Burp Suite Training | Learn Burp Suite Course

About Burp Suite

Burp Suite is a comprehensive platform that can streamline all aspects of testing Web apps for security.

Its wide array of tools and functionalities ensures applications remain safe from potential threats while identifying security flaws that need fixing, providing a robust and thorough security assessment.

Burp Suite is designed with an intuitive user experience, empowering even novice security analysts to use it effectively.

Its tools, including a scanner, spider, proxy server, and repeater, each serve unique roles in web application testing, ensuring a comprehensive and efficient security assessment.

Benefits of Burp Suite

With so many valuable features, Burp Suite technology has quickly become essential to penetration testers, developers, and security specialists when testing the security of online applications.

Some advantages offered by Burp Suite technology are:

1. Burp Suite provides comprehensive vulnerability assessments, using various features to find and address various web app security flaws quickly.

These features range from human testing tools enabling more in-depth examination of complex issues to automated scanning capabilities that quickly reveal common weaknesses.

2. Burp Suite’s easy and user-friendly interface makes navigation simpler for all skill levels and testing easier due to well-crafted features that enable users to identify and resolve problems more efficiently.

3. Burp Suite allows users considerable customisation and flexibility, so their tests may work for specific apps or security holes. Users can customise requests and responses and build complex test scenarios using Burp Suite’s test scenarios generator.

4. With regular updates of new features and enhancements designed to address emerging web application security threats, Burp Suite continues to evolve into something even greater each month, thanks to an enthusiastic user and developer community behind it all.

5. Burp Suite can easily integrate with various tools and frameworks such as Jenkins, Selenium and JIRA to enable seamless collaboration and automation across testing procedures.

Prerequisites of Learning Burp Suite

Establishing the foundation necessary for successfully using and learning Burp Suite technologies efficiently for web application security testing is paramount to succeed.

To start exploring Burp Suite technologies effectively and studying them effectively,  If this is your intent, then be prepared with the following:

1. Web Technologies and HTTP Fundamental Knowledge: To effectively utilise Burp Suite, one needs a firm grasp of web technologies and a technical understanding of HTTP.

2. Web Application Knowledge: To effectively utilise Burp Suite to detect and address vulnerabilities in websites and their architecture, an in-depth knowledge of Java Script, HTML5, CSS3, and server-side scripting languages like Python, Ruby, and PHP is needed.

3. Programming Knowledge: Some programming knowledge can be beneficial when working with Burp Suite, although it is not essential. Functions, variables, loops, and conditional expressions play their parts here.

4. Understand Networking Fundamentals: To optimise Burp Suite’s performance and address connectivity issues effectively, you need a working knowledge of networking fundamentals. TCP/IP, DNS, firewall technologies, and related technologies like firewalls are among them.

 Burp Suite Training

Burp Suite Tutorial

What is Burp Suite?

Among all the security testing toolkits currently available, Port Swigger’s Burp Suite stands out. This suite offers security analysts, programmers, and penetration testers an array of tools designed to detect and fix security flaws within online applications quickly.

Burp Suite contains four main components to assist users with automating vulnerability assessments, finding web application structures to map, performing manual testing of specific vulnerabilities and intercepting and manipulating HTTP and HTTPS traffic.

Among many other capabilities, session handling, XML testing, and tool integration make Burp Suite an indispensable weapon in combating online application security risks.

Setting up a Virtual Machine for Website Hacking Learning

To start learning about website hacking, you need to host your website and use a virtual machine to run an entirely new operating system within your computer.

You can do this by downloading the VMWare player program from VMWare.com or using a free version for Windows or Linux. Once the virtual machine is set up, you can host a website.

BWAP and BBOX: Setting up a New Web Server and Testing Your Website

BWAP is just the website, while BBOX is the virtual machine and the website bundled together. Open the file, and you will have a brand-new web server and a buggy website for testing.

Dockerizing Interactive Applications with Admin Login

The Docker container runs the interactive, which uses a specific port mapping. The default login is admin and password. The database setup is completed, and the user can log in with admin and password credentials.

