Manual Testing Interview Questions for Freshers
Manual Testing interview questions and answers aim to give users access to the most up-to-date knowledge regarding their technologies.
It involves human testers manually running test cases to discover bugs, errors and defects within software or applications; this approach has become popular over time for user interface and exploratory testing purposes.
Manual testing involves feeding system input into and monitoring its behavior to evaluate quality and performance; while tedious, manual testing is nonetheless an efficient method for uncovering issues and improving user experiences.
1. What is the Zero tool?
The Zero tool is an agile test management solution used in software development that tracks all aspects of its process from requirements gathering through to delivery to customers, this tool facilitates tracking activities like test cases, plans, execution status reports and test report generation.
2. How does the Zero tool help with manual testing?
The Zero tool offers three distinct models for manual testing that can be carried out manually, including tracking test cases, plans, execution status updates and reports.
3. What is the purpose of system software?
System software serves a number of important purposes for computers: connecting keyboards, mice, screens and printers as well as providing instructions to users via keyboard shortcuts or buttons on monitors.
4. What is the difference between system software and programming software?
System software includes device drivers, operating systems, servers and utilities essential software elements needed by computer users while programming software encompasses compilers, debuggers and interpreters which serve as programming tools used by programmers for execution programs and output production.
5. What is the purpose of applications software?
Applications software is intended for user use by people on all types of machines; web, mobile and desktop apps all fall within this definition of applications software that users use regularly.
6. What is the importance of software testing in the development process?
Software testing is an integral component of software development process, this involves understanding customer’s requirements, designing software accordingly and testing before final delivery to customer.
7. Why is software testing essential?
Software testing is vital because it ensures a superior product reaches customers without bugs and gaps causing further frustration or resources being used up in its creation and distribution, testing also facilitates innovation within an organisation.
It ensures customers receive top quality offerings without unnecessary frustrations being caused to them by subpar products being released to market.
8. When does software testing begin in the development process?
Software testing is part of the development process that begins after programming is complete and involves checking if the application meets customer expectations.
9. What are the consequences of not conducting proper software testing?
Failing to conduct adequate software testing may have serious repercussions for all involved these may include bugs and gaps causing frustration and wasted resources; failing to meet customer requirements leading to customer dissatisfaction as well as potentially damage reputation of business.
10. What is the main objective of software testing?
Software testing aims at discovering any errors that have crept into software so as to provide our client or customer with quality products and services.
11. Why is bug-free software an important parameter to measure software quality?
Bug-free software ensures that customers’ processes or tasks can continue as intended without interference, yet 100% quality may not always be achievable.
12. Why is meeting customer requirements and expectations important for software quality?
Quality software requires satisfying customer requirements and expectations in order to be considered valuable to companies as well as meeting customers’ needs and desires.
13. What is the consequence of not meeting the time and budget constraints?
Not meeting time and budget limits can cause additional expenses for companies, including staffing expenses as well as lost customer value for software quality standards.
14. What are the main quality standards for software?
Software should be delivered without defects on time and within budget, meeting customer expectations or requirements.
15. What is the difference between a project and a product in software development?
Projects refer to software applications developed specifically for customers based on their individual requirements; while products refer to software designed with multiple customers in mind, both types can be utilized by anyone at any time.
16. What are errors in software development?
Errors occur as human errors due to improper actions taken, for instance when typing something else instead, a developer might mistype something which leads to an error being generated.
17. What are defects in software development?
Defects are deviations from expected results, such as mismatching expected behavior with actual outcomes, for instance, when providing valid user login details but the app still accepts their login with anomalous data despite this deviation from expected behavior this constitutes a defect or bug.
18. What is the difference between bugs and failures in software development?
Bugs and failures refer to deviations from expected results and behavior within applications; for instance, bugs occur when software doesn’t perform according to customer expectations or requirements.
19. What is the software testing process?
Software testing refers to verifying whether an application satisfies customer requirements by testing its functionality against them and finding any bugs or defects, with any discrepancies identified as bugs or defects.
After release to customers, software must then be tested in its production environment where end-users will use it; any bugs, mismatches, or issues leading to any kind of failure are classified as failure.
20. What is the importance of the software testing process?
Software testing is key in assuring both quality and functionality in software products, with developers understanding errors caused by various types of errors so as to better tackle any potential issues during software development processes.
21. How can these errors lead to incorrect outputs?
Improper outputs may occur if there are errors in the code that cause unexpected behavior from programs and produce indecipherable or misleading outputs.
22. What are some of the reasons for changes in requirements during software development?
Changes to requirements can arise due to miscommunication, new customer needs or unanticipated circumstances arising during development or testing.
23. What is the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)?
The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process entails several key pillars which help companies develop, design, develop, test and deliver software products.
24. What are some of the main pillars of the Software Development Life Cycle process?
Software Development Life Cycle process entails three pillars people, process and product, these components play an integral part in designing, creating, testing and delivering software successfully to customer.
25. How many phases does the SDLC consist of?
A Systems Development Life Cycle comprises several phases, such as requirements analysis, design, development testing and maintenance.

