(Dot)Net Interview Questions | (Dot)Net Core Interview Questions
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1. What is the .NET framework?
The .NET framework is a software development framework created by Microsoft Corporation. It allows for the creation of various applications, including console, Windows, web, mobile, and service-oriented applications.
The dot NET framework interview questions include multiple programming languages, such as C#, VB.NET, and F#, and provide a shared runtime environment for all these languages.
2. Explain the OOPS Concept.
OOPS (Object-Oriented Programming) is a programming paradigm that uses objects to represent data and behaviour. It is based on inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction principles. OOPS allows for creating modular code that is easier to maintain and reuse.
3. Could you tell me what.NET parameters are?
Parameters are used in NET ASP interview questions to pass data from one method to another. They are defined in the method signature and can have various types, such as integers, strings, and arrays. Parameters can be optional or required, and they can have default values.
4. Please explain how .NET handles string storage in memory in NET interview questions and answers.
In .NET, strings are stored in memory as objects. When a string is created, a fixed-size memory block is allocated to keep its length and a reference to the actual string data) The accurate string data is stored in a shared memory area called the string pool.
These dot NET interview questions for experienced allow for efficient memory management and reduce the memory required to keep strings.
5. Why are “boxing” and “unboxing” used in.NET?
Boxing converts a value type to a reference type, and unboxing converts a reference type back to a value type.
In dot NET core interview questions advanced, boxing and unboxing are used to convert between value types and reference types, such as integers and objects. This is necessary because many basic dot NET interview questions, APIs,and frameworks use reference types, while some use value.
6. How does .NET define a static class?
A static class in NET interview basic questions is a class that contains only static members, such as methods and variables. It cannot be instantiated as an object and does not have a default constructor. Static classes are typically used for utility classes containing methods and variables shared across multiple applications.
7. Tell me about methods in.NET
A method in .NET is a block of code that performs a specific task. Methods can be defined inside a class or as a static method. They can have parameters and return values, and they can modify the state of an object. NET core interview questions for experienced professionals Methods are invoked using the dot notation, followed by the method name and any arguments.
8. Can you explain how .NET handles exceptions in NET core web API interview questions?
Exception handling in .NET is a mechanism that allows for handling unexpected errors or exceptions that occur during the execution of a program. It involves using try-catch blocks, which catch and handle specific exceptions. Exception handling allows for more robust and reliable code, as it can prevent a program from crashing or behaving unexpectedly.
9. Explain the.NET framework’s SL commands.
SQL (Structured Query Language) commands are used in .NET to interact with relational databases. They are used to perform various operations, such as selecting, inserting, updating, and deleting data. SL commands can be executed using multiple APIs and frameworks, such as ADO.NET and Entity Framework.
10. For ASP.NET, what does web configuration mean?
Web configuration in ASP.NET describes the properties and behaviour of web applications and helps manage settings in ASP NET web API interview questions.
11. Do you know what a NET cache block is?
A cache block in .NET is a block of statements that must be executed in the same order and cannot be executed concurrently in ASP NET core MVC interview questions.
12. To clarify, what is a tribelock in the context of .NET?
A tribelock in .NET locking mechanism allows multiple cash blocks to be executed concurrently within a single block.
13. Explain the.NET concept of a final block.
A final block in .NET is the last block in a sequence of blocks that must be executed regardless of the outcome of any try-catch blocks.
14. How are errors handled in .NET?
Errors in .NET are handled using the time and number positions. The time position is selected, and the number is thrown as a negative number. The error is then thrown to the principal prospect of the exception. The corresponding central prospect is then thrown.
15. Does anyone know what the check function is in .NET?
The check method in .NET is placed in the pre-cache block used to divide by the exception E. The work starts with file four, and the program is correct in ASP NET interview questions experienced
16. What is an abstract class in .NET?
An abstract class in .NET is a class that can be created but not implemented and instantiated, known as an abstract class purifying. It contains abstract and non-extract methods, and the current direct class must provide these methods.
