Tableau Server Tutorial

What is Tableau Server

Tableau Server is an internet-based platform used for sharing workbooks, reports, and dashboards created in Tableau Desktop with colleagues or external stakeholders.

Data stored is securely hosted on servers hosted in the cloud with maintenance by an organisation’s data engineers.

Tableau is an intuitive data visualisation application, offering users a fast and straightforward method for visualising data sources with interactive graphs and beautiful charts.

Starting out is straightforward by just pointing your cursor towards your data source and creating charts – no programming necessary!

Tableau provides various features that enable users to build dashboards and end reports quickly while exploring data views in depth. A tableau server acts as an online communication hub between clients or end users sharing data connections or visualisations with one another.

This tool facilitates data sharing for improved understanding and task performance, providing easy access to both data sources as well as resources.

Tablet servers are communication tools used for sharing dashboards within an organisation securely, scalably and with complete flexibility. Their flexible architecture features auto updates to protect and expand with growing demands while offering protection and scaling capability.

Tablet servers offer many advantages when it comes to managing databases faster. Through live interaction and data optimization features, this enables enhanced data management and analysis capabilities.

The tableau server can be broken down into various main components: data servers, servers, apps and gateways/load balancers/clients.

To install the tableau server, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the tableau website in your browser.
    2. Choose the desired tableau server from the products drop-down box.
    3. Choose the desired setup from the available options.
    4. Download the setup file by entering your business email address.
    5. Complete the installation by checking the “authorisation to run” checkbox.
    6. After the installation, input the necessary information to start the server.

Types of Tableau Products

The different types of Tableau products, such as

Tableau Server

Tableau Online

Tableau Desktop

What is Tableau Online

Tableau Online offers more cost-effective data sharing capabilities than Tableau Server due to being hosted directly by Tableau itself. As with its counterpart, this platform boasts features like database management, cloud connection and reliable service as well as automatic updates.

Tableau Online provides business intelligence quickly and effortlessly. What sets it apart is its capacity for resource sharing between CPU and memory utilization – without taking over too much memory space in itself.

Tableau Online is an innovative business intelligence solution with various components, such as gateway, server, application server and repository that work together seamlessly to provide a comprehensive data view, enhance communication among team members and enhance user experiences.

Differences between Tableau Server and Tableau Online

Tableau Server and Tableau Online differ principally in where data storage takes place and who controls its access. Both have unique capabilities, features and pricing structures to offer their own advantages over one another.

Tableau is a desktop platform designed to create and share workbooks and visualisations between multiple users, while its companion product Tableau Server shares them.

Data visualization and sharing in business intelligence is of critical importance, providing users with better insight into each product’s benefits and drawbacks while guaranteeing they don’t miss any vital opportunities or insights.

Tableau provides various products and their importance within the business intelligence industry.

One major difference between Tableau Server and Public is where its server resides – front end functionality remains similar, while back-end hosting lies with customers or organizations themselves.

Tableau Server Tutorial Training

Customers or organizations and their data engineers host the server, making the data only accessible to licensed users. By building dashboards on Tableau Server, users can share them with colleagues as well as publicly and tablet desktop computers.

However, there is no apparent visual distinction between Tableau Public and Server; their main distinction lies in hosting via back end servers allowing access only by authorized users with licenses.

What is Tableau Desktop

Tableau Desktop offers several methods for connecting to multiple databases and data sources simultaneously, including no native connections that allow for seamless interoperability among databases without needing specific installation procedures.

Tableau Desktop allows individuals to design dashboards and share them, while Tableau Server serves organisations looking to share their dashboards.

Users are easily able to access and manage their dashboards within their organization, making this an invaluable business tool for streamlining operations and improving performance.

Tableau desktop interface is an efficient solution for creating appealing dashboards that offer invaluable business intelligence.

User-friendly design and built-in functionality enable quick and effective use of these tools for making informed decisions about operations.

Tableau Desktop’s data interpreter tool assists users in more efficiently deciphering data sourced from an unknown source that might otherwise not have been correctly read. It can especially come in handy for when data comes in from third party services that might have misread data sets, which Tableau can then convert back into format suitable for display on Tableau desktop.

Users can utilize a data interpreter in order to more efficiently process their data.

Data servers in Tableau Server

Tableau Server’s Data Server handles connections to data sources published through other applications, enabling users to easily query it in one central place while sharing sources across workbooks and managing database connections efficiently – serving as the hub of all access for all available databases on the server.

