Bootstrap Interview Question | Bootstrap Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals

Bootstrap Interview Questions and Answers blog assists you through the interview process for this renowned front-end framework. Although interviews can be nerve-wracking experiences.

With preparation and knowledge, you can feel more assured during and after each encounter and showcase your abilities more efficiently.

Our HTML CSS bootstrap interview questions blog offers helpful tools and resources to enable your success during an interview.

Bootstrap also uses CSS preprocessors such as Sass and Less to allow developers to write code using variables and functions, expediting development while simplifying updating styles across a large codebase and reducing maintenance and upgrade times.

Our Bootstrap interview questions for fresher blogs cover an assortment of topics related to HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Bootstrap components in-depth, with examples for better comprehension by our readers.

1. What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a powerful tool for creating visually appealing web pages.

It offers various features, including text alignment classes, transformation classes, and lead classes.

These classes help convert letters to lowercase, uppercase, or capitalise the first letter of every word. The lead class makes a specific paragraph stand out from the rest.

2. What are some of the advantages of using Bootstrap?

Bootstrap’s main advantages include its support for responsive design, ability to save development time, consistency across internal tools, customizability, a large community base and excellent documentation.

3. How does Bootstrap support responsive design?

Bootstrap supports responsive design by automatically adapting to different screen sizes, providing an optimal viewing and interaction experience.

This eliminates the need for resizing and scrolling across multiple devices.

4. How can Bootstrap save development time?

Bootstrap offers ready-made blocks of code that can be customised to suit your application requirements.

Many websites offer free and paid Bootstrap themes, which save even more development time.

5. What was Bootstrap developed for?

Bootstrap was developed to encourage consistency across internal tools by giving developers a centralised development code base.

6. How customisable is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is highly customisable, and if you only use a few features within your application, you can customise them to download only those features using the Bootstrap customised page.

7. What is the source code version of Bootstrap?

The source code version of Bootstrap can be downloaded from

8. What is the compiled and minified version of Bootstrap?

The compiled and minified version of Bootstrap can be downloaded from It is compressed and smaller, making it easier to download.

9. What is the purpose of the source map file in Bootstrap?

The source map file in Bootstrap allows web debuggers to refer to the original context from where the code was generated.

10. What are the different font formats in the fonts folder?

The font formats in the fonts folder include different files from Blip-icons that support other browsers.

11. What are the optional JavaScript files?

The optional JavaScript files must use Bootstrap widgets like picture carousels, drop-down menus, and collapsible accordions.

12. What are the two versions of Bootstrap.js?

The two versions of Bootstrap.js are Bootstrap.js, the non-minified readable version used during development, and Bootstrap.min.js, which is optimised for fast download in production environments.

13. What is the event.html file?

The event.html file is a style sheet with an event moved inside another development and applied with the custom class.

14. What is the custom class?

The custom class is applied to the event.html file and other developments to use the defined custom styles.

15. What happens when the page is reloaded after applying the custom styles?

When the page is reloaded after applying the custom styles, it displays a three-column layout with the custom styles used.

16. What is the purpose of using the Bootstrap Grid System?

The purpose of using the Bootstrap Grid System is to ensure proper alignment and padding by placing rows within a container.

Rows create horizontal groups of columns, and content should be placed within columns.

Columns should only be immediate children of a row, and if more than 12 columns are placed within a single row, each group of extra columns will, as a unit, wrap onto a new line.

17. How can columns be created with the Bootstrap Grid System?

Columns can be created with the Bootstrap Grid System by specifying the number of available columns you wish to span using column classes, such as col-md-4, which makes four equal columns on medium and large devices.

Grid classes apply to given screen sizes and larger screens unless another declaration overrides them.

18. What happens to the Bootstrap Grid System when the screen size falls below the medium device range?

The columns are stacked on top of each other, with each column spanning across the 12-column bootstrap grid system.

19. In what ways might Bootstrap three grid classes be used to adopt a website’s layout to various screen sizes?

Use the class dash for large devices spanningnine columns within the bootstrap grid system.

