SDLC Interview Questions | SDLC Interview Questions for Freshers
Software Development Life Cycle Interview Questions!!!Can you boost your software development career with strong interview responses and interesting interviews? Welcome to an exciting journey through the Software Development Lifecycle.
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Software Development Life Cycle Interview Questions & Answers:
1. What is the Software Development Life Cycle?
The Software Development Life Cycle is a systematic process that involves several stages, including the requirements phase, design phase, coding stage, testing stage, installation and implementation stage, and finally, the maintenance phase.
2. What is the live model in software development?
The live model in software development is a process of taking a basic model and changing it according to company standards or business requirements.
3. What is the waterfall model in software development?
The waterfall model in software development is a linear process with seven stages: requirement collection, design, coding, testing, installation, and maintenance.
4. What is a derived model in software development?
A derived model in software development is a model that is based on other models, specifically the waterfall model.
5. How does the requirement collection process differ in the derived model compared to the waterfall model?
In the derived model, requirement collections are not tested, but they are allowed to be changed. This allows for a more flexible approach to requirements.
6. What is the beauty study in software development?
The beauty study is a process in the waterfall model where a detailed analysis of the system is performed to ensure that it meets the requirements.
7. How is requirement change handled in the waterfall model compared to the derived model?
In the waterfall model, requirement changes are not allowed. However, in the derived model, requirement changes are allowed due to company standards or other requirements.
8. How is the installation process different in the derived model compared to the waterfall model?
In the derived model, the testing engineer is hired to perform the testing part, ensuring that the testing process is not affected by the higher developers.
9. What is a hybrid model in software development lifecycle?
A hybrid model in software development lifecycle is a combination of one or more models into a single model.
10. What are the two cases of hybrid models in software development?
The two cases of hybrid models in software development are the spiral model with prototype hybrid model and the Vverification and validation model with prototype hybrid model.
11. What is the spiral model with prototype hybrid model?
Spiral model prototype hybrid approach uses a circle diagram for requirements collecting, visibility analysis, design, coding, and testing. A more systematic approach begins with requirement collecting, feasibility analysis, prototype design and development, and testing in the prototype model. If testing finds faults, the developer will fix them and provide the test engineer an updated prototype model.
12. What happens if the customer is not satisfied with the prototype model in the spiral with prototype hybrid model?
The customer will communicate with the design and development team again. The team will design and develop the prototype again, and the test engineer will conduct the testing again. If there are no effects, the prototype model will be given to the customer for review. If the customer is satisfied, the project manager will proceed with the next phase.
13. What is the hybrid model used for in software development lifecycle?
The hybrid model is used when there are dependencies between modules. This model is particularly useful when the requirements are unclear.
14. What happens in the verification and validation model when a customer receives the CRS from the customer?
The project manager gives the SRS to the Stings Ridge engineers and developers. The system testing phase involves reviewing the SRS against the CRS, writing a system test plan, and testing the prototype.
15. What happens if the customer is not satisfied with the prototype model?
Stings Ridge engineers and developers get the SRS from the project manager. System testing comprises comparing the SRS to the CRS, establishing a test plan, and testing the prototype. If the client is unhappy, they will redesign and create the program again, and Stings Ridge will update the SRS versus the CRS.
16. What happens if no defects are found in the prototype model after the system testing phase?
The first customer review will get the prototype. If they agree, the high-level design is ready. Once complete, the project manager will submit the model to Stinging Ridge for development. Stinging Ridge will create integration test plans, cases, and SRS reviews. A low-level design will be created and sent to the Stinging Ridge and developer by the project manager.
17. How does the high-level design phase work in the spiral with prototype hybrid model?
Stings Ridge engineers and developers get the SRS from the project manager. System testing comprises comparing the SRS to the CRS, establishing a test plan, and testing the prototype. If the client is unhappy, they will redesign and create the program again, and Stings Ridge will update the SRS versus the CRS.
18. How does the low-level design phase work in the spiral with prototype hybrid model?
Once the model is ready, the project manager will send it to Stinging Ridge for development. Stinging Ridge will write integration test plans, test cases, and review against SRS. The low-level design will be converted into a low-level design, and the project manager will provide it to the Stinging Ridge and developer.
