REST Assured Interview question | REST Assured API Testing Interview Questions
REST Assured Interview question!!! Are you preparing for an interview and want to wow the interviewer with your knowledge and REST Assured confidence? Stop Looking!
REST Assured is a robust tool for testing RESTful web services and APIs, gaining popularity in software development.
If you’re nervous of REST Assured interview questions, don’t worry-I can help you answer them. Prepare and ace that job interview.
REST Assured Interview question:
1. How is REST Assured used for testing RESTful web services?
REST Assured is used to run or invoke RESTful web services, receive a response back from the server, and perform checks and validation on the response. It can be used to test XML and JSON-based web services and supports HTTP methods like POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH, among others.
2. Can REST Assured be integrated with testing frameworks like JUnit or testNG?
Yes, REST Assured can be integrated with testing frameworks like JUnit or testNG. It uses a Behavior-Driven Development (BD style for testing, which involves using keywords like “given,” “when,” and “then.” An example of this is Cucumber, another library that uses BDD.
3. What is the difference between REST Assured and other testing frameworks?
REST Assured is a Java RESTful web service testing library. It has several functionalities to check and verify RESTful web services. Other testing frameworks, such JUnit or testNG, can test more applications.
4. What are the prerequisites for creating an automation framework for API testing using REST Assured?
An API testing automation framework utilizing REST Assured requires Java on the system. Run “Java -version” on Windows to verify Java version. Installation and setting of Java in environment variables are required. Here you can learn REST Assured API automation testing interview questions and answers.
5. What is REST Assured’s second requirement for API testing automation?
Java IDE for Java development. You can use Eclipse or any other IDE.
6. Does Eclipse already include Maven?
Yes, Maven is already present in Eclipse, so we can run your project from it.
7. What are the two types of Eclipse IDE for Java developers?
Eclipse IDE for Java developers and Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java developers.
8.To run the project from the command line, what do I need to have?
Java on your system and some IDE like Eclipse. If we want to run outside Eclipse, we need Maven on the system as well.
9. How does move-in project handle libraries and dependencies?
They use the “Move-in Central Repository” to search for and add the required libraries and dependencies.
10. How does the project automatically create an event dependencies folder?
When saving the project, the project automatically creates an event dependencies folder and all the required dependencies of the “rest” library and every other dependency that it requires.
11. What is the advantage of having a move-in project to manage all the libraries and dependencies?
It eliminates the need for manual management and allows for easy changes to the version.
12. What happens if the project is moved to another location or system?
The libraries will be taken care of in the event dependencies folder.
13. What is the test engine dependency?
It is a dependency adds to the project to ensure smooth integration with the REST Assured automation project.
14. What is the test engine library?
The test engine library is a software tool that allows for the creation of test engine tests.
15. What is the first step in creating tests with the test engine library?
The first step in creating tests with the test engine library is to create a class inside the project created in the last session.
16. What is the test package?
The test package is a package in a Java project that is used for the easy categorization and organization of files within the project.
17. What is the demo package?
The demo package is a package in a Java project that is used for rough work or testing purposes.
18. How can a function be created in a Java project?
A function can be created in a Java project by using the “public” and “void” return types, and specifying a function name.
19. How can a function be saved in a Java project?
A function can be saved in a Java project by using the “Save” button or pressing “Control” on the keyboard.
20. How can users find the Eclipse plugin for the test engine library?
Users can find the Eclipse plugin for the test engine library by visiting the test engine website at Test Engine Dot Og and searching for the Eclipse plugin.
21. What is the process of running a get request in Java?
The process of running a get request in Java involves using a public rest A P I on, which provides fake examples for testing. The endpoint for the get request is the U R L, which is the endpoint that should be provided when running the get request.
22. What is rest library?
The rest library is a Java library for testing RESTful APIs.
23. What is the best way for a user to perform a get request?
A user can use the rest I showed library for running a get request by using the dot operator to access various functions available in the library, such as get, post, put, patch, and delete. The URL endpoint is then provided when running the get request.
24. What is the best way for a user to see the result of a Java get request?
A user can display the response of a get request in Java by using the response class from REST Assured and assigning a variable named “response” to the variable. The response variable is then used to get the status code and time of the response.
25. In Java, how does a user publish the answer to the console?
A user can print the response on the console in Java by using a print statement in Java called “system dot out dot print ln.” The print statement is then placed inside the brackets of the print statement, and another print statement is placed inside the SYSO control space bar.
26. What is the use of the dot body in JavaScript?
The dot body in JavaScript is used to check if a specific JSON path is equal to a specific value.
27. What is the example for using dot body?
An API request from a starting point and a GET request as an example. The JSON path is obtained by using the data array with multiple IDs, with the ID at index positions changes.
28. What is JSON pathfinder?
JSON pathfinder is a tool that can be used to find the JSON path in complex JSON. Users can provide their JSON response and get the path of a particular element on the website JSON
29. What is a Chrome extension for JSON pathfinder?
A Chrome extension for JSON pathfinder can be added to the web store to access the JSON path. Users can copy the response to the search node and submit it to get the JSON path.
30. What does the semicolon at the end of the imports ensure?
The semicolon at the end of the imports ensures that the imports are executed in a static manner.
31. What command can be used to lock the response?
The dot log dot all command can be used to log the response and print the complete response on the console.