For medium devices, set the width to 4 equal columns; for large devices, the width to 3 is to 1 ratio.

Set the width to 6 columns within the 12-column bootstrap grid system for small devices using the class dash S M dash 6.

20. How do we change the behaviour of the Bootstrap Grid System on different screen sizes?

We can change the behaviour on different screen sizes by removing all classes except S M dash six from the small class.

This results in two equal columns on small, medium, and large devices and two equal columns on extra-small devices.

21. What is the purpose of the fonts folder?

The fonts folder contains different files from Blip-icons, each with a different font format, to support other browsers.

22. What is the default behaviour of the grid classes in Bootstrap?

By default, the grid classes of a given screen size apply to that screen size and larger unless another declaration is made.

23. Using Bootstrap Grid System, how can I centre two equal columns in the first row?

Use the HTML container to create a 6-column gap between the first and second columns in the first row.

Push the first column to the right by three columns using call-md-offset-3.

24. How does Bootstrap create a layout with three equal columns and one image centred in the first row?

To create a layout with three equal columns and one image centred in the first row in Bootstrap, remove the column-md-offset-3 from the first column and apply it to the second column in the first row.

Use md offset-6 to push the image to the right by six columns.

To make the image responsive, apply the image responsive class on the image element and adjust the margin dash bottom to include only the bottom width.

25. Why is the horizontal scroll bar not responsive when reloading the page?

The horizontal scroll bar is not responsive when reloading the page because the image width is the same as the column width, but the image is not responsive.

To make the image responsive, apply the image responsive class on the image element and adjust the margin dash bottom to include only the bottom width.

26. How can the image rounded class be removed and the margin dash bottom adjusted to work as expected?

To remove the image rounded class and adjust the margin dash bottom to work as expected, remove the image round class and adjust the margin dash bottom to include only the bottom width.

However, when reloading the page, the rounded corners are not displayed.

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27. How does it make images responsive in Bootstrap?

To make images responsive in Bootstrap, use the image responsive class on the image element and adjust the other classes to style it.

Bootstrap classes, like image circle, image thumbnail, and image rounded, can also style an image element.

28. What is the principle of nested rows and columns in Bootstrap?

The principle of nested rows and columns in Bootstrap is that rows and columns can be placed inside an existing column, but the number of columns in the nested row should be 12 or fewer.

However, we don’t always have to use the 12 available columns.

29. How do you create a layout in Bootstrap with a single row and two columns?

In Bootstrap, we can nest rows and columns within the container to create a layout with a single row and two columns.

For example, we can nest two rows within a single row, creating a sidebar with two rows.

We can also nest two rows within a nested row, making a development area with two rows.

30. How to change the margin-bottom, height, and class name in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio, we can change the margin-bottom, height, and class name to the sidebar and primary content and set the minimum height to 300 pixels.

This will ensure that the main content area and sidebar height are identical.

31. How can Bootstrap layered rows and columns break the seven logical units in half?

To split the seven logical units into two halves using nested rows and columns in Bootstrap, we can copy and paste the exact HTML within the node, remove the class custom dev from the node, and change the class name to custom dev.

32. What is Bootstrap used for?

Bootstrap is a front-end framework used for building responsive web pages.

It provides pre-designed templates, components, and utility classes that make it easy to create visually appealing websites.

33. What is a Bootstrap grid system?

The Bootstrap grid system organises content on a web page using a 12-column system.

It allows developers to create rows and columns that adjust to different screen sizes, making it easy to create responsive designs.

34. What are Bootstrap response utility classes?

Bootstrap response utility classes hide or show content on a web page based on the screen size.

There are classes for different screen sizes, making it easy to create responsive designs that adjust to different screen sizes.

35. What is the difference between visible and hidden classes in Bootstrap?

The visible class makes an element visible on small screens, while the hidden class hides it on all screens except small screens.