Using Foxy Proxy with Burp Suite

The Burp suite proxy is not yet turned on, but the Foxy proxy can help. However, it is essential to specify a target scope before enabling the proxy. It can be unpleasant if the proxy stops all communication through the web page.

To test this, one can go to Google and click through all the pages, ensuring every request forwards or drops.

Enabling Target Scope without Notifications: Proxy Listener Interface

To turn on the target scope without receiving annoying notifications from other web pages, users can go to the Options tab of the proxy and specify the interface they want to listen on.

Intercepting client requests with Burp Suite

Burp Suite also allows intercepting client requests. By setting the intercept on, Burp Suite will grab and copy requests, allowing users to manipulate them.

This helps keep the target within the scope of their rules of engagement. If the main focus is attacking and abusing the web app, the target is the web app.

Burp Suite Site Map Tracking and Response Analysis

The site map shows the local host, all requested items, and any pulled down or unresolved requests automatically tracked by Burp Suite.

Because the raw HTP communication is visible when a page is requested, users can explore each page and potentially retrieve response information and headers.

Copy and Paste the Request for a Raw Response

To send another request, users can copy and paste it into the repeater tab or hit control R. This will display the raw response from the webpage, including HTML and HTMP headers.

This information can be used to view raw comments or access other files or JavaScript files requested by the page.

Customising the Comparer Tab in Burp Suite

The Comparer tab allows users to compare raw bytes, data, or values from the webpage. Users can right-click the Comparer tab to populate one entry with the routes and send raw bytes or data.

The Comparer can compare byte by byte, granular differentiation, or words. Users can also specify how they want Burp Suite to look, such as tweaking font changes.

Browser Extensions and Proxy Tools

Several extensions and plugins are available for users to use within their browsers, including technology profile scripts, plugins like Wappalyzer and What Runs, and general browser helper tools like OpenList and LinkClump.

Foxy Proxy allows users to switch the browser to use Burp inline and set up different proxy profiles.

Automated Tool Integration through Site Tree in Burp

The site tree allows you to expand a branch and send requests to other tools. For example, you can send a login request to Umbrella and send it to the repeater tool for manual tampering. This allows you to send requests to other tools within Burp programmatically.

Managing HTTP Requests with Burp Suite

Burp Suite is a powerful tool for managing HTTP requests and responses. It offers various features such as filtering, adding scope, removing scope, setting filters, and more. The proxy tab displays a chronological order of requests, with the newest at the top.

Users can view the request and response in the proxy, remove items from scope, send to other tools, and perform other actions on individual requests.

Maximising Burp’s Functionality with Right-Click Context Menu

The right-click context menu is helpful in almost every workflow using Burp. For example, users can add Google to their scope rules by right-clicking on the target and selecting “add to scope.”

This will add Google to the scope rules. Users can also add verbatim URLs or custom user agents to the scope by right-clicking on the top-level root of Google.

Spider in Burp Suite: Web Link Crawler and Instrumentation.

Burp Suite is a powerful tool that allows users to crawl websites for links and add them to their target tab. The Spider tool, part of Burp Suite, crawls a website for all the links it sees and sometimes instruments them. It has two sub-tabs: control of the Spider and options.

Spider Control and Customization

The control tab allows users to pause the Spider if they have requested pages or domains to be spidered and clear any queues if something is paused.

This is useful when the Spider is recursively going too long. You can also set a custom scope for the Spider, which is helpful in certain situations.

 Burp Suite Online Training

Burp Spidering: Default and User Configuration

Passive spidering is enabled by default, allowing Burp to spider a page as you visit it. However, users can uncheck this feature if they don’t want the spider-to-spider dynamic pages or need to walk the site manually.

Configuring the Spider Tool for Umbrella Corp Internal Data Entry

Users can remove Google from their scope to use the Spider tool, check if the spider is running, and then choose Spider Umbrella Corp Internal. The spider will automatically see forms and try to fill them in, but there are some defaults for filling in form fields and executing forms.

Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability Testing with Baseline Requests

Users then set a baseline request for the test, which is then used to test for cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.

Users can modify the requests on the fly, adding less than or greater than signs, script tags, or single quotes to build a game. Users can see that the characters are verbatim echoed inside the page.

Unique String Input Testing in Web Pages

This lab uses unique strings for input testing in web pages, such as swag me go. The exceptional text displays the inputted text and can be accessed through the search box under response. The Manual is then echoed verbatim.

Simple Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attack using Alert Spike

The entire payload is in the script to implement a generic cross-site scripting-based attack, and an alert spike must be removed.

The results show that the attack should execute as an alert without the headers’ encoding or XSS protection. This allows for easy testing and revisiting of the same steps as a browser.

JavaScript Execution Attack Tool

The tool also offers a limited page rendering, which doesn’t execute all JavaScript or load all images. To perform the attack, the user can paste in script alerts, SwagNino script, and search. The tool will give the user a confirmation message when they successfully execute the attack.

Decrypting Obfuscated Data with Decoder

Decoder is a relatively simple tool that allows users to inspect various formats and duplicate data inside sites. Using the decoder tool, users can quickly identify and decode obfuscated data within their applications.

Visualising Data Changes with Burp Suite

To visualise the changes in the data, we will copy and paste all the tokens into a text pad and use the scroll function to see the last number of the set and the whole string. This will help us understand the functionality and capabilities of Burp Suite.

Modes of learning Burp Suite


Learners who undergo Burp Suite Training best when given the freedom to set their own pace may benefit from self-paced learning, which offers many tools and materials designed to allow you to master Burp Suite technology at your speed.

Some advantages associated with self-paced learning:

Self-paced learning offers one key benefit: the freedom to study when and where it suits you best. It’s an excellent solution for busy professionals on the go!

Due to the availability of accessible materials and tutorials online, online learning can be more cost-effective for people or organisations with limited finances. Learners often prefer studying independently.

Self-paced learning for the Burp Suite Course allows learners to control their education. You control when, how much effort and which resources go toward this type of education. Individuals who enjoy exploring ideas independently may find this method highly advantageous.

Instructor-led Live Training

This allows participants to pose their queries directly to an experienced trainer and receive answers immediately.

Live instruction with an instructor provides many advantages; some include:

Instructor-led live training gives learners access to expert teachers offering personalised attention. Those who learn best through structure may find this approach suitable; others might benefit from its supervision by an authority figure in the subject matter.

It is one of the best ways to learn. Real-time question-and-answer sessions, group discussions, and team projects all aid students’ development and reinforce what they have already learned. This method may even facilitate networking or professional growth opportunities!

This offers real-time feedback for dealing with questions or problems as they arise. This feedback loop ensures you stay on the correct path, making it especially beneficial if you want a smoother learning experience.

It provides a more organised learning experience with clear goals, due dates, and checkpoints for faster, less distracting learning of concepts. This may be your ideal solution if you prefer conventional methods over unconventional ones.

Burp Suite Certification

Proficiency with Burp Suite, the widely used web application security testing tool, can be verified through its certification procedure.

Earning Burp Suite Certification demonstrates your expertise at finding security flaws in online apps using Burp Suite to identify them and then correcting them using this powerful testing platform.

You can attain professional certification in Burp Suite by obtaining this credential from its creator. Proficiency in utilising Burp Suite for web application security testing, particularly in mastering its Proxy, Scanner, Spider, and Repeater components, demonstrates expertise.

This certification will benefit security industry professionals, such as developers or penetration testers, who frequently employ Burp Suite.

Many groups and educational institutions also provide additional Burp Suite certifications that focus on scripting, automation, reporting or any of Burp Suite’s features, an effective way of showing that you have become an expert at web application security testing using Burp Suite by earning one of these credentials.

Developers, penetration testers, and security experts who use Burp Suite to test web applications for vulnerabilities should consider Burp Suite certification to be an invaluable credential.

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