OpenSpan Installation

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OpenSpan Installation:

This document describes how to install the OpenSpan Plug‐in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 edition. OpenSpan offers two editions of OpenSpan Studio to support the different needs of our users.

  1. OpenSpan Studio: OpenSpan Studio is a completely standalone version built for developers who do not have Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 installed.

As part of the OpenSpan Studio installation, the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 installed, which provides the IDE foundation for OpenSpan Studio, feature‐rich development environment.

  1. OpenSpan Plug‐in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010: The OpenSpan Plug‐in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 integrates with Visual Studio 2010, so you can leverage Microsoft developer tools to rapidly create OpenSpan projects from Visual Studio.


Minimum Requirements:

The minimum configuration required to run the OpenSpan Studio plug are,

  • Processor: 1.6 GHz or more.
  • RAM: 1GB of RAM for a 32‐bit operating system

2GB of RAM for a 64‐bit operating system and Disk Space is 2.8 GB.

  • Operating system: These Windows operating systems are supported for:
  • Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 3(32‐bit)
  • Windows 7 (32‐ and64‐bit)
  • Windows Server 2003 SP2 (32‐ and64‐bit)
  • Windows Server 2008 SP2 (32‐ and64‐bit)
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 (64‐bit)
  • Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 7‐10 (32‐bit) and Internet Explorer version 11 (32‐ and 64‐bit) are recommended. OpenSpan offers limited support for these other browsers:
  • Google Chrome versions 38‐47.
  • Mozilla Firefox** versions 31‐39.
  • Mozilla Firefox ESR** versionsfrom31.6.0‐38.3.0 (expected to work until Firefox ESR 38.8.0, which is due to reach its end of life on May 31,2016).
  • Other applications: You must also have these applications:
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 with Service Pack1
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or4.5
  • Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 or higher
  • Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1 or higher

Installing the OpenSpan Plug‐in Using the Setup Wizard:

Follow these steps to install the OpenSpan plug‐in:

Download and unzip the OpenSpan Plug‐in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 set up file into a temporary folder location.

  • Make sure Microsoft Visual Studio is closed, and then run the installation executable file (OpenSpanPluginVS2010Setup.exe). Be sure to select Run as Administrator.
  • The OpenSpan Plug‐in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Setup wizard starts.
  • Click Next to continue. The OpenSpan Office support panel appears.
  • Select the adaptation of Microsoft Office introduced on the machine. Select none if Office isn’t introduced on this machine, the introduced variant isn’t recorded, or in the event that you don’t plan to coordinate Microsoft Office.
  • Snap Next to proceed. The Install Training CRM Application Setup File panel appears as below.

  • Click yes to introduce test CRM application setup document that is utilized with OpenSpan preparing.
  • Leave this check box unchecked it’s in the event that you would prefer not to introduce test CRM application.
  • The OpenSpan Services board shows as below.

  • Make sure the box is checked to install OpenSpan services, unless instructed otherwise by OpenSpan Support. Then click next.
  • The Server Connectivity Configuration panel appears.

  • The framework reaches esteem from the Common Config.xml record and displays them in the partner fields, you have to change any of these qualities, and then
  • Click Next.
  • When finished, click Next to continue. The Select Installation Folder panel appears.

Here are some elements which are used in OpenSpan server configuration, listed below:

  • Enable Server Connectivity: Check this box to indicate that we want to connect to OpenSpan Management Console (OMC) and to enable the Tenant Name and Configuration fields.
  • Tenant Name: The tenant name assigned to your company or organization. This is typically the company name, omitting any non‐alphanumeric characters.
  • Configuration Server: The name of the configuration server. Configuration servers are used to authenticate and deliver configuration settings.
  • Enable ADFS Authentication: This box enables an Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) server. You enable an ADFS server to implement single sign‐on using the identity of the currently logged in Windows user.
  • ADFS Server: The name of the ADFS server.
  • Enable Intelligence: Check this box to indicate that you want to connect to the OpenSpan Workforce Intelligence™ server and to enable the Intelligence URL field.
  • Intelligence URL: Enter the URL of the Workforce Intelligence server.

