ATG Training | Learn ATG Course

What is Oracle ATG?

Oracle ATG is an e-commerce platform that provides out-of-the-box features for creating a self-sustainable e-commerce website, and it was initially standalone and later acquired by Oracle in 2010.

ATG’s architecture is mainly data-oriented, meaning it can use any database in the backend. The main components of ATG include a management server, such as the ATG store server, which handles content loading and work, and a business control centre (BCC), which helps merchandisers manage catalogues, products, and other assets like PDFs and images.

Benefits of using Oracle ATG

Oracle ATG (Advanced Technical Computing) is a suite of high-performance computing (HPC) and scientific software specialised for technical computing workloads, explicitly designed to make life easier.

Benefits associated with using Oracle ATG include:

Scalability: This highly scalable software allows businesses to add extra nodes quickly to meet increasing capacity demands.

Performance: Parallel processing, vectorisation, and GPU acceleration may speed calculations while saving businesses time and money.

Integration: It works seamlessly with various scientific and engineering applications, making it a versatile solution for technical computing workloads

Security: Security measures such as secure authentication, encryption and access control help protect data against unauthorised access.

Flexibility: Flexible enough for companies to select an optimal deployment model for their requirements and budgets.

Cost-effective: Oracle ATG provides cost-effective technical computing workload solutions at an economical price, helping businesses save on hardware and software expenses.

Support and maintenance: Oracle ATG comes equipped with support and maintenance services provided by Oracle to guarantee clients of its use are receiving bug patches and knowledgeable technical help when needed.

ATG Training

Prerequisites of Oracle ATG

It is vitally important that one develops a clear understanding of these elements before using this product.

Java Programming: Oracle ATG’s foundation lies in Java technology; therefore, an in-depth knowledge of its programming language – particularly JSP, Servlets, and JSTL technologies – is indispensable to success within Oracle ATG.

Understanding Object-Oriented Programming Concepts: Working with ATG’s component-based design requires knowledge of OOP fundamentals, such as inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism.

SQL and Database Administration: Although ATG relies on its repository as the data storage location, familiarity with SQL programming language, database schema design and administration, as well as managing migration of data, will still prove essential for connecting other databases and overseeing migration projects.

XML and XSD: Oracle ATG heavily utilizes XML for setup and customisation purposes, so knowledge of XML syntax, namespaces and schemas (XSD) is required for successful setup and customization.

Web technologies: If you want to customize and integrate front-end functionalities into Oracle ATG, being familiar with web technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript is necessary for customising user interfaces and front-end functionalities.

Version control systems: Experience with Git, Subversion (SVN), and Mercurial are necessary for effective code management and collaboration between development teams.

ATG-specific knowledge: In order to develop efficiently, developers need a firm grasp on ATG terminology and component-based architectures like Dynamo, Nucleus and ATG modules.

Application servers: Gain experience installing and managing Java programs using application servers like WebLogic, WebSphere or JBoss.

Web services and APIs: Familiarity with web services, RESTful APIs and SOAP can aid integration between Oracle ATG and external systems.

Understanding these requirements will enable you to become an adept Oracle ATG developer and fully utilise all its features.

Oracle ATG Tutorial

The publishing schema is where merchandisers first log into the platform and make changes. Once the changes are done, they commit them to the publishing schema.

Once the changes are done, a workflow will be created to prevent direct changes from being made to the production website.

This workflow allows users to go through an approval process to mitigate any risks to the production server.

Managing Changes in Publishing and Production Schemas

Catalogue A and Catalogue B. Catalogue A is the publishing schema, where merchandisers first log in and make changes; once the changes are done, they commit them to the publishing schema.

Once the changes are made, an approval process is performed. Once the approval process is complete, two more schemas are created: A and B. These two identical schemas ensure that changes are not reflected on the production server.

One schema is idle, meaning that when a store runs on a specific catalogue, it only shows data from catalogue A. If catalogue B is idle, it can be changed without affecting the production server. The workflow commits all changes to the idle schema, and once the changes are done, the second approval process searches the database to switch between the two schemas.

Database Architecture in Add Architecture

Add architecture also includes five types of databases: publishing, cataloguing, cataloguing one state, and course.

The publishing schema is a version database, meaning the merchandise does not make changes. The curriculum schema is non-versioned, meaning no changes are tracked.

Organizing Components with Nucleus

Nucleus is a concept provided by the ATG slash concept, which allows for the organisation of multiple components.

It is designed to load components according to design requirements, ensuring the website remains functional even when changes are made.

Customizing ATG Installation for Specific Projects

The subject revolves around the installation of ATG, which varies depending on the project and how it is built.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to building ATG, depending on the specific project and the scripts used.

ATG Online Training

Modes of Learning Oracle ATG

Oracle ATG online course can be studied using different approaches depending on your learning style, availability and budget. Below are a few common ways of researching this topic:

Self-paced training:

Self-paced Oracle ATG online training is often available through online learning platforms, where students can access video lessons and material.

Because it is self-paced, students can easily fit training into their schedules while dedicating as much time to each subject matter as necessary.

Instructor-Led Training:

Instructor-led training (ILT) is a method in which an experienced trainer conducts classroom-style training sessions for participants.

The trainer assists students, explains topics, and plans hands-on activities and discussions related to ATG platform architecture, application development, customisation, and best practices by ATG online Classes.

Oracle ATG certification

Oracle ATG (Oracle Commerce Platform, previously ATG Commerce) is a Java-based e-commerce platform with tools for creating and managing online storefronts. Unfortunately, no Oracle ATG certification exists specifically for this product.

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