17. On the .NET platform, how do you understand the idea of interfaces?
The concept of interfaces in .NET defines a contract for a set of methods a class must implement. Interfaces can be used for different purposes, including multiple inheritance and hierarchy of class representation.
18. When it comes to .NET, how do abstract classes and interfaces differ?
Interfaces in .NET are public and abstract by default, while abstract classes contain abstract and non-extract methods. Interfaces can be called from anywhere, while abstract classes can only be inherited.
19. To what end does the.NET framework recommend using abstract classes?
The advantage of using an abstract class in .NET is its data security, ensuring only authorised individuals can access it.
20. For what properties does .NET use?
The purpose of properties in the ASP NET questionis to provide an opportunity to protect a field in a class by reading and writing it through the property. Properties allow for more control over the access and manipulation of data in an object-oriented approach.

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The standard components of the .NET Framework include creating a new account, updating the model from the database, and setting data automatically using predefined methods such as First, Default, Lambda, and Normal Delta operations.
22. When it comes to the.NET Framework, what does JIT do?
JIT, or Just-in-Time compiler, is responsible for converting intermediate code into native code quickly and independently of local operating systems, runtime, and the local framework attached to the computer. This process ensures that the CPU and other vices in the chain understand the code.
23. Explain how the.NET Framework uses MSIL.
MSIL, or Microsoft’s intermediate language, is a set of instructions required for various operations such as memory handling, exception handling, and more. It provides clear, concise instructions on how to store, use, and implement values. MSIL is a vital part of the Microsoft dot framework.
24. How does CTS fit into the.NET Framework?
CTS, or standard type system, rules govern data types, including integer, floating, and double data types. It applies to all languages and allows for inter-language operations or cross-compatibility.
25. So, how exactly does CLR fit into the .NET Framework?
CLR, or Common Language Runtime, forms the foundation for many applications built and run in the .NET framework. It takes up the intermediate code and ensures all necessary aspects are taken into place, such as memory management, security protocols, libraries for loading, and thread management.
26. Regarding the.NET Framework, how are user controls different from custom controls?
User control has a static layout and no support for the toolbox, while custom control provides all the support for using the toolbox. The control axis is tightly coupled, while user control branches out of the same name and control group.
27. Could you perhaps explain the distinction between MIME and cross-page posting?
Cross-page posting is a concept where data is stored on different pages while linking to the current one. This can be achieved using the post-pack URL property. MIME is an add-on to existing email protocols, allowing easy file exchange over emails.
28. Which security controls does ASP.NET have?
Security controls in ASP .NET include password recovery, login name, login status, and view. Password recovery emails the user when a password is lost, while login provides login controls, name, and status. Login view discusses various opinions provided to the user after login based on the theme set.
29. What is the sequence of events in the ASP.NET page life cycle?
The order of events in a page ASP NET life cycle interview questions includes pre-acetalization, initialisation, completion, pre-load, pre-rendering, and rendering.
30. Just what is the.NET Framework’s System dot i1 namespace?
The System dot i1 namespace in the .NET Framework contains classes for file handling, including opening, creating, reading, deleting, and renaming files.
31. Within the.NET Framework, what exactly is the System dot text namespace?
The System dot text namespace in the .NET Framework contains classes for regular expressions and other conversions, such as real-time application validation.
32. Can you tell me what the .NET Framework’s System dot Globalization namespace is?
The System dot globalisation namespace in the .NET Framework contains several classes for displaying output in the user’s local language, such as English to Chinese, French, or Spanish.
33. In the .NET Framework, what exactly is the System.Windows. Forms namespace?
The System dot windows dot forms namespace in .NET Framework contains several classes for developing user-defined Windows applications, such as Google, Facebook, and YouTube.
34. How can I determine the.NET Framework’s System dot drawing namespace?
The System dot drawing namespace in the .NET Framework is helpful for graphical activities in Windows forms applications, such as displaying images, setting icons, and displaying positions.