Manual Testing Training

26. What is the Waterfall Model?
The Waterfall Model has long been used in software industries, this approach involves gathering customer requirements and producing documents such as an SRS document for analysis.
27. What is the design phase in the Waterfall Model?
The Waterfall Model’s Design Phase involves creating the required design documents from requirements documents, once this step has been completed, software developers develop or implement according to these documents.
28. What is the testing phase in the Waterfall Model?
Waterfall Model testing phase refers to testing completed software after its development is finished before deployment into customer environments.
29. What is the maintenance phase in the Waterfall Model?
Maintenance Phase in Waterfall Model represents the final stage when software is successfully deployed into customer environments and users begin taking advantage of its functionality.
30. What is the advantage of the Waterfall Model?
Waterfall model provides several advantages when applied to software development, its traditional nature involves several distinct phases and each must be completed before moving forward to another step-in development.
31. What is the disadvantage of the Waterfall Model?
Waterfall models tend to take an inflexible and rigid approach to software development; changes made during one phase might prove challenging to incorporate in later ones.
32. What is the waterfall model in software development?
A waterfall model of software development involves testing requirements later in the development cycle.
33. How does the waterfall model allow for a more efficient and cost-effective way to manage the testing process?
The waterfall model involves hiring and training testers at various stages to provide for more cost-efficient management of testing procedures.
34. How can the fixed model of the waterfall model lead to increased total investment?
Mistakes made at any point will compound over the subsequent phases, leading to additional errors and possible customer concerns that will incur increased total investment due to time consumed for rectifying defects, leading to additional expenses associated with repair efforts and costs for remediation work.
35. What is the spiral model of software development?
The spiral model of software development refers to an iterative software development process comprised of five phases planning, development, coding, testing and maintenance each lasting approximately one iteration.
36. What are the benefits of using the Spiral Model?
The Spiral Model offers more adaptable software development with regards to meeting customer requirements, furthermore, various phases of testing help detect defects before reaching completion and creates more flexibility within development phases themselves.
37. What is the spiral model particularly suitable for?
This structure is ideal for product-focused companies as they must respond quickly to market changes by adapting new features as necessary.
38. What are the advantages of the spiral model?
A spiral model offers many advantages for meeting new and changing customer requirements as well as continuous release of software updates on to the market even after customer requirements have been fully satisfied.
39. What are the disadvantages of the spiral model?
Unfortunately, spiral models also present certain drawbacks; for instance, constant iteration and adaption to market changes is necessary in this process.
40. What is a dependency in the spiral model?
Dependencies within a spiral model occur when new requirements depend on preexisting software models or models from earlier in its timeline.
41. What is the difference between the spiral model and the waterfall model?
The spiral model follows a waterfall process, but in each cycle multiple versions of new software are released for market or customer consumption; in comparison, waterfall models do not include this capability.
42. What is the V model in software development?
The V model is an innovative software development model which incorporates elements from both waterfall and spiral models while also taking advantage of prototyping as part of its approach.
43. How does the V model work?
Customers provide initial requirements that are then translated into blueprint of software prototype and once satisfied by it the development process can commence.
44. What are the benefits of the V model?
V model software development represents a more modern approach, as it permits greater customization during design processes as well as eliminating iterations requirements and testing protocols for more fluid requirements management and testing procedures.
45. What is the difference between the spiral and V models?
A spiral model is rigid while V models tend to be flexible, V models allow more customer input and customization while spiral models do not enable testing in requirement/design stages.
46. What is the WFM model in software development?
WFM stands for Waterfall Framework Model, historically used to address defect detection and correction challenges.
47. What are some disadvantages of the WFM model?
Some drawbacks of the WFM model include increased total investment costs, higher rework expenses, and lack of various stages of testing.
48. Why is the WFM model not suitable for modern software development?
Because only one phase of testing exists within it and requirement changes are forbidden, leading to bugs within software as customers often provide requirements mid-development process.
49. How does the Spiral Model address the issues with the WFM model?
The Spiral Model offers more adaptable software development approaches which cater more closely to customer demands and demands.
50. What is black box testing?
Black box testing refers to an approach of software and application testing where testers assess its functionality without knowing its internal workings, with an aim of meeting customer requirements without breaking code internally.