  • Accept the default installation folder for the OpenSpan plug‐in or click Browse to select a different location.
  • Click Next to continue. The Browser Installation panel appears.

  • Check the suitable browser extension cases if you have to automate other browsers in addition to Internet Explorer. OpenSpan offers limited support for the browsers shown on this panel.
  • Click Next to continue. The Configure Shortcuts panel appears.

  • Click Install to begin the OpenSpan plug‐in installation.
  • The Installing OpenSpan Plug‐in for Microsoft Visual Studio panel shows the installation progress. When the installation finishes, the Completing the OpenSpan Plug‐in for Microsoft Visual Studio Setup panel appears.
  • Click Finish to exit the Set up wizard.

Installing OpenSpan Studio via the Command Line:

You can bypass the Setup Wizard and install OpenSpan Studio via the command line using the OpenSpanStudioVS2010Setup.exe program.

This table shows the command line switches you can use:

The OpenSpan plug‐in features will be available the next time you start Visual Studio. You are now ready to start creating OpenSpan projects using Visual Studio.

Switch Description
/i Installs the system.
/qn+ Installs the system with no user interaction except for a modal dialog that appears at the end.
/qn (Silent Mode). Installs the system with no user interaction at all.
/L*v Tells the program to log all install information including that generated by the v (verbose) option. Include the name of the log file you want to use.

The table below shows the command line parameters:

Parameter Description


Enter one (1) to create desktop icons.

The default is zero (0), which does not create desktop icons.



Enter one (1) if you want the installation program to add an icon to the Windows Quick Launch toolbar.

The default is zero (0), which tells the program not to add the icon.



Enter zero (0) if you do not want the installation program to create a Start menu program folder.

The default is one (1), which tells the program to create a Start menu folder



Enter one (1) if you want the installation program to add an icon in the Startup folder.

The default is zero (0), which tells the program not to add an icon.



You have these options:

”” = Forces a per-user install. 0 = Installs per user.

1 = Installs per machine, for all users.

2=Iftheuserhasadministratorrights,itinstallspermachine.Iftheuserdoesnot have administrator rights, it installs per user.

For example, to force a per-user install, you would enter:


To install per machine, for all users you would enter:


APPDIR= This parameter is used to override the installation default folder.

By default is blank, which shows the program to install OpenSpan Studio into the default folder.



2013, 2016}

Enter the version of Microsoft Office installed on the computer.

The default is zero (0), which indicates Microsoft Office is not installed on this machine, the installed version is not listed, or if you do not plan to integrate with Microsoft Office.

INST_CHROME= (0,1) Enter one (1) to install the Chrome extension. This lets us to automate Chrome. If omitted, the Chrome extension is not installed.

Note: You must have build7.1.49.0 or higher to install the Chrome extension.

INST_FIREFOX= (0,1) Enter one (1) to install the Firefox extension. This allows us to automate Firefox. If omitted, the Firefox extension is not installed.

Note: You must have build or higher to install the Firefox extension.

INST_SERVICES= (0,1) Enter zero (0) if you do not want OpenSpan Services and the OpenSpan Driver Service installed. The default is one (1), which installs these services. Typically, you should accept the default.

You would only set this parameter to zero (0) in Citrix environments where you could not install these services.

MSIINSTALLPERUSER= (“ “,1) If you want the Installer to install the dual‐purpose package in the per‐machine installation context, set this parameter to an empty string (“”) and set the ALLUSERS parameter to 2. To have the Installer install the dual‐purpose package in the per‐user installation context, set this parameter to one (1) and set the ALLUSERS parameter to 2.

Note: If the ALLUSERS parameter is set to something other than 2, the Installer ignores this parameter.


Here is an example:

OpenSpanPluginVS2010Setup.exe/qn+/L*vLogFileName.txtINSTALL_OFFICE=2016 AI_STARTMENU_SH=1AI_DESKTOP_SH=1

From above steps we have installed, OpenSpan software successfully, Hope it is useful to you as well.

Please follow us with more Blogs for more information.

Mahesh J

Mahesh J


Hello all! I’m a nature’s child, who loves the wild, bringing technical knowledge to you restyled.