PostgreSQL Interview Questions | Interview Questions for PostgreSQL DBA
As a result, numerous organizations use PostgreSQL to store and manage their data making it a go-to choice among database administrators and developers.
As a PostgreSQL Database Administrator (DBA), your duties will include overseeing its performance, security and availability while being asked technical questions designed to assess your knowledge and abilities as a DBA candidate.
We’ve put together this blog with some common PostgreSQL interview questions for DBA roles to give you some great starting points if you are interviewing for or working towards becoming one.
1.What is PostgreSQL?
PostgreSQL is an open source object relational database system with over 30 years of active development in the industry, it is the world’s most advanced open source relational database and is popular for handling object-oriented databases.
2.What is a database management system?
A database management system (DBMS) is a software program that enables users to define, create, maintain, and control access to a database, it provides features such as data storage, retrieval, manipulation, and security.
3.What are the types of database management systems?
There are four main types of database management systems: Hierarchical, network, relational, and object-oriented.
4.What is SQL?
SQL, or structured query language, is a standardized programming language used for managing relational databases, it allows users to modify databases, add, update, delete rows, retrieve subsets of information, and perform other actions.
5. What is data integrity in PostgreSQL?
Data integrity ensures data security and redundancy, with constraints and keys like primary, foreign, exclusion, unique, and explicit locks.
6. What are some features of PostgreSQL?
PostgreSQL has indexing, query planning, multi-version concurrency management, table partitioning, and just-in-time expression compilation.
Table spaces, logging, replication, point-in-time recovery, and active standby add reliability. PostgreSQL may extend any database to industry, company, or individual applications.
7. How is PostgreSQL installed on Windows?
To install PostgreSQL on Windows, open Google Chrome and search for “PostgreSQL download” choose your operating system and click on the “Windows” option, then, choose the desired configuration (Linux, Windows, or Mac OS) and download the installer.
8. What is the command syntax for creating a schema in PostgreSQL?
The syntax for creating a schema in PostgreSQL is “create schema” and “schema name”.
9. What is a weak entity in a diagram?
A weak entity is dependent on another entity and has fewer attributes, it is represented by a rectangle with a dashed line to indicate the dependency.
10. What is an entity relationship diagram?
An entity relationship diagram is a visual representation of the relationships between entities, attributes, and relationships in a database.
It helps to identify the relationships between different entities and ensure that every entity must have at least one relationship in the relationship set.
11. What is a dependency off relationship?
A dependency off relationship involves one entity having any number of other entities related to it, this type of relationship is used to represent a many-to-many relationship between entities.
12. What is a self-referencing relationship?
A self-referencing relationship involves one instance of an entity being a supervisor and another instance of the same entity working on the same project, this type of relationship is used to represent hierarchical relationships within an entity.
13. What is total participation in an entity relationship diagram?
Total participation in an entity relationship diagram involves having at least one relationship in the relationship set, meaning each entity must work in some other departments, this type of relationship ensures that every entity is connected to at least one other entity.
14. What is a complex attribute?
A complex attribute is a type of attribute that can be divided into smaller sub parts, representing individual basic attributes with their own meaning, for example, an address can have street address, city, state, zip, number street, and house number.
15. What is a derived attribute?
A derived attribute is a type of attribute that is stored in a database and can be derived from another attribute, for example, if the employee’s salary is stored in the database, it can be derived from the employee’s age and experience.
16. What is a stored attribute?
A stored attribute is a type of attribute that is already stored in the database and can be accessed directly, for example, if the employee’s name is stored in the database, it can be accessed directly without having to derive it from any other attribute.
17. What is a primary key in a database?
A primary key is a set of attributes that uniquely identify a record in a table. It is used to ensure that each record in a table can be uniquely identified and referenced.
18. In a database, what is a candidate key?
A candidate key is a set of attributes that uniquely identify a record in a table. It is used to determine the best attribute or combination of attributes to use as a primary key.
19.What is the meaning of a super key in a database?
A super key is a set of attributes that can uniquely identify a record in a table, but it is not the minimal set of attributes. It is used to identify a record that has more attributes than a candidate key.
20. How do you describe a foreign key in a database?
A foreign key is a set of attributes that refer to a primary key in another table. It is used to establish relationships between tables in a database.
