Oracle SOA Interview Questions

We provide an exhaustive selection of Oracle SOA Interview Questions in this blog, so that you may gain a deeper insight into this technology while being better prepared for an Oracle SOA job interview by answering these questions.

Businesses using Oracle SOA technology to develop applications that are interoperable can utilize several parts and tools – Oracle Service Manager, Broker and Registry are among them, that help create seamless solutions.

Now let’s get the process rolling, we will present both behavioral and technical questions designed to test your problem-solving, communication and teamwork abilities.

Let’s get started.

1. What is Oracle SOA?

Oracle SOA is a powerful tool for managing and integrating applications in the Oracle Database. It allows for the exchange of electronic data between trading partners, ensuring that documents adhere to international standards.

2. What is the difference between SOA and P2P integrations?

P2P integrations require either system A or B to install a module inside its own system application that converts the target structure and sends it to the target.

SOA, on the other hand, is a loosely coupled architecture that takes full responsibility for communication between systems, converting data formats as needed.

3. What is microservices architecture?

Microservices architecture develops applications as small micro modules, allowing departments to work independently in case of problems.

4.What are business rules in Oracle SOA?

Business rules are essential components in SOA, as they separate business logic from the actual flow and can be changed quickly.

5. What does SOA architecture include?

SOA architecture includes a service infrastructure, a mediator, a repository, and components such as Oracle Mediator, Oracle Developer, and Oracle Enterprise Manager.

6. What is the solution proposed by the SOA approach in this use case?

The solution proposed by the SOA approach involves exposing all end systems, legacy systems, and services as services, which can be thought of as a service exposed from the end system right. A mediating orchestration process is used to integrate these services between end systems.

7. What is the Oracle S3S2 solution?

The Oracle S3S2 solution involves mapping components and activities within the SOA suite.

8. What is the role of the people component in the Oracle S3S2 solution?

The people component is an engine for mitigating and orchestrating business processes, integrating the engine and completing business processes.

The people component includes activities, transformations, conditional flows, and exception handling mechanisms.

9. What is the architecture of the Oracle S3S2 solution?

The Oracle S3S2 solution consists of a composite application, which is the core of the Oracle SaaS suite. The design team uses Oracle JDeveloper to develop and test these components, which are deployed to Web-Logic servers and debugged using Oracle Enterprise Manager OEM console.

10. What is Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)?

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architecture style that combines services and architecture to create a loosely coupled interacting software service.

11. What is the general concept of SOA implementation?

The general concept of SOA implementation involves creating a portfolio of services, which can be created using Java, .NET, or adapters.

12. What is the role of ESB in SOA implementation?

ESB (Extended Service Bus) is used to virtualize and route data in SOA implementation. It allows for routing and filtering of data, ensuring that the source and system do not know what the source of data is.

13. What is the integration platform that enables multiple sources and targets to communicate with each other?

The integration platform is called SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture).

14. What is the Oracle Service Bus?

The Oracle Service Bus is a bus that transforms messages from one location to another. It is used for integrating web services and can be used for various integration scenarios.

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15. What is the mediator in SOA?

The mediator is a component that transfers application messages from one side to another side. It acts as a routing engine and can be used for various integration scenarios.

16. What is an XML Schema?

An XML Schema (XSD) is a document that defines the structure and validation rules for an XML file.

17. What is the Oracle Managed File Transfer?

The Oracle Managed File Transfer is a service that supports FTP and SFTP servers for file transfer. It is used to transfer files between different systems and can be used for various integration scenarios.

18. What is a SOA composite application?

A SOA composite application is a collection of different components that work together to perform a business process.

It can be used for various integration scenarios and can include a combination of services, mediators, workflows, and business rules.

19. What is JDeveloper?

JDeveloper is a single tool that allows users to create different applications from Java, SOA, and ADF.

20. What is the Oracle J Developer in SOA development?

Oracle J Developer is a separate developer software that is used for developing SOA composite applications. It provides a graphical interface for designing and deploying SOA applications.

21. What is the purpose of the Enterprise Manager Console in SOA development?

The Enterprise Manager Console is used for deploying, managing, and monitoring SOA applications.

22. What is a service component in SOA development?

A service component is a building block of a SOA composite application. It can include services, mediators, workflows, and business rules and is used to perform a specific task in the overall business process.