Manual Testing Online Training

51. What is user acceptance testing?
User acceptance testing (UAT) is the final stage in software development in which end-users or customers perform tests at their level after system testing has completed, commonly referred to as UAD Testing.
52. What is static testing?
Static Testing refers to any form of evaluation where documents related to project are reviewed using techniques like Work through Inspection or Work Through Inspection for evaluation purposes.
53. What is white box testing?
White box testing is limited to developers and involves verifying and validating software according to internal workings.
54. What is verification and validation?
Verification involves cross-checking each step, while validation verifies whether software meets customer specifications.
55. What is a review walkthrough inspection?
Review Walkthrough Inspection is an integral component of verification and validation techniques, serving to confirm that content specified within documents is both correct and complete.
56. What is the purpose of design reviews in software development?
Design reviews serve the purpose of verifying documentation’s correctness and completeness during software development, they do this through low-level and high-level code reviews as well as diagram reviews to verify documentation for accuracy and completeness.
57. What is the purpose of code reviews in software development?
Code reviews exist to make sure code meets strict syntax, logic and logic criteria; developers can review their own work to check its correctness in these regards.
58. What is a walkthrough in software development?
A walkthrough is an informal review technique which can be performed anytime and anyplace without restrictions or obligations on its completion, a document over-created is read aloud while team members discuss its contents during a walkthrough session.
59. What is the difference between formal reviews and walkthroughs in software development?
Formal reviews follow an exact plan and meeting invitation, while walkthroughs can occur anytime and anyplace.
A formal review entails reading through and discussing documents with all attendees present; in comparison, during a walkthrough the over-created person visits each step to explain exactly what each document contains.
60. What is an informal review in testing?
An informal review refers to any method where one person reviews documents without consulting others for approval or modification.
61. What is integration testing?
Integration Testing involves the process of integrating modules and components in software together.
62. What is system testing?
System Testing refers to actual testers conducting system tests in order to make sure it fulfills customer requirements, functions, and performances requirements.
63. What is secure testing?
UIT testing, also referred to as secure testing, involves testers working closely with customers in setting up the exact environment where the customer will work as they install software programs in test beds.
64. What is user acceptance testing?
User acceptance testing (UAT) is another dynamic testing approach used for software products. UAT tests primarily evaluate user interface design of developed programs.
65. What is the difference between QC and QE in software development?
For Quality Control (QC), referring specifically to testers is one aspect; on the other hand, Quality Engineering encompasses every process development cycle from requirement analysis through product release for customers or release.
66. What are the essential techniques in software development?
In software development, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, secure testing, UIT testing and dynamic testing are essential techniques.
67. What are developers responsible for in unit testing?
Developers have several responsibilities when conducting unit testing, from using basis, path and control structure testing techniques like conditional coverage analysis of loops coverage tests through mutation and comms and control structure
68. What is conditional coverage in unit testing?
Conditional coverage testing entails checking a condition in both its positive and negative input states to make sure it remains true in both instances of input testing.
69. What is the purpose of unit testing?
Unit testing serves two primary goals; to examine its internal logic and ensure it fulfils any required specifications, while simultaneously meeting any regulatory obligations.
70. Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Zero tool?
Tracking activities such as test cases, test plans, execution status, and reports.
Covering three different models of manual testing with the Zero tool.
Sharing S Q L videos, which are an art part of their code and take 10 to 15 sessions.
Discussing the curriculum and its concepts.
71. Which of the following is not a type of application software?
Web application
Mobile app
72. What are the three main categories of software available in the market?
System software, programming software, and applications software
Operating systems, utilities, and servers
Web applications, mobile apps, and desktop applications
Compilers, debuggers, and interpreters
73. What is the primary function of system software?
Run applications
To provide instructions to users
Connect accessories to a computer
Install other software
74. Which of the following is not a type of software?
Operating System
Application Software
Database Software
75. What is the purpose of software testing?
Increase frustration and waste resources
To identify and fix bugs or gaps in the software
Reduce development time and effort
Deliver a buggy product to the customer
Manual testing is vital in gauging software and application functionality and performance.
It employs human testers to manually identify system errors, bugs and issues; while automated tests cover more tests faster, it should always be included especially when automation is unavailable in order to make sure everything runs as intended.
Manual testing can uncover usability issues and user experience insights, making it essential for maintaining software quality and reliability.

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