Apigee Interview Q&A
Below are some of the APIGEE related Interview Questions and Answers.
- Explain briefly about APIGEE?
Sonoasystems first managed APIGEE and later was handed to Google corporations to advance them more by building cloud-based interfaces.
Any application interface program can be scaled, designed, and developed using an API, and APIGEE will do all the APIs management.
APIGEE is a predictive analytics software tool.
- What are some of the main components of APIGEE?
Some of the APIGEE components are:
- GCP services
- APIGEE runtime
- Backend services
- APIGEE services
- Define the APIGEE gateway?
An API gateway is a crucial component of the Apigee management platform, and it provides features like enterprise-grade security, spike arrest, quota, and data analysis.
Apigee Gateway can handle a request by executing many microservices and aggregating the results. This latter may convert between web protocols like HTTP, web Sockets, and web-unfriendly protocols utilized internally.
- How can API be used in APIGEE?
Some of APIGEE API uses:
- Apigee API is a renowned API technology supplier with various developer services.
- This enables enterprises to protect their shared data across various devices and channels.
- The Apigee API platform is intended to help digital businesses move faster.
- ExplainAPI management.
API management refers to distributing,documenting, and monitoring application programming interfaces (APIs) to provide a safe and scalable environment.
- Define an API platform?
An API platform is a type of business that connects two or more independent entities. These elements are interconnected and aid in adopting APIs by a set of customers.
This API framework also lays the groundwork for automated transactions across many networks.
- Can API BaaS platforms store enough data?
BaaS stands for Backend as a service. The BaaS helps users build simple to complex queries for a specific data set in times of need. And BaaS is flexible enough to store any data within the range of its stored data.
- Explain the data model of APIs BaaS
The application data is handled at the application-specific level with the API Baas data model, where collections of data entities are controlled inside a single organization.
- What are the significances of an application?
An application stores a specific set of data related to the application. As per APIs BaaS, an organization can store more than one application.
- What are some of the application infrastructures?
For a specific instance of an application, there are four types of infrastructures available:
Storing, Retrieving, Updating, and Deleting Information.
- APIGEE SDKs can develop two types of calls; what are they?
Both Synchronous and Asynchronous calls can be developed through APIGEE SDK.
- Explain synchronous calls?
If the API call is synchronous, then:
- This API call is helpful if you need to make any user-specific choices currently pending. This will assist users in making proper judgments, and the system will execute further and serve depending on the requirement.
- It is also regarded as a performance lag since the program must always wait for the response from the API request and then respond based on the result. This is why this strategy is referred to as performance lag.
- It indicates that your application will only react if the API request that was previously performed has returned a response. The system or application will not operate further unless and until an API request returns a response.
13.Explain Asynchronous calls?
If your API is classified as asynchronous, it means:
- It doesn’t have any performance lag because the apps constantly run and don’t need to pause for any specific response from API requests.
- It indicates that your application will continue to run without waiting for the API request answer. The response will be included in the process, and the system will continue to function normally.
- List out some of the API BaaS features.
Some of the API BaaS features are:
- Geolocation functionality
- Flexible data storage
- User management
- Social graph functionality
- Performance monitoring
- Push notifications
These features are available through RESTful API.
- In a BaaS, what is the storage limit for it?
A free developer account of APIGEE has a storage limit of 25 GB, and the user can store within that space for free of cost.
- List out some of the famous APIs
Some of the renowned APIs are:
- Youtube API
- Twitter API
- Google Maps API
- Amazon Advertising API
- Write about API testing?
The API testing can estimate if the API has reached its reliability, performance, functionality, and security expectations.
It is a type of software testing.
- What are some of the protocols of API testing?
HTTP, SOAP, UDDI, REST, and JMS are some of the protocols of API testing.
- How can web services become stateful?
Below Session management techniques can be implemented to make web services stateful:
- Hidden form field
- HTTP session
- Cookies
- Rewriting URL
- What are some of the API testings?
Some of the API testings include:
- UI testing
- Runtime/ Error Detection
- Validation Testing
- Functional Testing
- Fuzz testing
- Penetration testing
- Interoperability and WS Compliance testing
- List out some of the advantages of API testing.
API testing has advantages that are useful to users in various ways some of them include:
It is language-independent.
It is time effective.
It allows simple integration with the help of GUI
The ability to test for core functionality.
- What are some of the drawbacks of web services?
Web services limitations include:
- Service authentication
- Network security
- Confidentiality
- Web provides some services, what things should a user consider while making them available?
You need to consider various things to make sure the services are provided on the web, some of the considerations to make sure the services are provided on the web are compatibility, security, and measurability.
- Can a user use API limitlessly?
As per the provider’s setup, there will be a few limits to using APIs. To check how the general expense of the contribution is affected you can estimate the use of APIs. Depending on the amount of data used this can be estimated.
- APIs can be used by which type of users?
A major advantage of API is that it can be easily used on mobile phones, the web APIs have various functions that can be processed on mobiles, also various other users like DELETE, GET, POST, PUT.

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