesheet, the user can ensure that the page is displayed correctly and that the user has the necessary information to make informed decisions.
13.Explain page styling?
Page styling includes setting the color, padding, and margin of a page, and these elements are controlled by the style sheets.
14.What are epic pages?
Epic pages are a type of web application that allows users to create and manage their own records.
15.How are epic pages created?
Epic pages can be created using various methods, such as clicking a button or clicking a link. They can also be called in action when the page is loaded.
16.What actions can be taken on epic pages?
There are multiple actions that can be taken on epic pages, such as saving a record, canceling an operation, and going to the next page.
17.Define panel pagination?
Panel pagination is a common practice in web applications, where multiple records are displayed on one page to avoid loading too much data at once.
18.Describe the events in a web application?
Events in a web application are defined as clicking on a button, left click on the mouse, or any other event that can occur on a page.
The browser keeps track of these events and can trigger or do whatever happens when they occur.

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The action attribute is used to define the action that will occur when an event occurs in a web application.
20.Define the attributeEpic page ?
The Epic page attribute is used to tell the user what action they want to take when loading the page in a web application.
21.Point out difference between a controller extension and a custom controller?
The main difference between a controller extension and a custom controller is that a controller extension extends the functionality of a standard or custom controller, while a custom controller is created from scratch and does not extend any existing controller.
22.Is it possible to use multiple extensions in a static controller?
Yes, it is possible to use multiple extensions in a static controller. In such cases, the first extension will take the higher priority.
23.What is a web service?
A web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.
24.Mention the purpose of the greeting method?
The purpose of the greeting method is to display the account name and I D of a standard controller.
25.Explain how the working of greeting
The greeting method in a controller extension works by using the get record method to fetch the id of the account record, and then using the input fields value to get the input field, which is used to get the user’s input.
The account name and I D are then displayed on the screen.
26.What is a custom controller?
A custom controller is a type of extension that allows code to run in a system mode, independent of user permissions, roles, and security.
It is used to add extra functionality over the standard controller, add new actions, or create custom actions.
27.What is the purpose of creating a custom controller?
The purpose of creating a custom controller is to add extra functionality over the standard controller, add new actions, or create custom actions.
28.How is a custom controller created?
A custom controller is created by creating a new class called “mic controller” and using the “in account object” constructor.
29.What is the constructor in a custom controller?
In a custom controller, the constructor is used to create the object and it will always have a default no argument constructor

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When calling a custom controller in a Visualforce page, it creates a constructor for it, which will always have a no argument constructor.
The constructor selects the id, name, and site from the account table, and then creates a getter setter to return the account.
31.Can a custom controller have an argument constructor?
No, a custom controller cannot have an argument constructor, meaning it cannot provide a constructor with parameters.
32.What is a top-level class in a custom controller?
A top-level class is the top class that can be inherited from.
In a custom controller, the constructor is used to create the object, and it will always have a default no argument constructor.
33.What should be the default constructor in a custom controller?
The default constructor in a custom controller will always have a no argument constructor.
Hope you had a good read Now its time Quize! Hope MCQ’s given below help you with your revision.
1) What is a dependent picklist used for in Salesforce administration?
Managing search criteria
Creating custom reports
Generating PDF documents
Controlling specific fields based on a controlling field
2) How is visual force different from APIX programming in terms of purpose?
Designing web pages with scripting language
Handling data analysis tasks
Optimizing database query performance
Authoring complex backend algorithms
3) What type of action triggers an event associated with a web application?
Running a parameterized query
Clicking on a button
Submitting a form
Refreshing a page
4) When defining a standard list controller, what attribute indicates the name of the record collection?
Web control key
Handler case function
Request management set
Record set variable
5) What is the role of an output label in a web application context?
Trigger event-based callbacks
Perform complex calculations
To showcase select list options
Alter the page structure
6) What is the primary purpose of a custom controller in Visualforce pages?
To run code in system mode, independent of user permissions and to add new functionalities or custom actions over standard controllers.
Extend the functionality of standard list controllers for pagination.
To allow users to save, edit and delete records using the default Visual Force functionality.
Enforce field-level security and permissions for the user automatically.
7) Which attribute is used to indicate that a Visualforce page is using a standard list controller and what does it define?
Attribute is ‘standardController’ and it specifies the maximum number of records to display.
The attribute is ‘recordSetVar’ and it sets the name of the record collection that the page can access.
Attribute is ‘action’ and it indicates the function to call when an event occurs.
The attribute is ‘dataType’ and it sets the data type of each field in the list view.
8) In defining list controllers, what is the purpose of using the ‘recordSetVar’ attribute in conjunction with the ‘standardController’?
Create a single select dropdown menu of records for data entry purposes.
Filter records based on field-level security settings for the user.
Automatically generate a detail page for each record in the list without writing additional code.
Associate the Visual Force page with a list of records, allowing batch operations like editing multiple records at once.
9) What is the significance of a no-argument constructor in a Visualforce custom controller?
Restricts the controller from accessing any standard or custom objects.
It disables all default actions like save, delete, or edit within the controller.
Ensures that the custom controller can only handle a single record at a time.
It enables the instantiation of the custom controller without supplying any parameters, setting the stage for additional custom logic.
10) How are Visualforce standard controllers different from custom controllers?
There is no difference between the two; both are terms used interchangeably in Visual Force.
Custom controllers are limited to displaying records, while standard controllers can modify records.
Standard controllers are built-in for standard objects, whereas custom controllers are classes written by developers to implement page logic.
Standard controllers run in user mode, while custom controllers operate exclusively in system mode.
Visualforce provides organizations with an invaluable tool for data analysis and visualization on Salesforce platforms.
By understanding the key technologies and concepts involved, custom visualizations can be created that aid their decision-making while offering invaluable insight.
If you want to take your Salesforce data analysis further, Visualforce its comprehensive features and functionalities might just surprise you as to what can be accomplished using such an effective tool
with the right way preparation, you should do well on the visual force interview and secure the job of your dreams! Good luck and all the best.

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Harsha Vardhani