19. What is the purpose of the prototype model in software development?
The purpose of the prototype model in software development is to accommodate customers who are new to the market, businesses, or when requirements are unclear, and developers who are new to the domain.
20. What is the role of the business analyst in the Software Development Life Cycle?
The role of the business analyst in the Software Development Life Cycle is to explain the requirements to the technical team.
21. What is the role of the developer in the Software Development Life Cycle?
The role of the developer in the Software Development Life Cycle is to develop the software according to the requirements.
22. What is the purpose of the prototype model in the Software Development Life Cycle?
The purpose of the prototype model in the Software Development Life Cycle is to ensure that the software meets the needs of both the customer and the company, ensuring a smooth and successful development process.
23. What is the first stage of the Software Development Life Cycle?
The first stage of the Software Development Life Cycle is requirement collection.
24. What is the role of web developers in the prototype model?
The role of web developers in the prototype model is to convert the dummy model to the desired format.
25. What is the process of converting the prototype model to the desired format?
If any defects are found during testing, the developer fixes them and provides the new prototype model to testing engineers. If no defects are found, the company gives the prototype model to the customer for review.
26. What happens if the customer agrees to the prototype model?
The company continues the design process, which includes coding, installation, and maintenance.
27. When does the actual design process begin?
After customer reviews and agreement, the actual design process begins. The design architect designs the software, while developers code, test engineers test, and list any misused files.
28. What is the first advantage of the prototype model in software development?
The first advantage of the prototype model is that it allows for requirement changes, as the dummy model allows for customer reviews and feedback.
29. What is the second advantage of the prototype model in software development?
The second advantage of the prototype model is that it is a time-consuming job, and the total investment may be more.

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30. What is the role of the product head or product manager in the SDLC process?
The product head or product manager is responsible for managing the SDLC process, including determining the project scope, budget, and timeline. They also work with the technical team to ensure that the requirements are met and the software is developed to the highest quality.
31. What is the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and what is its purpose?
The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) helps firms guarantee they have the resources, lab setup, and technology to accomplish software development projects. Companies may better understand their software needs, spend the right money, and hire the right number of engineers by adopting the SDLC.
32. What are the stages of the SDLC and what are the major activities involved in each stage?
SDLC includes requirements, design, coding, testing, installation, and implementation. The requirement stage covers technology selection and non-engineer hiring. Design encompasses site layout and app functionality. Installation and deployment by site experts help clients start software-using enterprises.
33. What is the role of the architect in the SDLC process?
The architect is responsible for designing the software and ensuring that it meets the customer’s requirements. They work with the project manager to ensure that the project is completed within the budget and timeline.
34. What is the difference between high level design and low-level design in software development?
High level design focuses on the architecture of the application, such as the system architecture and database design. Low level design focuses on the functionality of each module, such as the user interface and application logic.
35. What is the role of the business analyst in the SDLC process?
The business analyst serves as a bridge between the customer and the developers, ensuring that the software meets the customer’s requirements. They work with the project manager to ensure that the project is completed within the budget and timeline.
36. Who is mainly responsible for the maintenance phase?
The developer and Q&A are mainly responsible for the maintenance phase. They provide a service level agreement for six months or one year, which allows customers to request maintenance for any defects or problems they may encounter while using the software.
37. What is the purpose of the maintenance phase?
The purpose of the maintenance phase is to ensure that the software meets the customer’s needs and expectations. If the customer wants to make any modifications to the software, they must pay and receive it.
38. What is the spiral model?
The spiral model is a Software Development Life Cycle that involves several stages, including requirement collection and feasibility study, design, coding, and testing. It is used whenever there is a dependency between the modules.
39. What are the four main sections of the spiral model?
The four main sections of the spiral model are requirement collection and feasibility study, design, coding, and testing.
40. What is the advantage of using the spiral model over the waterfall model?
The spiral model allows for modifications until the first cycle is completed, much like water in a model. The second module allows for adjustments to requirements after the first cycle. Engineers choose the stable module if the first is stable, therefore controlling the model. Each cycle is verified before it starts.
