N-Unit Tutorial
N unit
The N unit testing framework is a unit testing solution suitable for use across all Dot Net languages, supporting both.NET 5 and the newer.NET Core framework.
N can be extended by other tools to perform tool-specific actions like spec flow. N provides several advantages during tests, including parallel sequence and order specified testing.
N Unit features many inbuilt attributes that can help decorate C# methods as test methods, fixtures or hooks for Lambda test platform tests. Furthermore, assertion can assist with performing pass/fail operations on all testing platforms as well as within Lambda itself.
Lambda Test
Lambda test platform makes running your tests quick and simple by offering two concurrent sessions per browser – making testing possible on two distinct environments at the same time!
Once registered for free accounts on Lambda, test runners can start running tests immediately after signing in – no waiting!
To connect your local test to Lambda test platform, obtain access keys from your profile settings page. Furthermore, for additional assistance on connecting local machine code with Lambda test platform click “Get Started in Automation Tab.”
To link a test from your local machine to Lambda Test Platform, you will require username, access key and any desired capabilities and additional capabilities.
These capabilities can be set using Chrome option and tested across different browsers such as Firefox, Safari and Mac OS Browser.
If you need access this data outside the Lambda test platform, search for and select the Lambda Test Capability Generator as soon as you locate Chrome version that suits you best.
Lambda test platforms feature unique URLs; however, to save time and ensure an easier test execution experience. Therefore, both username and password information will be predetermined when creating tests on them.
To run a test on Lambda test platform, create several properties including browser version, operating system name and build name as well as username and access key properties.
Initialize these values within your test using a constructor. Create capabilities for running it on Lambda Test Platform using chrome option and include any extra capabilities as necessary.
Make Chrome an option with additional capabilities like version name, build number, username name and access tokens. Set this value to true for global capability assignment as well.
Assign Chrome with additional abilities like version name build number username name and access tokens.
Set Chrome option as a capability within your lambda test URL and comment local test for later reference.
Access connectivity information of lambda tests through using test fixture from unit number; test fixture is suitable for parallel execution of tests.
Execute your test on the Lambda testing platform while customizing each step with its respective capability name. Parallelized execution occurs on Windows 10 machines using Chrome browser and quickly executed tests are run concurrently on both of them.

N-Unit Training

How to run Parallel Tests in Lambda test
To run parallel tests on Lambda test platform, a special class called Parallel Testing has been designed.
Copy and paste code, modify constructor parameters to enable parallel testing, then run tests in various environments such as Safari 13 with Mac OS Catalina, Firefox on Windows 10 or Microsoft Edge Browser (both Mac OS Catalina compatible) using Chrome options.
Hardcoded browser options must be converted to dynamic capabilities using dynamic keyword.
The additional capability parameter varies based on which browser has been chosen; Safari and Chrome browsers don’t need to pass an additional capability test with regard to global environment as true.
An if-condition is created to pass each capability option. In this video, Selenium C shape makes this setup and testing easy on multiple platforms.
Testers with C shape and Selenium have almost completed testing the capability. In order to run them concurrently, one Chrome option needs to be changed into capability mode for parallel running of tests.
Over four such tests are currently running simultaneously with various combinations of browsers and operating systems.
To better identify tests on the Lambda Test Platform, the capability must be changed from parallel browser testing. This enables testing that uniquely identifies each individual test on this system.
The dashboard will showcase four live sessions running across different browser combinations – Windows 10, Firefox, macOS Safari Windows 10, Chrome browser.
Real-time video can be watched during execution to show the power of Lambda Test to run tests in parallel on multiple browser combinations using Selenium’s parallel execution feature.
Next time in this series, an application will be installed locally instead of being accessible publicly.
To utilize the Lambda Test Tunnelling feature, two modifications need to be implemented into both code and machine being tested.

N- Unit Online Training

Lambda test tunnelling begins, providing access to start testing an application on this platform. To run it locally on local machine and then migrate over, create an HTTP server dedicated to running this application on lambda test platform.
Replace the current publicity-hosted domain with your local machine’s URL path to activate tunnelling feature. Add capability for remote web driver to communicate with Lambda test platform via tunnelling capability which you set as true in web driver settings.
Your application is now up and running, to run its tests right-click the test and refresh data.
Currenty the tests are running on Lambda test platform and have completed. With Firefox for Windows running OS connecting directly to local machine instead of public hosted application.
Lambda tests demonstrate their versatility by enabling tests to run by invoking local machines and running them via lambda test platforms.
CSS framework methods and properties
Visual Studio and Expression Body Syntax is used to refactor methods with readability as the priority, creating a data object named purchase info which contains all pertinent details necessary for filling fields.
Initialize maps and assertions in their constructor and expose publicly (some prefer private variables); create tests using composition (a pattern where private variables are initialized in their constructor), which create tests using composition tests;
Tests are made more readable and manageable by adding domain-specific language into them.
The second version of the framework addresses base maps and repetition of properties by employing partial classes. With partial classes, three files with distinct names can be combined together into one class to eliminate the need for a base map.
Pages are shorter and the test remains the same, using code for lambda setup with environmental variables, user keys and remote web driver that passes formatted URI’s for formatting of URL’s. Furthermore, framework allows configuration of test cases.
This framework tool helps users organize their tests within an effective framework. They can create categories such as long rain tests, module-based tests and more to efficiently carry out their endeavors.
Users may organize tests by name and use the “swap” feature to group into categories. Furthermore, using the categories tab they can select just one or a set of tests from which to run tests.
Users can specify category attributes via command prompt and use cruise control for running multiple tests within one category at once.
This tool also enables users to run non-immigration tests in one run before conducting integration tests in multiple runs.
Users can specify category attributes at the command prompt and use cruise control for multiple tests within each category.
This framework features the “fixture,” or test fixture, as the centerpiece for organizing tests into categories and using this element to group and modify tests within them.
Users may utilize this attribute for organizing their testing efforts more efficiently – for instance by adding or deleting tests within any category.
This tool also allows users to run multiple tests within the same category for efficient testing and review.
This allows the framework to monitor a class and run its logic inside it, with category attribute serving to group tests together and organize them by subject area.
Fixture teardown attributes provide for one-time actions to be executed for an entire test fixture at once, along with pre and post actions used to run each test individually.
Methods may also be called before and post tests respectively to call them out as required.

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