The remote class can be used with different prefixes, visual access, visible md, and visible xl, to control visibility on different screen sizes.

36. What are Bootstrap typography classes?

Bootstrap typography classes style text elements on a web page, such as headings, paragraphs, ordered lists, and inline elements.

Different elements have different classes, such as H1 through H6 for headings, p for paragraphs, and ordered lists.

37. What is the difference between bootstrap default and bootstrap classes for headings?

The Bootstrap default classes for headings H1 through H6 render the text with a line break before and after each heading, while the Bootstrap classes H1 through H6 display the text without line breaks.

This allows developers to create text displayed in line with the rest of the text on a web page.

38. How does Bootstrap work?

Bootstrap is a free, open-source framework developed by Twitter for creating responsive web applications.

It includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript design templates for standard user interface components.

39. How can we display headings in Bootstrap?

We can use the H1 to H6 tags to display headings in Bootstrap.

These tags create different levels of headings, with H1 being the largest and most important.

To achieve a clean and simple look, we can also use the text-centre and text-centre classes to centre the headings horizontally.

40. What are inline text elements in Bootstrap?

Inline text elements in Bootstrap emphasise or style specific words or parts of text.

Some examples of inline text elements include the U element for underlining, the EMP element for highlighting, and the SUB and SUP elements for subscript and superscript, respectively.

These elements can create visually appealing and engaging content for our users.

41. How can we work with paragraph elements in Bootstrap?

We can use the P tag and apply different styles and classes to work with paragraph elements in Bootstrap.

We can also use the text-centre class to centre the paragraph horizontally.

Additionally, we can use the text-left, text-centre, text-right, justify, and wrap-words classes to adjust the paragraph’s text alignment and word wrapping.

42. What are text alignment classes in Bootstrap?

Text alignment classes in Bootstrap are used to adjust the text layout and position on the page.

Some available text alignment classes include left, centre, right, justify, and wrap-words.

These classes can be used to create visually appealing and engaging content for our users.

43. How can we create a list in Bootstrap?

We can use the OL and LI tags to create a list in Bootstrap. We can also convert an ordered list to an unordered list using the UL tag.

We can use the list-inline class to place all list items on a single line. To remove the default list style, we can use the list-unstyled class.

We can use the DL, DT, and DD tags to create a list of terms with associated descriptions.

44. What are block codes in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap block codes display code blocks from another source within your web page.

They are recommended for simple text codes and can be used with any HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.

To display the name as a tooltip when hovering over the code, we can wrap it inside the site element and include the desired title attribute value.

To change the content of the block code to be right-aligned, we can use the block-code-right class.

45. How do we create a primary list group with an unordered list and convert it to a list group using the list groupclass and individual list items?

We can use the element to create an unordered list and add each item as a li element.

To convert it to a list group, we add the list-group class and the list-group-item class to each li element.

46. How do we create a list group with hyperlinks using a development and anchor element instead of anunordered list element?

We can use an element instead of a li element to create a list group item with a hyperlink.

We can also use the attribute to specify the website URL. When hovering over the list of items, the cursor changes to a hand symbol, and the background colour changes to grey.

47. What are the four contextual classes for list group items in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap has four contextual classes for list group items: danger, info, success, and warning. These classes provide different styles and colours for other items.

48. How do we highlight and turn off list group items in Bootstrap?

We can highlight a list group item by adding the active class to the list-group-item element or turn it off by adding the disabled class.

49. What are the three anchor elements for list group items in Visual Studio?

The three anchor elements for list group items in Visual Studio are list-group-item, list-group-item-heading, and list-group-item-tags.

Each anchor element displays a list group item heading and a paragraph of tags.

50. How do we style inline snippets of code using Bootstrap tags?

We can use the code tag to style inline code snippets using Bootstrap tags. We can also use the code tag to style mark, you, and strong tags.

51. Why do we need to escape angle brackets for proper rendering in Bootstrap?

We need to escape angle brackets for proper rendering in Bootstrap because if we don’t, we can use the angle brackets themselves, which creates a mark tag nested inside the code tag, which doesn’t work as expected when reloaded.

