OWASP Interview Questions and Answers
The non-profit Open Online Application Security Project improves online application security; our global community of developers, security specialists and other specialists identifies and fixes flaws within online apps.
1. What is OWASP?
OWASP stands for Open Web Application Security Program and provides several information and tools that help developers and businesses protect their online applications against vulnerabilities.
2. What is an injection in OWASP?
Injection is a security risk caused when user input that hasn’t been adequately cleansed is introduced into programs or databases and causes potential data breaches and security vulnerabilities.
3. What is broken authentication?
Broken authentication refers to any authentication issue when users’ credentials are incorrectly validated or validated,leading to unauthorised access to sensitive data by an unauthorised party.
4. How can users find these vulnerabilities on the OWASP website?
Users can visit the project section of the OWASP website and select the “top 10” option to discover the top vulnerabilities identified by OWASP.
5. How does OWASP identify the top vulnerability?
Injection was identified as one of OWASP’s primary weaknesses.
6. Who is responsible for checking these vulnerabilities?
Security testers and organisations globally have primary responsibility for monitoring potential software security flaws to strengthen software.
7. Does OWASP provide any guides for web security testing?
Yes, OWASP offers an invaluable guide for web security testing known as the Web Security Testing Guide.
8. Is the Web Security Testing Guide recommended for learning more about security testing?
Yes, OWASP’s Web Security Testing Guide should be an excellent source for building up knowledge around security testing.
9. What is the primary goal of the Web Security Testing Guide?
This resource aims to offer an all-encompassing guide for web security testing.
10. What is the Mobile Security Testing Guide?
OAS provides its Mobile Security Testing Guide as a resource to individuals and organisations to increase knowledge in mobile application security, with detailed guidance for testing mobile applications to detect vulnerabilities.
11. What is the Z Attack Proxy?
OAS provides this free tool called Z Attack Proxy that assists individuals and organisations alike with finding vulnerabilities in web and mobile apps they develop or maintain, including vulnerability scanning, code analysis and penetration testing services.
12. What is the Juice Shop application?
OAS provides this demo application called Juice Shop that allows users to practice security testing and identify vulnerabilities safely in a simulated environment.
13. What is OWASP ZAP?
OWASP ZAP is an open-source tool for auditor penetration tests to perform proxy and intercept request responses. It is similar to Burp Suite but provides active and automated scanning in Community Edition free of charge.
14. What does OWASP ZAP provide for the two types of scanning?
OWASP ZAP offers automated and manual scanning services, with automated allowing users to perform automatic analysis against an application while manual will enable you to explore it manually; users also have the choice between traditional spidering or text spidering options for both types.
15. What are the features of OWASP ZAP?
OWASP ZAP offers various features, such as scanning mechanisms, triage issues and finding security problems while measuring the correctness of the problem. Auto-pilot scanning focuses mainly on categorising or validating findings, while the main feature is auto-pilot reports with categorisation or validation features.