23. What is a reference in SOA development?

A reference is an exit point from a SOA composite application. It is used to send messages to external systems or destinations and is an important component of a SOA composite application.

24. What is the main problem with monolithic application development?

Monolithic application development, where a business develops and deploys applications as a single system for automation, was problematic due to maintenance, outages, and upgrades.

25. What are the benefits of SOA suite?

The benefits of SOA suite include making the system loosely coupled, allowing for upgrades and shutdowns independently of other applications, ensuring that all functionalities remain unaffected by any issues within the microservices.

26. What is the XML document format?

The XML document format is a language designed to carry data, not display it, and follows a tree structure.

27. What is Oracle Fusion Middleware?

Oracle Fusion Middleware is a market-leading integration solution that allows for the seamless integration of multiple applications.

It offers a microservice architecture, allowing components to plug in and out anytime, providing flexibility and enabling easy maintenance and debugging.

28. What is the SOA Suite?

The SOA Suite provides a complete set of service infrastructure components for designing, deploying, and managing SOA composite applications.

29. What are the components of the SOA Suite?

The SOA Suite consists of several components, including SOA, which is a set of various SOA components, and adapters, which are used to connect to the external world, and service components.

30. What are the key benefits of using SOA?

The key benefits of using SOA include loose coupling, flexibility, and easy maintenance and debugging. By integrating multiple sources and targets, productivity increases, and troubleshooting becomes easier.

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31. What is the SOA Composite Architecture?

The SOA Composite Architecture is a set of key components and SOA that makes it an ideal choice for organizations looking to integrate multiple applications.

32. What is Java messaging services?

Java messaging services (JMS) is a platform for sending and receiving messages between different applications.

33. What are web services?

Web services are software systems that communicate using a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) and can be accessed via the internet.

34. What is metadata?

Metadata refers to the data that describes other data, such as the structure and properties of an XML file.

35. What is a central repository?

A central repository is a location where files and digital assets are stored and managed, providing flexibility and reusability in change and management.

36. What are service components in SOA?

Service components in SOA include Business Process Execution Language (BPEL), Oracle Fusion Middleware, and Mediators.

37. What is Oracle’s service bus?

Oracle’s service bus is a middleware that allows for seamless integration between on-premise and cloud applications, enabling business activity monitoring, business rules, agility, and connectivity.

38. How is an XML document validated?

An XML document can be validated using methods such as DTD document type definition or XSD schema definition.

39. What is the purpose of an XML Schema?

The purpose of an XML Schema is to define the structure and validation rules for an XML file, allowing for flexibility and consistency in data exchange.

Are you ready to put your knowledge to the test in this interview with a series of multiple-choice questions?

1. What does SOA stand for in the context of Oracle Fusion Middleware?

a) System Orchestration Alignment

b) Server Oriented Architecture

c) Simple Object Access


2. In SOA, what is commonly used to allow different services to communicate, using protocols and data formats?

a) Controller

b) Servlet


d) Process Manager

3. What is one of the benefits of SOA for an organization?

a) Code changes needed when integrating new sources or targets

b)cIncreased point-to-point integrations

c) Multiple receivers required for communication


4. In Oracle Fusion Middleware, the Service Infrastructure is used for what purpose?

a) Site engineering services

b) Storing user credentials

c) Conducting business analytics

5. Name the language used to transform data structures from SOA to target structures?

a) SQL



d) C++

6. What is the processor engine called that integrates discrete services in SOA Suite for completing the end-to-end business flow?

a) Oracle Database Engine

b) Oracle Mediator Engine


d) Oracle Enterprise Manager

7. What role does Oracle Mediator play in service of SOA?

a) Execute Java message services

b) Facilitate server-side scripting

c) Manage and store user transaction history


Prepare for an Oracle SOA interview by taking advantage of this comprehensive set of questions available through this Oracle SOA interview questions blog.
Architectural components of SOA, its various layers and layers of implementation, how to develop and implement SOA solutions, manage SOA solutions over time and secure them are among the many subjects we have addressed in previous discussions.

As you prepare to attend an Oracle SOA interview, we hope this blog is of assistance in making preparation easier!

Good luck with all your endeavors!

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