Removing the closing mark tag and removing the word mark inside the code tag will resolve the issue.

52. What is the KBD tag?

The KBD tag styles output in HTML using the same HTML as the previous examples.

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53. What is the difference between the table condensed and responsive classes?

The table condensed class reduces the padding around every cell in a table, making it more compact.

The table responsive class makes tables responsive, including last names and first names, and provides a horizontal scroll bar.

54. What are contextual classes?

Contextual classes are used to colour table rows or individual cells.

These classes can be applied to individual rows and their colours.

For example, the active class is applied to the first row, the danger class to the second, the info class to the third, the success class to the fourth, and the one in class to the final row.

55. What is the difference between the BTN and primary buttons?

The BTN button displays the button as a hyperlink while maintaining button behaviour.

The primary button indicates primary actions in a set of buttons.

56. Can button classes be used on anchor elements?

Yes, button classes can be used on anchor elements.

By default, the hyperlink element is styled as a button element.

In addition to the BTN class, the primary class is applied to the anchor element, resulting in the hyperlink element being styled as a button element but still maintaining button behaviour.

57. What are the different button sizes available in Bootstrap?

Bootstrap offers three classes for creating buttons with different sizes: LG for large, SM for small, and access for extra small buttons.

These classes adjust the number of columns per row on different screen sizes, with four columns per row on large screens, three columns per row on medium screens, two columns per row on small screens, and only one column per row on extra small screens.

58. How do you make buttons span to the entire width of their parent using Bootstrap?

Apply the BTN block class on each button element to make buttons span the entire width of their parent using Bootstrap.

This will change the button’s size depending on the screen size and the width of its column.

59. What is the purpose of the disabled attribute in Bootstrap?

The disabled attribute in Bootstrap turns off an element. When applied to a button, the cursor style changes to a stop sign, indicating that the button cannot be clicked.

60. How do you turn off a hyperlink in Bootstrap?

To turn off a hyperlink in Bootstrap, apply the disabled class. For example, if a hyperlink with BTN and BTN primary class is styled as a button, turn it offusing the disabled class.

61. What are Bootstrap icons?

Cliff Icons provides Bootstrap icons, which are font-based and automatically adjust colour and size to the element’s colour.

To use these icons, nest a span element inside a button element and set the class attribute value to the icon’s name.

62. What does adding white space to text mean using Bootstrap’s span element?

To create space between the span element and text in Bootstrap, move the span element to the right side of the page and reload the page.

Remove the text from the button element if only the icon is desired.

63. How do you create a drop-down menu using Bootstrap?

To create a drop-down menu in Bootstrap, use development with the drop-down class and an anchor element to show or hide the menu when clicked.

Display the text and create a downward-pointing triangle using a carrot pan element.

Create an unordered list with a drop-down menu item and an anchor element. Change the menu to a button drop-down.

64. How to create a drop-down menu header for three actions in Bootstrap?

To create a drop-down menu header for three actions in Bootstrap, make a list item with its class set to dropdown-header and change the text to header two.

This will allow users to select the menu items under those headers.

65. What is the process for making a Bootstrap menu divider?

To create a menu divider in Bootstrap, insert a list item with its class set to divider and use the HTML.

66. In Bootstrap, how do you turn off a menu option?

To turn off a menu item in Bootstrap, use the “disabled” class on that item and reload the page. The cursor style will change to a stop sign, indicating that the menu item is disabled.

67. What are the three form layouts provided by Bootstrap?

Vertical, Inline, and Horizontal.

68. How is a split button drop-down created in Bootstrap?

An unordered list is created and sets its class to drop-down. The list items include C sharp, ASP.NET, and ADO.NET. When reloaded, the page will display a split-button drop-down.

The drop-down can be created in different sizes, such as large, small, and extra small. The first button can be a significant drop-down, while the last can be a small drop-down.