OWASP Training

Users looking to take full advantage of OWASP ZAP must have installed and updated all relevant add-ons.
17. What is the purpose of the active scanning policy?
Active scanning policies allow users to customise and assign various tasks such as Dom Access data gathering or HD Directory browsing, as well as set threshold and strength requirements for their scanner’s scan speed.
18. What is the process for scanning a Moodle application using a Firefox headless browser?
The author reviews each application until results become available, pausing at various intervals during that scan to examine any alerts and document any findings that arise from their examination of signals generated during scanning.
19. What types of alerts are displayed in the scanned results?
Scan results show various alerts for high findings, red flags indicate significant findings, and orange and yellow represent medium findings, with blue serving as informational flags for low results and blue marking informational purposes.
20. Running these tools against websites is dangerous and illegal. Why?
Running these tools against websites can be dangerous and illegal for several reasons: hacking is prohibited under federal law, and running these tools against websites you do not own could bring down their servers entirely.
21. What is the purpose of spidering a website?
Spidering is an automated method for exploring and indexing its content and structure for search engine indexing purposes.
It usually requires crawling scripts that run periodically until search engine bots have successfully crawled the content.
22.What is an active scan?
An active scan is a vulnerability assessment conducted by injecting payloads into websites or systems to identify potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities and pinpoint improvement areas.
23.What are some of the columns included in an active scan of a website?
An active scan typically includes columns such as ID, request timestamp, response timestamp, method used, URL method code RTT header, RTT response header, etc.
24.How long does an active scan typically take?
The timing for an active scan to complete can depend on the scope and complexity of the website being tested; time may need to pass for the scanner to index all payloads on it before beginning an analysis process.
25.What happens after completing an active scan of a website?
After performing an active scan, an author should typically be taken to an alert page displaying any vulnerabilities or potential attacks identified during their scan.
26.What is the purpose of website penetration testing?
Penetration testing identifies vulnerabilities and possible attacks to assess website or system security and integrity.
27. What information is displayed on the alert page on the bottom left side of OWASP ZAP?
The Alert Page displays information related to cross-site scripting, remote file inclusion directory browsing and x-frame options.
28. How can users expand the alert to check for vulnerabilities?
Users can broaden the scope of a signal by double-clicking any of its details; for instance, users could double-click a cross-site scripting DOM base entry and verify whether a website is vulnerable.
29. What will the URL show when a user checks if a website is vulnerable?
It will display high, medium, and attack payload risks for path-to-vessel attack techniques.

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30. What is the purpose of the URL?
An URL allows attackers to access files, directories and commands outside the web document root directory.
31.How can website owners address the issue of the URL?
When faced with URL security threats, website owners have several methods available to mitigate risk: harden the application or update their server; introduce web application firewall protection into the front of their websites; or set their applications against attacks directly by users.
32. What are the main features of ZAP?
ZAP features several main elements, such as an intercepting proxy, spider web crawlers, passive scanners, and active scanners.
33. What does the intercepting proxy do in ZAP?
ZAP’s intercepting proxy is an intermediary between your browser and web applications – any messages directed towards web apps go through its intercepting proxy.
34. What is the difference between the passive and active scanners in ZAP?
Passive scanners examine requests and responses sent between browser and application without initiating attacks or performing other exploits.
Active scanning reads requests and responses and performs attacks against applications being tested. Before performing an active scan on any given application, ensure you have permission from its creator before beginning testing.
35. When should the passive scanner be used in ZAP?
ZAP’s passive scanner should be utilised to examine requests and responses between browser and application without performing any attacks on it.
36. What is ZAP used for?
ZAP is an effective web application security scanner capable of finding vulnerabilities within web applications.
37. Can ZAP be used to fuzz parameters?
ZAP may also be utilised as an effective means to uncover additional threats not picked up by other scanners.
38. What is fuzzing?
Fuzzing is a technique employed in software testing that intentionally introduces errors or unexpected input into systems to test for their resilience and identify any vulnerabilities.
39. Does ZAP support dynamic SSL certificates?
ZAP supports dynamic SSL certificates, making it possible to generate unique root certificates that intercept HTTPS traffic and intercept it for interception by ZAP.
40. Is ZAP one of the tools used by penetration testers?
Penetration testers rely on ZAP as one of their go-to tools when penetrating applications.
Here, with these multiple-choice questions below, you can test how well you have retained the material.”
41. Which of the following is not a top 10 vulnerability identified by the Open Web Application Security Program (OWASP)?
Broken authentication
Cross-site scripting (XSS)
SQL injection
42. What does OWASP stand for?
Open Web Application Security Project
Organisation for Web Application Security Protection
Office of Web Application Security Program
Available Web Application Security Protection
43. What does OAS provide?
Web security testing guides
Mobile security testing guides
Web application security testing tools
All of the above
44. What is OAP?
Open Web Application Security Project
Organisation for Advanced Protection
Open Web Application Security Platform
OWASP technology secures online applications via tools, methods, and frameworks; online application security testing tools, secure coding principles, and vulnerability assessment frameworks are all part of OWASP technologies to assist developers in constructingcertain online apps.
Organisations may protect sensitive data and reduce attack risk using OWASP technologies to secure online applications.

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