41. What is the process of composing a mate in the spiral model?
Composing a mate involves integrating two modules, module number one and module number two. The integration process involves testing the first newly added module, then the new module, its integration with the old modules, and finally the old modules.
42. In the case of testing a new module number two, what happens first?
When testing a new module number two, the first module is tested first, followed by the integration between the second module and the first module. This process ensures that the new module performs better than the previously developed module.
43. What happens after testing the integration between the new module and the first module?
Once the integration between the new and old modules is tested and verified, the old modules are tested again to ensure that they are functioning correctly with the new module.
44. What is the purpose of the requirement condition feasibility study in the development of a new module?
A requirement condition feasibility analysis is done for a new-duty module. This study assesses requirements and feasibility. Genius will test the new module when developers design and implement it. To test both modules, the testing genius will install the new module, integrate it, and touch the over module.
45. What is the spiral model also known as?
The spiral model is also known as the iterative model and incremental model.
46. What is the V model in the Software Development Life Cycle?
Software Development Life Cycle V paradigm for verification and validation. The step-by-step V model addresses waterfall and spiral model disadvantages. It is a vital software development cycle for verification and validation.
47. What is verification in the V model?
Verification in the V model involves a thorough process of customer requirement specification, software requirement specification, high-level design, and low-level design, ensuring that the final product meets the requirements.
48. What is validation in the V model?
Validation in the V model involves testing the functionality of an application by executing test cases. Test engineers execute test cases after the software is developed, ensuring that the RV building the right product is achieved.
49. How does the V model overcome the drawbacks of the waterfall and spiral models?
The V model is more efficient and effective than the waterfall and spiral methods for software development. It permits module testing and adaption while assuring product compliance.
50. What is the process of converting a customer requirement specification (CRS) into a software requirement specification (SRS) in the V model?
The process of converting a customer requirement specification (CRS) into a software requirement specification (SRS) in the V model is represented by a diagram. The project manager, product head, takes up the CRS and gives it to both developers and testing engineers.
51. What is the V model in the software development lifecycle?
The V model in the software development lifecycle is a crucial tool in the development process, where the project manager, testing engineers, and developers work together to ensure the successful conversion of customer requirements specifications into software requirements specifications.
52. What happens after the testing engineers review the SRS against the CRS, system, test plan, and test cases?
Developers strive to turn the SRS into a high-level design (HLD) and send it to the testing engineers after they compare it to the CRS, system, test plan, and test cases. The project manager allocates an SRS to the SRS and developers once it’s ready. This is SRS integration.
53. What is the waterfall model in software development and what are its advantages?
Software development follows a waterfall paradigm, which includes requirement collecting, design, coding, testing, installation, and maintenance. This methodology improves quality, reduces faults, and speeds up development. Smaller projects with defined needs should use it.
54. What is the Agile Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and what are its phases?
The Agile Development Life Cycle (SDLC) encompasses software planning, definition, design, production, testing, deployment, and management. SDLC consists of planning, requirement analysis, specification, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Each step includes a technique for improving development control, mistake remediation, and customer interaction.
55. What is the Agile Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?
The Agile Development Life Cycle (SDLC) includes planning, defining, designing, creating, testing, deploying, and maintaining software. The systematic approach to software development emphasizes design, documentation, and long-term project management.
56. What happens after the integration SRS (Software Requirements Specifications) is ready?
After the integrated SRS is available, test engineers compare the converted SRS to the SRS to ensure accuracy. Inform the developer and submit the updated SRS if anything is missing. The project manager offers the test engineers or project manager the revised SRS.
57. What happens after the developers transition from high-level design into coding and start writing functional test cases?
After moving from high-level design to coding and building functional test cases, developers do white box testing to guarantee each line of code works. The developer fixes bugs and sends the modified program to test engineers.

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Let’s be more sparkle by reading MCQ’S of software development lifecycle
1) Which model in software development involves taking a basic model and changing it according to company standards or business requirements?
1. Waterfall model
2. Derived model
3. Spiral model
4. V verification and validation model
2) How many stages are there in the waterfall model?
1. Five
2. Seven
3. Nine
4. Eleven
3) What is a hybrid model in software development lifecycle?
