Servlets Tutorial

Designing dynamic web apps that efficiently handle client requests while remaining scalable and secure have become essential components of today’s fast-moving digital landscape. That is why this tutorial on Servlets was written.

Servlets, as an integral component of Java EE, offer developers a robust yet platform-independent method of building server-side applications. Their functionality enables smooth communication between clients and servers allowing developers to develop dynamic web apps which meet users’ demands with efficiency.

From online retailing and banking applications, to enterprise applications and content management systems, Servlets provide a solid framework for developing high-performing web solutions with scale.

With features such as session management, request handling and database integration, Servlets enable developers to build secure web apps while optimizing resource utilization and improving the user experience.

What Is Servlets?

SERVLETs are used to handle dynamic requests from both clients and servers; client requests go straight to the server while server-side ones go through to a web container.

Servlets are web applications that offer various interfaces and classes; their API provides more documentation of this nature.

Each class extends the capabilities of the server and responds to incoming requests. A servlet is an online component deployed onto servers to generate dynamic web pages; its deployment ensures robust scalability.

Web applications invoke the servlet, which then processes information before sending back its response back to client machines – this could take the form of HTML4/normal string formats, XA format or HTML5.

Server in Servlets

A web container or “server” is an intermediary application designed to take requests from internet-enabled clients and process them accordingly. A Java file acts as the server in such instances.

It can serve up Html files as responses, convert requests into HTTP calls, fetch values for processing purposes and generate HTML pages as output.

A server plays an integral role in any web container system as it responds dynamically to client and server requests for services.

Tomcat, Glass Fish and Zebus web servers are integral for managing web content efficiently and achieving dynamic websites.

Tomcat allows web content to be sent from Tomcat directly, and when requests come through Tomcat responds by showing “Hold on”.

Tomcat takes steps to protect web content by responding with a “wait a second” message when requests come through to it.

Web Applications in Servlets

A web app refers to any collection of files (HTML pages, images and graphics) sent back and forth between server and client using web browser.

Web applications are websites that deliver dynamic functionality through multiple servers such as HTTP, SMTP, FTP or stay protocols. With these protocols allowing multiple users to connect at the same time ensuring efficient communication and utilization of resources efficiently.

Web applications (or “apps”) are websites with dynamic functionality on the server, such as Google, Facebook or Twitter. Examples of web apps include these and others.

When responding to client’s request, the server responds with HTML instructions written as responses to client. All browsers must know how to render HTML page instructions as pages on their screens.

          Servlets Training

Web and HTTP go hand-in-hand: HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and serves as the way for clients and servers to exchange data across the Web. HTTP offers great communication capability similar to other protocols like Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) or File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

HTTP and its subcomponent, HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), is considered “stay”, meaning only one request per connection will ever be sent through it. Clients connect and then disconnect immediately afterwards so more users may connect over time to one server.

General Web Architecture

In general, websites typically operate on a request-response model – meaning they’re accessible on client systems – meaning when someone requests services from one server, another then responds with information they require.

This means when users ask a server for something they request it should then respond by providing that service or information back.

Java Servlets

These methods and functions enable users to interact with servers and perform various tasks efficiently and reliably.

The init function can be used to initialize a servlet once imported; you simply call this function after import to perform this action.

The second method, service functions, allow users to apply logic within them as long as the servlet is ready and installed on a server. This logic may then be executed during execution of that service function.

The third method is the destroy function, used to close down an instance of a specific servlet and garbage collect all memory it had been using. With this function activated, all unused memory from this specific instance of servlets will be released back into system memory resources for other use.

There are two additional functions, known as GetServletFunctions and GetServletInfos that will assist in finding more details regarding specific servlets: getServletConfig provides configuration data about them while GetServletInfo reveals information such as their name, authorship details and associated metadata about them.

Servlets work by communicating with their server and carrying out various tasks. Initialized using an init function, instances created using create functions or service logic executed via service functions – after which, using destroy functions to free any memory used by that servlet can be released back into circulation.

Life Cycle of a Servlet

A servlet’s life cycle comprises several steps, from initialization through processing a client request and dominating to destructing methods.

Initializing a servlet requires calling its init method, which will then notify its container that a new instance of this servlet has been successfully instantiated and ready for deployment into service. When complete, these steps should result in successful initialization for service provisioning of that servlet instance.

At the conclusion of each servlet instance’s lifecycle, its destroy method should only ever run once to signal its termination and garbage collection by JVM garbage collection services.

To create a servlet, first create a dynamic web project and write its code; add any necessary maps via web dot XML files and start Apache Tomcat server; finally access and request your servlet via browsers. For simple servlets follow these steps:

  1. Craft a dynamic web project and write the servlet code.
  2. Include an image using web dot XML file into the servlet code.
  3. Start Apache Tomcat server, along with web browser accessing capabilities, before proceeding further with step 
  4. Requesting and running your servlet via your browser are now possible!
  5. Put the servlet through its paces by sending back responses directly to clients.