REST Assured Training

32. What are some examples of HTTP methods that can be used with REST APIs?
Some examples of HTTP methods that can be used with REST APIs include GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, and HEAD.
33. How do you create a new class in Eclipse?
To create a new class in Eclipse, you can go to the project explorer, right-click on the test package, and select “New” > “Java Class”.
34. How do you set the base URL for the REST API?
To set the base URL for the REST API, you can use the following syntax:
RestAssured.baseURL = “”;
35. How do you use the “equal to” method to run get and post requests in REST Assured?
To use the “equal to” method to run get and post requests in REST Assured, you need to import the “geo” field from the earlier class and use it in the “geo” field. This will allow you to run the “equal to” method on the JSON response and compare it to the expected value.
36. How do you check the first names of a collection in JavaScript?
To check the first names of a collection in JavaScript, you can use the filter() method to filter the collection based on the items you want to check.
37. How do you create a body for a get request in JavaScript?
To create a body for a get request in JavaScript, you can use the send() method and pass in the endpoint and query parameters as parameters.
38. How do you use a map to create a body for a get request in JavaScript?
To use a map to create a body for a get request in JavaScript, you can use the map() method and pass in the query parameters as a parameter.
39. How do you use a key value collection to create a body for a get request in JavaScript?
To use a key value collection to create a body for a get request in JavaScript, you can use the keys() method and pass in the query parameters as a parameter.
40. What is a JSON library?
A JSON library is a collection of tools and functions that enable developers to easily work with JSON data in their applications.
41. What is Jackson?
Jackson is a high-performance JSON processor that can be used to convert between JSON and Java objects.
41. What is the Maven central repository?
The Maven central repository is a repository where developers can find and add dependencies for their projects.
42. How can we convert a JSON request to a JSON string?
To convert a JSON request to a JSON string, we can use the JSON.stringify() method and pass in the JSON object as a parameter.
43. How can we add a JSON library to our project?
To add a JSON library to our project, we can copy the Maven dependency and add it to our project using the palm dot XML library.
44. How can we print a JSON object in JavaScript?
To print a JSON object in JavaScript, we can use the console.log() method and pass in the JSON object as a parameter.
45. How do you create a class for put, patch, and delete examples in Eclipse?
To create a class for put, patch, and delete examples in Eclipse, right-click on the tests package and select “New”.
46. How do you create APIs and host them on a local server?
To create APIs and host them on a local server, first create a new class for put, patch, and delete examples, and then use the base URI and endpoint to create a payload or body for the request. The status code and headers can be adjusted according to the requirements.
47. How do you test the body created in the post using REST Assured?
To test the body created in the post using REST Assured, you can use a static import of the REST Assured class and a function called “put” to test the body. The body is created using the base URI and endpoint, and the status code and headers can be adjusted according to the requirements.
48. How do you compare the body of the put request and the patch request?
To compare the body of the put request and the patch request, you can check the response in the console and compare the body to the previous patch request.
49. How do you copy and paste a function to test delete in a web application?
To copy and paste a function to test delete in a web application, you can rename the function to “test delete” and then execute the delete operation.
50. How do you check the node package manager version?
To check the node package manager version, you can use the command NPM minus V or NPM space hyphen – version.
51. How do you create fake REST APIs for testing using node JS?
To create fake REST APIs for testing using node JS, you can install the JSON server using the command NPM install minus G JSON server.
52. How do you check if node.js is installed on your system?
To check if node.js is installed on your system, you can use the command node space hyphen V or node space hyphen – version.
53. How do you install the JSON server globally?
To install the JSON server globally, you can use the minus G option or simply type NPM install JSON server and hit enter.
54. How do users access the JSON server data in a browser?
Users access the JSON server data in a browser by visiting localhost 3000, where they can view posts, comments, and profiles.
55. What is the purpose of creating a new data file for users?
The purpose of creating a new data file for users is to create a resource that can be used to store user information, such as name, email, and password.
56. How is the data for subjects created using square brackets, objects, colons, square brackets, and curly brackets?
The data for subjects is created using square brackets, objects, colons, square brackets, and curly brackets to give the data. The name of the subject, such as automation, DevOps, and ID one, is also given.
57. What is the purpose of using parameters like “subjects question mark name equals automation”?
The purpose of using parameters like “subjects question mark name equals automation” is to filter the data based on the name of the subject. This allows users to view only the subjects that match their search query.
58. What is the purpose of creating tests on a local REST API?
The purpose of creating tests on a local REST API is to ensure that the API is working as expected and to identify any issues that may arise when using the API.
59. Rest How do you create a test using the REST Assured class in Eclipse?
In Eclipse, build a class named “tests on local A P I”, a function or method called “get”, and import everything within the REST Assured class to construct a test. The JSON server’s endpoint lets you access local server resources and users.
60. What is the process of creating a simple REST API request to create a user with specific data?
To create a user with specified data using a simple REST API call, utilize the base URI and endpoint “given” in a POST request. The payload is on different lines for readability. In the request, the basic URI is copied and pasted and the content type is “dot JSON”. The “when” and “post” annotations transform the body to JSON.

