Prince 2 Tutorial

Organizations face many unique challenges today in managing operations while responding to changes simultaneously, in an ever-evolving business environment. If any significant adjustments go undetected by leadership, their organization becomes less responsive.

The Prince 2 methodology provides organizations with a framework to more fully comprehend and effectively oversee projects of any nature.

What Is Prince 2?

Prince 2 is an established best practice for project management applicable across any industry sector or type.

Industry standard software development methods offer universal recognition across industries and are widely integrated with specialist products for greater ease.

They also clearly outline roles and responsibilities.Prince 2 provides an effective approach for project management.

Project Management Methodology in Prince 2

With its comprehensive methodology approach and Project Management Methodology framework, it ensures successful projects.

Project Managers need an approach like Prince 2 that assists them in meeting objectives while mitigating risks effectively.

Even with all their efforts and those of project managers, many projects still end in failure resulting in significant financial losses for companies and employees alike.

Project Management Methodology asserts that various causes contribute to project failures: lack of support from senior management, unclear expectations from project team members and inaccurate estimations; as well as no systematic approach towards project administration.

The Project Management Methodology offers project managers a framework to maintain control over specialist work such as creating websites or designing buildings.

It can be applied across any industry or domain without regard to scale type organization geography culture etc.

Specific development methodologies can be combined with project management in an effective and seamless fashion.

Prince 2 is widely utilized as an efficient project-management method; however, it doesn’t cover specific industry activities in greater depth than Prince 2.

Organizations should utilize standards in their projects and abide by Project Management Methodology to ensure success.

Principles of Prince 2

Prince 2 stipulates that every project should have an indefinite existence and continue on if its justification still holds, otherwise, if proven not achieving objectives, should it should be stopped immediately and closed down immediately.

Finance and resource goals should be realized and utilized efficiently, per Prince 2 Principles. Project teams learn from past relevant experience by documenting it and drawing lessons throughout its lifespan for future reference.

Learning comes in various forms – be it historical information, similar projects completed previously, or collaboration among organizations within or between different organizations. Utilization of experience by industry helps foster continuous development.

Prince 2 Training

Reviews are conducted regularly to reflect learning’s from experience, with lessons included in reports and reviews to ensure the project remains applicable to changes within its industry. In doing this, this ensures it remains valid.

Success of any project depends upon being able to draw from past experiences and adapt quickly in response to new challenges.

When closing out a project, all involved should strive to identify all lessons learned as soon as the work concludes and use these for future endeavors.

An example would be how Japanese banks may provide partial funding for an infrastructure project in a developing nation; but these banks require assurance from local officials before providing funding.

Prince 2 Project

Prince 2 projects must ensure their roles and responsibilities within an organization are clearly identified and agreed upon, including defining roles and responsibilities as per organization requirements.

One Prince 2 ciple involves creating structures which engage both business user and supplier stakeholders.

Projects often span multiple organizations and use both full-time and part-time resources from various resources pools, often across organizational silos.

To be successful, projects require an explicit project management team with clearly definable roles and responsibilities for everyone involved, along with open lines of communication among them all – that is what Prince 2 Project Management allows you to do!

Prince 2 projects must have ongoing business justification to justify starting them, for instance the pizza chain mentioned previously has an online order processing system which enables registered customers to place orders.

Current system has been utilized with regards to similar products for an extended period of time and has led to slow speed and customer complaints.

As part of an attempt to address these problems, a decision was taken to upgrade the order processing system.

With its 50% faster order processing rate and increased customer satisfaction by at least 20%, this upgrade should remain valid throughout its lifespan and be documented and approved prior to proceeding with implementation of any project.

Justification should include that the new system can process orders more rapidly while making customers happier, leading to potential repeat purchases and repeat business. As part of their justification, documentation and approval should ensure that this new system provides efficient data processing while increasing customer satisfaction.

Prince 2 projects must provide sufficient business justification, with upgrading an order processing system improving customer satisfaction and increasing repeat orders being one example of such justification.

Justification should be documented and approved throughout a project’s lifetime to ensure its success.

This project forms part of an nationwide program implemented by a pizza chain to increase automation while decreasing dependency.

Prince 2 Online Training

Business Case approval should be documented prior to undertaking any Prince 2 project and act as the decision maker on continuation throughout its lifecycle. BAA (Business Acceptance Authority) in Prince 2 will act in this capacity.

BAA (Business Acceptance Authority) in Prince 2

Organizations face the difficult challenge of adapting current business operations and adapting to shifting circumstances, while simultaneously managing “business as usual.”

To strike this balance, an appropriate balance needs to be found between maintaining current operations (BAA) and adopting innovative new strategies, like more cost-efficient systems (FAS).

One example would be a computer manufacturer that provides support and maintenance of existing products through BAA, while simultaneously offering FAS with more energy-efficient computers boasting new features in order to expand or preserve its market.

An example of a business is a market. Business change may be introduced through initiating a project to implement changes within an organization.

According to the official Prince 2 principle 2 Manual, projects are temporary organizations created specifically to deliver business products under agreed-upon terms and timelines.

Projects may also be undertaken to implement changes within an organization, for instance when sales have declined over three months of product sales, so organizations need to carefully manage both BAA and business change strategies in order to maintain and expand their markets.

Implementing new projects and making changes can help organizations overcome such challenges and adapt to ever-evolving business conditions. Within Prince 2 Project Management this role of Project Manager plays an essential part.

Project managers play an instrumental role in the success of any endeavor by understanding all parties involved and their respective needs and interests.

Conducting stakeholder analysis helps project managers assess engagement levels of various groups as well as information needs, key messages and key messages from individuals involved with their project.

A project manager’s role entails liaison between project, assurance and project board as well as interaction with team managers and encouraging their active involvement in developing business.

Furthermore, this role may delegate responsibility for developing specialist products or managing team managers.

A project manager may also be accountable for overseeing day-to-day management of team managers and project support team members, according to customer requirements.

They work in close conjunction with corporate or program management in ensuring the successful execution of each project they undertake.

Project managers play an invaluable role in any endeavor requiring multiple parties, from projects involving suppliers organizations to those where users and representatives of products being manufactured should participate.

According to Prince 2, it should include representation from users as well as representatives representing their products on any such projects.

Management team plays an essential part in monitoring quality solutions while senior users define needs of specialists products for users.


PRINCE 2 provides a structured project management approach with clear processes, roles, and responsibilities, guaranteeing projects are completed on time, within scope, and on budget.

PRINCE 2 provides technology projects with an effective means for managing complexity, risks, and changing requirements while remaining flexible enough to fit different project sizes. Overall, PRINCE 2 serves as an efficient strategy to ensure successful project delivery in today’s fast-moving tech sector.

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G. Madhavi
G. Madhavi


The capacity to learn is a gift the ability to learn is a skill the willingness to learn is a choice