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A not null constraint is a constraint that ensures that a column cannot contain a null value, it is used to ensure that data in a column is always present and valid.
22. Exactly what is a database’s unique constraint?
A unique constraint is a constraint that ensures that each value in a column is unique, it is used to prevent duplicate data in a column.
23. How do you use a check condition in a database?
A check constraint is a constraint that ensures that a column satisfies a specific condition, it is used to enforce data integrity and prevent invalid data from being entered.
24. What is a default constraint in a database?
A default constraint is a constraint that specifies a default value for a column if no value is entered, it is used to provide a default value for a column if no value is provided.
25.What does a database’s index constraint mean?
An index constraint is a constraint that is used to create an index on a column, it is used to improve the performance of queries on a column.
26. Why would you use SQL queries to change employee pay and get rid of tuples of data?
Using SQL queries to update employee wages and delete tuples data helps modify database data. The update statement updates employee salaries, while the delete statement deletes tuples.
27. Why is it important to understand the distinction between a primary key and a foreign key in SQL?
A primary key is a column or set of columns that uniquely identifies a record in a table, a foreign key is a column or set of columns in one table that refers to the primary key of another table.
28. What distinguishes SQL select and update statements?
A select statement is used to retrieve data from a table or multiple tables, an update statement is used to modify or update data in a table.
29. When working with SQL, what is the key difference between insert and remove statements?
A delete statement is used to remove data from a table, an insert statement is used to add new data to a table.
30. Why will you use the “where” clause in a SQL query?
The where clause is used to specify conditions that must be met for the query to return results, it is used to filter data based on specific criteria.
31. In SQL, what does a left join vs a right join mean?
A left join returns all records from the left table and matching records from the right table, while a right join returns all records from the right table and matching records from the left table.
32. What is the point of using the group by clause in querying SQL?
The group by clause is used to group data in a table based on one or more columns, it is used to aggregate data by calculating statistics such as count, sum, and average.
33. How are having clauses and where clauses different in SQL queries?
A having clause is used to filter data after it has been aggregated by the group by clause, it is used to specify conditions that must be met for the aggregate data to be included in the query results.
A where clause is used to filter data before it is aggregated by the group by clause, it is used to specify conditions that must be met for the data to be included in the query results.
34. Where is the “not exists” operator used in SQL queries?
The “not exists” operator is used to reverse the output of a query, if the operator exists, the sub query will generate all results with dependence, however, if the operator is removed, the output will be reversed.
35. Why are triggers used in PostgreSQL?
Triggers in PostgreSQL are functions that are invoked either before or after data changes, such as insert, update, or delete statements, they are used to maintain data integrity and enforce business rules.
36.How do you construct PostgreSQL trigger name?
Use the “create or replace function” command and trigger name to construct a PostgreSQL trigger, the function returns a trigger as an example table for audit table inserts.
37. What is the audit log function in PostgreSQL?
PostgreSQL’s audit log function is a special trigger that gives you an example table for adding something to the audit table, the “create extension” statement is used to make an extension, and the UUID – OSP data type is chosen.
38. How do you assign PostgreSQL privileges to tables or databases?
In PostgreSQL, you can use the grant lines to give certain tables or databases power, you can name the table and give rights like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and EXECUTE.
39. What is the process for removing access in PostgreSQL?
To revoke privileges in PostgreSQL, you can use the “revoke” statement, you can revoke privileges from specific tables or databases, or from users.
40. In PostgreSQL, how could a transaction be completed?
To perform a transaction in PostgreSQL, you can use the “begin”, “roll back”, “commit”, and “abort” commands, for example, to delete all values greater than five in a table named “securities”, you can use the syntax “begin”, “roll back”, and “commit”.
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To export and import data in PostgreSQL, you can use the “import export” option in the SQL client, you can specify the file name to which you want to export the data, and then import the data back into the database using the same file name.
42. What is the PSQL cell in PostgreSQL?
The PSQL cell in PostgreSQL is used to connect to the database and execute queries, it provides a graphical user interface for managing the database and allows you to perform basic operations, such as creating tables, inserting data, and executing queries.