69. How are menu items expanded upwards instead of downwards in a split button drop-down?

A different class is used. This is done by copying the break element and reloading the page. The menu items now expand upwards instead of downwards.

70. What changes are needed to create a vertical form layout in Bootstrap?

Wrapping the label control and associated input control with the form group class and using the form control class for input elements.

71. How is the horizontal form layout created in Bootstrap?

The label controls are on the left, and the associated form controls are on the right in a single line.

To achieve this, the HTML must be deleted, the form horizontal class replaced with the form flat class, and the label elements used in a different class, the control label.

The label control will be two units wide in the available 12 logic units using the call SM2 class, and the text box will be ten units wide using the call SM10.

72. How is the button aligned in the horizontal form layout?

The form group control wraps the button inside a development.

It is moved inside the development using the Bootstrap grid classes and pushed two units to the right using call SM offset two.

73. How is the horizontal form layout displayed on different screen sizes?

The horizontal form layout is displayed on large, medium, and small screens but reverts to the default layout on smaller screens like mobile phones.

Call access classes are used instead of call SM classes to achieve this layout on mobile devices.

74. What does Bootstrap support the standard form controls?

Input types like text, password, date, number, email address, and URL.

The type attribute is required for Bootstrap to style these input controls entirely.

Bootstrap also supports the following area control, which captures multiple lines of text from the user.

75. How do you create a checkbox using Bootstrap?

To create a checkbox using Bootstrap, use development with a class set to a checkbox and a label element inside the label element.

The input type should be set to a checkbox with values for the available options.

A space between the label and the option number should follow the display label.

76. What is an input group in Bootstrap?

An input group in Bootstrap extends input elements by adding text, icons, or buttons before, after, or on both sides.

These groups are limited to textual input elements only and should be avoided as they are not fully supported by some browsers.

A development with a class set to input group and an input element of type text, with its class set to form control and including a placeholder, is required to create an input group.

77. How can icons be used with input groups in Bootstrap?

Icons can be used with input groups in Bootstrap by creating another span element with the class name of the glyph icon.

This will place the icon before the input element.

To use a checkbox or radio button as an add-on instead of text or icons, the input group should be replaced with an input type equal to the checkbox.

78. What is the bootstrap breadcrumbs component?

The Bootstrap breadcrumbs component is a navigation aid that indicates the page the user is currently on in the navigational hierarchy of a website. Breadcrumbs are useful for websites with large pages, allowing users to navigate any page easily.

To create breadcrumbs, one can use the breadcrumb class on an ordered list element and change the separator style to a pipe symbol.

One can use the CSS class “breadcrumb LILI before” to modify the content style and copy it to Visual Studio.

The content style will be changed to a pipe symbol in the custom styles dot CSS style sheet. The separator will now be a pipe instead of a forward slash.

79. How can I change the background colour of my website using Breadcrumb class?

To change the background colour using the breadcrumb class, copy the breadcrumb class and paste it within the custom styles dot CSS style sheet.

The background colour will be changed to FFD, and the active page colour will be changed to read.

80. What are the valuable pagination classes in Bootstrap?

The functional pagination classes in Bootstrap include active, which indicates the current page, and disabled, which turns off a page number.

We demonstrate these classes by making two more copies of the list item and order list. We then use the pagination LG class and the S M class to create large and small pagination bars.

Overall, Bootstrap Interview Question has provided invaluable guidance in assessing candidates’ technical and problem-solving capabilities.

By asking appropriate questions and following an established procedure for selecting potential employees for your team, this Bootstrap interview questions for experienced professionals blog has shown us how to identify those who would make fabulous additions.

As Bootstrap development relies heavily on HTML, CSS and JavaScript technologies – it’s essential that developers possess an excellent grasp of these fundamental skill sets as the cornerstones for development success.

Success in a Bootstrap interview requires deep knowledge of technology and its capabilities and effective communication with your interviewers.

You can nail this interview and advance your career to new heights with proper preparation and approach!

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