35. Could you tell me what the.NET Framework’s System.Intranet namespace is?
The System dot intranet namespace in the .NET Framework is used to develop web applications like Google, Facebook, and YouTube.
36. In the.NET Framework, what exactly is the System.Web namespace?
The System dot web namespace in the .NET Framework contains several classes for developing web applications, such as Google, Facebook, and YouTube.
37. Do you know what the.NET Framework’s System.Web.MVC namespace is?
The System dot web dot MVC NET interview questions and answers namespace in the .NET Framework is used for developing web applications using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern.
38. May I ask what the ASV.NET framework is?
The ASV.NET framework is a free, cross-platform, open-source framework for web development. Microsoft founded it in 2002, and it is used by numerous custom software development companies worldwide.
39. When comparing Java and)NET, what are the key differences?
Java and .NET are popular open-source programming languages with different versions and licensing costs. Java is a server-side language for web projects, big data, and GUI applications, while .NET is a free, open-source platform with no licensing cost and free development tools for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
40. Could you please explain the ASP.NET page life cycle?
The page life cycle in ASP.NET includes the following stages: initialisation, restoration, execution, post back, view state, post back validation, and unloading.
41. What is ASP.NET Core?
ASP.NET Core is an open-source framework for developing modern cloud-enabled internet-connected apps. It includes architectural improvements to create a more modular dot net framework interview questions and answers.
42. To what extent does ASP.NET use the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern?
The MVC pattern in ASP.NET is an architectural pattern that divides an application into three major components: model, view, and controller. It is based on the principle of separation of concerns, which ensures that software is classified based on the task type.
43. Can you tell me about the ASP.NET Core MVC framework?
The ASP.NET Core MVC framework is a lightweight, open-source, and highly test able presentation framework explicitly designed for use with ASP.NET Core. It allows users to create modern web apps using the NET MVC interview questions and answers model view controller architectural pattern.
44. In ASP.NET, how does caching work?
Caching in ASP.NET stores frequently accessed data in memory, boosting application performance and automatically creating pages.
45. Describe the architecture of an application built using ASP.NET Core MVC)
An ASP.NET Core MVC application has logical components such as model, controller, and view that are kept in separate folders using naming conventions to build relationships between these components.

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Users can create a new project in Visual Studio by selecting a template, choosing between two ASP.NET web application templates (C# and MVC), and then selecting the project location, name, and solution name.
47. In comparison to the ASP.NET Web API, what sets MVC apart?
MVC is used for creating online applications that produce views and data, while ASP.NET Web API is suitable for building RESTful services that can only return data, not views.
48. Where does the ASP.NET Web API’s HTTP client come into play?
The HTTP client in ASP.NET Web API net interview questions for freshers with answers contains a new HTTP client that can be used in ASP.NET and MVC server-side applications to interface with the web API server.
49. Just how does one go about making a login page for an ASP.NET Core MVC app?
Users can create a login page by returning to Visual Studio, right-clicking on the controller folder, adding a controller, renaming the class to the user controller and writing code inside the public class.
50. When building websites, what does an HTTP request do?
An HTTP request is a message sent from a client to a server that contains information about the requested resource and the HTTP methods to be used.
51. When creating a website, what does an HTTP response serve to purpose?
An HTTP response is a message sent from a server to a client that contains information about the requested resource, such as its status code, reason phrase, and response body.
52. To what extent does an ASP.NET Core MVC application use the solution explorer?
The solution explorer in an ASP.NET Core MVC application is a tool to manage and organise project files, classes, and routes. It includes folders such as root, controller, model, views, and app settings. Json, and program. Cs.
53. For what does an ASP.NET Core MVC application’s area registration function?
Area registration in an ASP.NET Core MVC application allows one or more areas to be defined, each with its controllers, views, and routes.
54. How do users create anASP.NET Core MVC application registration page?
Users can create a registration page in an ASP.NET Core MVC application by adding input fields, labels, and buttons to a form and then configuring the form’s action and route.