43. Why does the SQL query “select star from movies” work?
The SQL query “select star from movies” causes eight rows to be displayed, which matches the number of rows returned, it teaches SQL query structure and table record retrieval.
44. What is the SQL command used to order records in ascending or descending order?
The SQL command used to order records in ascending or descending order is the “order by” clause, followed by the column name and the “ascending” or “descending” keyword, for example, to order the records by salary in ascending order, the following query can be used:
45. What is Postgres’ query language?
The Postgres query language is an implementation of the standard SQL language, it extends SQL by including inheritance, functions, production rules, and an enhanced type system, these features are derived from PostQuel, Postgres’ original query language.
46. What is the Having clause in Postgres Equal used for?
The Having clause is used in Postgres Equal to filter data based on aggregate functions, it is similar to the Where clause but cannot be used with aggregate functions, the group by and having clauses are used to return rules that meet a condition.
47.How does Postgres Equal’s Count function work?
The Count function is used in Postgres Equal to count the number of rows in a table, it returns the number of rows that match a specified condition.
48. Why is it necessary to utilize the Case statement while working with Postgres Equal?
In PostgreSQL Equal, the Case statement is used to add a new column to a table based on certain scenarios, it lets users give a new column a value based on the value of a current column.
49. What exactly is the function of the Subquery method in Postgres Equal?
The Subquery is used in Postgres Equal to retrieve data from multiple tables based on the results of another query, it allows users to perform complex queries by breaking down the query into smaller, more manageable pieces.
50. What are the Trigonometric methods in Postgres Equal used for?
The Trigonometric functions are used in Postgres Equal to perform mathematical operations such as sine, cosine, and tangent, they are commonly used in scientific and engineering applications.
51. To what end are Postgres Equal’s String methods used?
The String functions are used in Postgres Equal to manipulate text data such as concatenation, character length, and substring extraction, they are commonly used in data analysis and text mining applications.
52.Why are Postgres Equal mathematical functions applied?
The Mathematical functions are applied in Postgres Equal to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, they are commonly used in scientific and engineering applications.
53. What are the predefined tools in Postgres Equal adopted for?
Postgres Equal’s User-defined functions let you make your own functions that do specific jobs, they let users write their own SQL lines and use them in more than one query.
“Test your knowledge with our PostgreSQL MCQs!”
1. What is PostgreSQL?
a. Database management system that uses SQL
b. Proprietary database management system
c. NoSQL database management system
d. Database management system that uses a different query language
2. The main function of PostgreSQL?
a. Manage and store enormous amounts of data
b. Offer extensive querying and analysis capabilities
c. Strong scalability and fault tolerance
d. High security and attack resistance
3. What is a primary key in PostgreSQL?
a. Column or set of columns that uniquely identifies a row in a table
b. One or more columns used to organize information in a database
C. Query or collection of queries that establishes the connections between tables
d. The data types of a table are defined by its columns or sets of columns.
4. How do I use an index in PostgreSQL?
a. Data format that enhances the speed of database queries
b. Data structure that gives a table its data.
c. Storage structure that shows how tables relate to each other.
d. Model that determines how data is arranged in a table
5. What is PostgreSQL trigger?
a. An event-triggered stored procedure
b. A table column of columns defining data kinds
c. Combination of columns that determine relation between tables
d. Collection of columns that uniquely determines a table row.
6.What is the file format used by PostgreSQL to store data?
a. XML
7. What is the main programming language used to interact with PostgreSQL?
a) Java
b. Python
c. C#
d. Ruby
8. What is the name of the query language used by PostgreSQL?
a. SQL
b. NoSQL
c. Oracle
d. Python
9.What is the name of the command used to create a new database in PostgreSQL?
10.What is the name of the command used to connect to an existing database in PostgreSQL?
11.What is the name of the command used to execute a query in PostgreSQL?
c. RUN
d. GO
PostgreSQL interview questions for experienced candidates seeking employment with PostgreSQL should familiarize themselves with its core concepts like data types, tables, indexes and queries before exploring its advanced features such as stored procedures triggers views as well as best practices in database design optimization security.
By prepping for PostgreSQL interview questions they can show their knowledge while increasing their chances of landing employment opportunities within this exciting field.
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