Data servers provide essential centralized management capabilities for metadata, driver deployment and extract management as well as search and license administration.

These components of the tableau server oversee search indexing for data, license management in a repository and handle licensing responsibilities. Proper configuration is also crucial for its successful functioning.

Data engine in Tableau

The Data Engine can create, renew or query extracts. It supports cross-database joins for managing multi-connection federated data sources.

Data engines provide organizations with an efficient platform that collects, processes and transmits their data throughout an organisation in an effective and efficient way.

It allows organisations to manage large volumes of information with greater ease while streamlining operations relating to Tableau server processes. The Tableau Data Engine acts similarly.

Storage area contains multiple tableau data extracts that may run across various servers – up to two can run concurrently.

What types of data sources does the data engine handle in Tableau?

At its core lies data integration. Herein lie various data sources including warehouses, data marts, file cubes and relational databases.

The data engine processes requested data and assigns appropriate types, determining whether it’s measure or dimension data. In addition, this component creates and interacts with SQL connectors which link directly with data sources.

The data engine handles data mods and flat files such as Mdx connectors. Additionally, it handles multidimensional cubes as well as other sources.

The application server gathers requests from both desktop and mobile versions of Tableau and accesses them through a browser, taking care to access only data with visualisation components patented by Tableau as part of its visualisation system. This component plays an integral part in its visualisation capability and system functionality.

Dashboard components consist of the gateway as the central point for access to the tableau server, receiving queries from clients and redirecting them accordingly to different secondary servers. Furthermore, worker servers form the third layer that includes users.

Tableau Server Tutorial Training

Clients can view dashboards on desktop, mobile and browser computers. In depth discussion about tableau server architecture includes how to install it is provided as well.

Installing the Tableau server is straightforward and there are various approaches available to you when setting it up: automated installation, jump-start installation or air gapping environments are just three.

Visualisation in tableau server

Tableau Server allows users to create “visualisations”, charts, graphs or maps created using Tableau software and uploaded onto its platform for users to explore complex datasets through interactive visual elements. Other employees can then analyze them and collaborate on them as part of a team effort.

Visualisation is one of the key strengths of Tableau. The query language that forms its logic facilitates user instructions by producing custom visualizations suited for their data sources and visualisation system. This enables interaction with both components.

Visualization helps users generate insights much quicker and more effectively than before, which makes Tableau Server an increasingly popular choice among startups and Fortune companies. Tableau is known for deploying dashboards quickly while giving users more power; additionally it has features to create and share visualisations with its community of users.

Verification process in Tableau Server

Verification is a critical element of Tableau server, responsible for loading all visualisations and tasks onto users’ systems and has an inbuilt caching system to enhance performance and editing capabilities. Existing users receive tasks when requesting new visualisations or updating existing ones via requests converted into SQL statements then sent directly into databases.

Tableau platform

The tableau platform is an effective solution that transforms data from nearly any system into actionable insights for businesses working with vast amounts of data, which must be analysed effectively to remain profitable.

This makes the tableau platform essential to effectively managing large volumes of information.

Tableau is widely recognized for offering unrivaled data collection and analysis capabilities without issue, along with creating actionable insights quickly and effortlessly.

Features of the tableau platform

Tableau platform’s key strength lies in its user interface; users can navigate freely across its pages and analyze data without difficulty.

Users won’t struggle with data analysis thanks to an intuitive dashboard designed for ease of navigation and comprehension, providing businesses with an invaluable asset to streamline operations.

TheTableau platform is an increasingly popular option among businesses dealing with significant volumes of data, thanks to its rich and intuitive user interface which provides invaluable assistance for streamlining operations and uncovering insights.

Tableau’s platform will offer invaluable assistance and customer support as companies look for innovative ways to innovate their operations and enhance them.


Tableau Server is an efficient technology designed to facilitate safe, interactive data exchange between companies. Both its Server version and Online version offer flexible solutions tailored for various business uses.

Organisations can quickly make smarter decisions, speed up processes, and generate insights faster with Tableau’s user-friendly visualisations.

Teams looking to enhance their data visualisation skills must utilize Tableau Server because it enables teams to manage metadata, handle connections and deploy in various configurations.

Tableau is an outstanding corporate intelligence solution, from setup through dashboard sharing. Thanks to its expandability and dynamic nature, Tableau will remain an indispensable corporate intelligence solution.

Tableau Server Tutorial Course Price

Vinitha Indhukuri
Vinitha Indhukuri


Success isn’t about being the best; it’s about being better than you were yesterday.