1. A combination of one or more models into a single model
2. A model that involves a round shape diagram, with requirements collection, visibility study, design, coding, and testing being the main stages
3. A model that has a more structured process, starting with requirement collection, feasibility study, design and development of the prototype, and then testing
4. A model that allows testing changes
4) If the customer is not satisfied with the prototype model, what will happen?
1. The team will design and develop the prototype again, and the test engineer will conduct the testing again.
2. The project manager will give the SRS to the Stings Ridge engineers and developers, and the system testing phase will involve reviewing the SRS against the CRS, writing a system test plan, and testing the prototype.
3. The architect will design the same as in the spiral model, and the developers will code the team.
4. The software prototype model will undergo system test plans, test cases, and prototype testing to ensure no bugs, and if no defects are found, it will be given to the first customer review.
5) When is the hybrid model used in software development?
1. When there are dependencies between modules, such as between modules A, B, C, and D.
2. When the requirements are unclear.
3. When the customer is not satisfied with the prototype model.
4. When no defects are found during testing.
6) What happens after the software prototype model undergoes system test plans, test cases, and prototype testing in the verification and validation model?
1. If no defects are found, the software prototype model will be given to the first customer review.
2. If they agree, the high-level design will be ready.
3. The project manager will send the model to Stinging Ridge for development.
4. The developers fix them and provide the updated SRS and design of the prototype to the Stings Ridge.
7) What is the role of the hybrid model in software development?
1. To ensure the software meets the customer’s expectations and ensures a smooth and successful development process.
2. For white box testing.
3. Define the software’s architecture and verify its suitability for the customer.
4. Write code in selected languages utilizing specified rules and development tools like compilers and debuggers.
8) What happens during the testing phase in the software development lifecycle?
1. The developer will code the low-level design and do white box testing.
2. The program is tested in numerous settings to ensure all architectural aspects work.
3. The program is consumer-ready.
4. Quality assurance and testing may identify software issues, which the development team will debug.
9) What is the role of the deployment and maintenance phase in the software development lifecycle?
1. The program is consumer-ready.
2. Users may discover issues or difficulties once the development team puts up application linkages.
3. Maintenance involves app upgrades and improvements for speed and usability.
4. All the above.
10) What are the two advantages of choosing a prototype model in the software development process?
1. It is a time-consuming job, and the total investment may be more.
2. The prototype model may not meet customer expectations due to its newness and lack of proper requirements.
3. Since the dummy model offers customer input, the prototype model facilitates requirement adjustments.
4. The prototype model is less flexible and less adaptable to changes.
11) What is the process of software development life cycle (SDLC)?
1. Requirement collection, crazy beauty study, financing, H R team, architects, and BEA business analyst.
2. Analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.
3. Planning, requirement analysis, designing, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.
4 Testing, deployment, requirement analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance.
12) What happens after coding in the software development process?
1. The software is tested to ensure it works perfectly.
2. The company releases the software to the customer.
3. The IT engineer fills the danger and installs the software.
4. None of the above
13) What is the first stage of the software development life cycle?
1. Design phase.
2. Coding.
3. Requirement phase.
4. Testing.
14) What are the two ways of creating a detailed design of the application during the design phase?
1. High level design and coding.
2. High level design and low-level design.
3. Design and testing.
4. Requirement and design.
15) What happens after the design phase is complete in the software development process?
1. The developer begins writing the code based on the high-level design.
2. The business analyst serves as the bridge between the customer and the developers.
3. The fifth stage is testing, which ensures the software works perfectly and can be reused.
4. The sixth stage is installation and implementation, where site engineers work with site engineers to help customers start their businesses using the software.
SDLC helps companies create software effectively. The process includes requirement gathering, design, coding, testing, and maintenance. Client needs are defined and analyzed during requirement.
Design demands accurate software development strategy. Code is written using design plan. Testing ensures software meets customer expectations.
Finally, software maintenance involves updates and upgrades to keep it running properly. By implementing the SDLC, companies may complete software development projects on time, under budget, and to customer satisfaction.
I hope you rock in your next interview.
All the Best!!!

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