Oracle BI Publisher Training | Learn Oracle BI Publisher Course
About Oracle BI Publisher
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher is a middleware reporting tool that simplifies the authoring, management, and delivery of reports and documents. It is integrated with Oracle Business Intelligence and can be a standalone tool.
The curriculum covers the features of Oracle Business Interlink, the BI Publisher data model concept, and the range of data sources it supports.
Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher creates highly formatted reports using the Oracle BI repository and other data sources. It allows complete control over layout, including images, logos, and other content.
The curriculum concludes with a formatted BIP report, which can be generated with Oracle VIP.
Benefits of Oracle BI Publisher
Organizations benefit greatly from Oracle BI Publisher’s robust reporting and document production features, providing numerous advantages:
1. Flexible Report Structure:
BI Publisher provides users with a user-friendly interface for quickly creating reports in spreadsheet-like, form-based, pixel-perfect formats, allowing for elegant yet attractive reporting. This versatility facilitates stunning reports.
2. Data Integration:
BI Publisher integrates Oracle and non-Oracle databases, spreadsheets, and other sources so users can create reports with data from many platforms.
3. Output Flexibility:
Reports can be produced in PDF, Excel, Word, HTML, or XML formats for easier distribution and user engagement.
4. Accessibility:
Reports created using BI Publisher that complies with Section 508 are more inclusive for disabled users, thereby increasing their participation and inclusion rates.
5. Scalability:
With its capacity for handling large data volumes and meeting reporting demands from organizations of any size.
6. Seamless Integration with Oracle Applications:
BI Publisher simplifies reporting and document production within Oracle Fusion Applications and E-Business Suite.
7. Better Decision-Making:
Oracle BI Publisher provides organizations with fast, accurate, and relevant data that improves decision-making and document production processes.
With its flexible features that improve reporting and data connectivity, Oracle BI Publisher is helping organizations improve decision-making at every turn.

Oracle BI Publisher Training

Prerequisites of Oracle BI Publisher
Organizations need various criteria in place to use Oracle BI Publisher effectively. Here are three requirements for using the software effectively:
1. Oracle Database:
Most reports generated with BI Publisher use Oracle databases as the core backend source. They may connect to various data sources as needed, but Oracle databases usually remain at their center.
2. Report Development Skills:
Report development using BI Publisher involves knowledge of XML, XSL and report layout design principles; therefore, creators or customizers require skills or resources in these areas for effective report creation or customization.
3. Integration with Other Systems:
Depending on reporting needs, the BI Publisher might require interconnecting with ERP, CRM, or business intelligence tools. Knowing these systems and the integration opportunities can prove extremely helpful in meeting reporting goals.
Companies meeting these requirements may fully utilize Oracle BI Publisher’s benefits in reporting and document production.
Oracle BI Publisher Tutorial
BI Publisher Report Customization:
A BI Publisher report combines a data model, layout, properties, and translation options.
It involves selecting the data source for the report, selecting the data columns to be displayed on the report, adding a meaningful layout for this data, defining the properties for the report parameter, and scheduling the report.

Oracle BI Publisher Online Training

Modes of learning of Oracle BI Publisher
Oracle BI Publisher offers multiple learning modes that will assist users in mastering its application.
Standard Oracle BI Publisher learning methods:
1. Training Courses:
Oracle offers instructor-led BI Publisher training. Oracle BI Publisher class focus on report creation, data modelling and administration, hands-on experience and face-to-face and online professional interaction.
2. Online Resources:
Oracle BI Publisher users have several online resources, including the Oracle BI Publisher Online Classes Community forum for asking and exchanging questions and its Blog, which offers tool tips.
3. Webinars:
Oracle BI Publisher Online Course seminars feature regular webinars where attendees can ask Oracle specialists their queries on various topics.
4. Self-Paced Learning:
The Oracle BI Publisher tutorial offers videos and interactive labs to support self-paced learning so users can learn at their own pace.
Oracle BI Publisher Certification
Oracle Corporation certifies Oracle BI Publisher users who can efficiently design, create, and deploy reports and documents.
The program helps businesses identify experts capable of creating high-quality reports and publications using this powerful business intelligence solution.
Oracle BI Publisher Online Training certification requires passing one or more examinations that assess candidates’ knowledge and abilities.
Certification tests depend on both certification level and topic. Typically, they use Oracle BI Publisher to highlight current features and best practices.
Certified professionals receive both certificates and badges to demonstrate their talent to companies and clients alike.
Oracle BI Publisher certification must be renewed every three years by either taking another test or earning continuing education credits. It enhances employment prospects by showing competence and adding value for Oracle BI tool users.

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