JSP (JavaScript) Servlets

JSP is an efficient and portable JavaScript extension which offers several advantages over traditional servlets such as fast development time, tracking user functionality easily, low maintenance costs, flexibility and portability.

JSP pages can make managing code simpler than using servlets by decoupling design and development processes, as well as being compatible with all features available to servlets such as surf lesson JSP pages.

Servlets Online Training

Utilizing implicit objects, like predefined tags, expression language and custom tags makes JSP development extremely user-friendly and manageable.

JSP applications can be easily managed by separating business logic from presentation logic and solving for technology needs, thus speeding development times and decreasing code changes.

Unfortunately, however, managing JSP can become complex due to both technology and business logic intermixes being necessary.

Fast development is another advantage of JSP, since modifications do not necessitate compiling and deploying when making adjustments to pages written with JSP code. This reduces code complexity while providing greater application adaptability.

Types of Objects in JavaScript

JavaScript provides several different objects and their applications for any given situation, including five basic structures of JSP writers: JSP writer, requester response, HTTP server request/response pair, configuration file, application of types such as LickContext/session/PageContextObject etc as well as directives/elements and implicit objects.

Elements consist of three classes of directives, such as page, include and tag lib directives. Page directives define attributes applicable across an entire JSP page while include directives include content from any resource that requires translations (translators pages).

Page translation

Page translation pages exist also to facilitate efficient page development.

Page translation time offers several advantages over code reuse and development timeframes, with library usage typically defined by individual tags rather than libraries of multiple tags.

Tag Lib

To be clear: library tags do not appear within each library’s collections of tags as is often thought.

Implicit objects

Implicit objects (also referred to as implicits objects or implicit entities) include requests, responses and containers. A JSP Request is created automatically whenever any HTTP request occurs on the web, and each Lea Spirit Quest by Lea spirit quest by Lea spirit quest may be used to retrieve request-related details like parameter headers and server addresses for remote addresses.

Response Objects

Response objects can be used to direct user responses directly to specific pages, like Google. A response object consists of text followed by username information; then display that result accordingly – for instance “Welcomed”.

Java Program with Servlets

 A Java Program (or set of Java Programs, more precisely) consists of collections of programs put together to perform specified actions. It’s made up of basic building blocks like variables, methods blocks, constructors classes interfaces abstract classes using seven fundamental programming components as building blocks to perform defined activities.

“App” refers to all these programs combined together and is meant to perform on defined action.

Web applications (or “web apps”) are computer applications designed for use over the internet and communicate directly with end-users via browsers. To build one, three components – JDBC, servlets and JSP are needed – which together form what makes up one web app.

JDBC (also referred to as Java) is an open-source database connectivity API developed for Java applications that allows them to interact with databases. JDBC facilitates application development processes while keeping databases current with regulations.

Programming of servlets typically revolves around Model View Controller (MVC) as part of Java Framework.

This application accepts requests from end users by emphasizing servlet programming and server page techniques to respond back via their web browsers. Furthermore, its primary focus lies on developing one web app.

Today’s market offers web applications as part of the web experience; developers can utilize database access control or interface functionality to manage development process efficiently and ensure successful outcome of project.

Application also accepts requests from end users through servlet programming, with development of web application requiring combination of components like servlets, JSP, and server page to create it.

By emphasizing these components, developers can craft web apps that effectively engage end-users and their browsers.

Tomcat Server

Tomcat server is an HTTP web server used for running components created using servlets and JavaScript programming language, providing an indirect demonstration of these technologies and other components.

When compiling and running a Java program, two commands must be used: java c followed by class name dot java to activate the compiler and check its rules and regulations of operation.

When running a Java program, its code generates one bytecode with one dot as output and sends that as an extension to be handled by JVM or Java Virtual Machine (JVM), with which class loading occurring as soon as program is initiated and JVM activation occurring simultaneously with program startup. The JVM then activates when class is loaded upon program commencement – both processes happening concurrently for maximum productivity!

Java’s core Java point offers a monitor rule designed specifically to aid GUI programming. Components like debility swing and applet are utilized during program execution to facilitate its completion.

Tomcat server is essential when working on GUI programming and managing components like debility swing and applet.

Utilizing JVM for execution allows Java programs to run successfully while their components can be displayed. Furthermore, servers provide containers for storing and displaying them.


Servlet technology is an integral element of Java web development, offering dynamic applications with platform independence and providing secure handling of client requests and responses.

Modern frameworks like Spring Boot and Jakarta EE have significantly simplified development by eliminating boilerplate code and increasing scalability.

Therefore, servlets have become the foundation for advanced Java web frameworks, offering more efficient ways of building modern, feature-rich applications.

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G. Madhavi
G. Madhavi


The capacity to learn is a gift the ability to learn is a skill the willingness to learn is a choice