55. If I were to compare ASP.NET MVC and MVC3, what would I find different?
MVC is a software architectural pattern that separates an application into three main parts: Model, View, and Controller, while MVC3 is an extension of MVC that introduces new features such as JSON binding and cross-domain Ajax.
56. What is the ASP.NET life cycle?
The ASP.NET life cycle is divided into two categories: application life cycle and page life cycle.
57. Can you tell me how ASP.NET differs from MVC?
MVC is a software architectural pattern that separates an application into three main parts: model, view, and controller, while ASP.NET is a web development framework that uses object-oriented programming languages to connect with databases and web services.
58. How does an ASP.NET web service function?
A web service is a web-based functionality accessed using protocols such as ADO.NET, and it has three aspects: creating a web service, creating a proxy, and consuming the web service.
59. Do you know any sample questions and answers for ASP.NET interviews at the intermediate level?
Some intermediate-level ASP.NET interview questions and answers include web libraries, view states, Multiview, and early and late binding.
60. In ASP.NET, how does authentication function?
Authentication in ASP.NET is divided into four types: form authentication, Windows authentication, custom authentication, and passport authentication.
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1. What is the purpose of .NET?
A) Support application design, development, and deployment.
B) Implement console, Windows, online, mobile, and service-oriented apps.
C) Allow one language feature in another, making it an IT industry tool.
D) Implement console, Windows, online, mobile, and service-oriented apps.
Answer: A) Support application design, development, and deployment.
2. What is the .NET series?
A) A language set for console, Windows, online, mobile, and service-oriented applications.
B) Console, Windows, web, mobile, and service-oriented software language.
C) Framework language for using linguistic features in other languages.
D) An application language that is not console, Windows, web, mobile, or service-oriented.
Answer: A) A language set for console, Windows, online, mobile, and service-oriented applications.
3. What is the critical component of .NET?
Answer: C) CLS
4. What is the purpose of the CLR in .NET?
A) Debug and compile corresponding code.
B) Recognise languages as dotted frames of language.
C) Ensure all .NET framework work languages have a shared state concerning data types and ranges.
D) Convert a .NET application into a Microsoft Intermediate Language (MIL).
Answer: C) Ensure all .NET framework work languages have a shared state concerning data types and ranges.
5. What is the purpose of the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) in .NET?
A) For application compatibility with different.NET framework versions.
B) Convert.NET to MIL.
C) Use the program in different.NET framework languages without change.
D) Make the program language-neutral and portable.
Answer: D) Make the program language-neutral and portable.
6. What is the purpose of the JIT compiler in .NET?
A) Compile the corresponding compiler to compile the corresponding code.
B) Convert the MSIL into an understandable CPU format.
C) Load only the main classes into memory.
D) Convert the MSL into a CPU-specific code.
Answer: B) Convert the MSIL into an understandable CPU format.
7. What is the purpose of the concept of namespaces in .NET?
A) Ensure naming conflicts between classes.
B) Group a collection of layered classes and interfaces.
C) Define a modularisation method for traditional programming
D) Combine data members and member functions of objects.
Answer: B) Group a collection of layered classes and interfaces.
8. What is object-oriented programming?
A) Modular programming creates a mall, partition, and data/object memory region.
B) A way for making copies of modules on demand.
C) A method for executing the program directly.
D) A programming approach that supports module copying and direct execution.
Answer: A) Modular programming creates a mall, partition, and data/object memory region.
9. What are the features of object-oriented programming?
A) Encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.
B) Data must be available, but not everyone will be open.
C) Access modifiers such as private, public, protected, internal, protected, and selected are used to ensure that data is accessible to all users.
D) None of the above.
Answer: A) Encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, and polymorphism.
10. What are BCL and FCL concepts in .NET class life practice?
A) Base class library and framework class libraries, respectively.
B) Basic class library and fundamental class libraries, respectively.
C) Backend class library and frontend class libraries, respectively.
D) Bootstrap class library and framework class libraries, respectively.
Answer: A) Base class library and framework class libraries, respectively.
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