IBM DB2 Interview Questions
This blog presents interview questions related to IBM DB2.
No matter your experience level, these inquiries provide valuable insights into how DB2 operates and strategies and recommendations for effectively dealing with each issue that arises.
Now, let us get acquainted with fundamental problems associated with IBM DB2 that everyone should know about!
This blog is an excellent resource for individuals preparing to undertake an IBM DB2 interview or studying current best practices in this space.
We aim to equip readers with all the knowledge and abilities required to excel during future interviews and feel confident when facing off against interviewers.
1. What is DB2?
DB2 is a relational database system designed for transactional processing.
2. What is DBMS?
DBMS is an instance of a database that manages the data.
3. What is the difference between a database and a DBMS?
A database is a database that stores, retrieves, and protects data, while a DB is a database that manages the data.
4. What is the relationship between an employee and their manager?
The relationship between an employee and their manager is crucial in an organisation.
5. What is a database management system (DBMS)?
A database management system (DBMS) can manage multiple databases.
6. What is the main difference between Oracle Live SQL and Oracle Live SQL Server?
Oracle Live SQL uses a single instance and database model, while Oracle Live SQL Server uses a two-tier model.

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The three major types of databases are transactional, analytical, and big data.
8. What is a transactional database?
A transactional database is used for day-to-day transactions.
9. What is an analytical database?
An analytical database processes large amounts of data.
10. What is an extensive data database?
An extensive data database processes large amounts of data.
11. What are some examples of transactional databases?
Examples of transactional databases include Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, IB M’s NetEase, Oracle’s XR data, Greenplum, and others.
12. What are some examples of extensive data databases?
Examples of extensive data databases include Hadoop, MongoDB, and Cassandra.
13. What is DB2’s architecture?
DB2 has a thread-based architecture.
14. What are the three main products in the DB2 family?
The three main products in the DB2 family are DB2 for Linux, Unix, and Windows (DB2-LUW), DB2-UDB, and DB2 from mainframe.
15. What is the main product in the DB2 family?
The main product in the DB2 family is DB2 for Linux, Unix, and Windows (DB2-LUW)
16. What are the different editions of DB2?
DB2-Express, Workgroup, Enterprise Server, Advanced Enterprise Server, and Express-C are the different editions of DB2.
17. What is DB2 Express C?
DB2 Express C provides all core capabilities of DB2 at no charge, but it has some restrictions.
18. What are the connection parameters for DB2?
Developers need the server’s name or IP address, a database name, a port number, a user ID, and a password for connection parameters.

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19. What is the storage aspect in DB2 instance administration?
A DB2 instance can have multiple databases, as each database combines logical and physical structures. A database is a repository of data.
20. What is Oracle Live SQL?
Oracle Live SQL is a process-based Unix or Linux platform architecture with a thread-based architecture called DB2.
21. What is the difference between Oracle and DB2 LUW?
DB2 LUW has only one high-level process, DB2, or DB2 System Controller, whereas Oracle has 15-20 different functions.
22. What are the topics covered in the Oracle and DB2 guide?
The guide covers various topics related to Oracle and DB2, including memory architecture, buffer cache, log buffer size, catalogue size, log list, package cache, library cache, and utility heap size. It also compares Oracle and DB2 instances, dbm and dbconfig files, data files, redo logs, and data buffers.
23. What is the family of products covered in the Oracle and DB2 guide?
The guide covers the family of products, LEW additions, product features, client connectivity, DB2 command line processing, GUI usage, and installation of DB2.
24. What steps are involved in installing DB2 on a Windows server?
The installation process includes selecting the DB2 community edition, confirming the license terms, and selecting the typical features. The installation folder is created, and the installation summary is provided. The user is asked to remember the DB2 admin username and password and use the same account for the remaining DB2 services. The DB2 instance name is selected, and the setup is completed.
25. How can a sample database be created using the DB2 first steps console?
The user can create a sample database using the DB2 first steps console after connecting to the DB2 database using the command “admin” and confirming the list of DB2 databases.
26. How can another database be created using the “R2 admin”?
The user can create another database using the same command, “R2 admin”, after connecting to the DB2 database using the power “R2 admin”.
27. What is the difference between DB and data files in Oracle environments?
In Oracle, db or data files are equivalent to tablespaces in DB2.
28.What is the difference between DB2 LUW and Oracle?
DB2 LUW has only one high-level process, DB2, or DB2 System Controller, whereas Oracle has 15.
This blog on IBM DB2 interview questions thoroughly examines typical inquiries one could anticipate during an IBM DB2 job interview.
This course offers an in-depth knowledge of its functionality and efficient approaches for database administration, equipping individuals of any expertise level with all the knowledge and abilities to face interviews with IBM DB2 confidently.
This blog strives to equip readers with all of the knowledge and insights required for succeeding at an interview focused on IBM DB2.
I wish all readers good fortune!

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