REST Assured Training

How about we read some multiple-choice questions from REST Assured
1) What is REST Assured used for?
1. Testing SOAP web services
2. Testing RESTful web services
3. Testing XML-based web services
4. Testing JSON-based web services
2) Which testing frameworks can REST Assured be integrated with?
1. JUnit
2. testNG
3. Both A and B
4. None of the above
3) What is the implementation of REST Assured in?
1. Java
2. Ruby
3. Python
4. JavaScript
4) What is the first prerequisite for creating an automation framework for API testing using REST Assured?
1. Java on Windows operating system
2. Java on Mac operating system
3. Java on any operating system
4. Java on Windows and Mac operating systems
5) How can Java version be checked on Windows operating system?
1. Run the command Java space hyphen version
2. Run the command Java space version
3. Run the command Java space version hyphen
4. Run the command Java version
6) Where can the tutorial on creating an automation framework for API testing using REST Assured be found?
1. Automation step by
2. Automation
3. Automation
4. Automation
7) What should be done to correct the version of a library in a move-in project?
1. Select everything using control A on the keyboard and press control I to correct all indentation
2. Save the project and clean it up
3. Search for the latest version of the library and copy it
4. Remove the control D to remove the entire line
8) What is the advantage of having a move-in project to manage all the libraries and dependencies?
1. It eliminates the need for manual management
2. It allows for easy changes to the version
3. It increases the need for manual management
4. It does not eliminate the need for manual management
9) What is the return type of a function created in the test engine plugin?
1. String
2. Boolean
3. Integer
4. Public and void
1O) What should users use to navigate through the project within the test package?
1. Project explorer
2. Package explorer
3. File explorer
4. Browser explorer
Finally, REST Assured is a robust yet easy API testing platform for RESTful web applications. REST Assured allows developers and testers to create test cases to assure API validity and stability, as well as rapidly identify and resolve errors. RESTful API developers need REST Assured for its multilingual support and easy integration with JUnit.
I hope you will shine in your next interview.
All the Best!!!

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