Agile Tutorial

What is Agile

Agile refers to an overall set of values and principles often coupled with significant cultural change. Scrum can help steer thinking towards becoming more agile while practicing applying Agile principles within communications and work – teams of all sorts use Scrum but most frequently for software development teams.

Agile methodology

Agile methodology provides organizations with a powerful way of successfully managing projects. It includes a set of principles designed to enable teams to deliver value quickly to customers; work in small but usable increments; evaluate requirements, plans, results quickly; and respond rapidly to changes.

Agile methodology involves designing user-friendly products or comprehensive solutions with working products or comprehensive solutions developed using this framework. All developed items should allow for simple adaptation or customisation for different user groups.

Organisations can leverage process and tools, including Agile project management approaches such as Scrum to develop more cost-efficient and customer-focused solutions for their customers.

Through Agile’s emphasis on short development life cycles and frequent product releases, organisations are better able to meet customers needs more efficiently and cost effectively..

Agile methodology involves Five steps:

1. Project planning: This involves creating a project plan that includes a feasibility study and developing the scope. This consists of breaking the project into executable tasks or sprints and estimating the time needed to complete those sprints.

2. Roadmap: It will create a roadmap that outlines the steps needed to complete each sprint. This roadmap should include the timeline for completing the sprints, the number of sprints, and the resources required.

3. Communication: Communicating with the team members, including the development team, to discuss the project’s objectives and any issues that may arise can help identify potential solutions and ensure everyone is working towards the same goal.

4. Sharing: Sharing ideas and information about the project’s goals and objectives. This can help identify potential bottlenecks and ensure everyone is working towards the same goal.

5. Time management: Track the project’s progress and determine when each sprint is time-consuming to complete. This can help reduce the time spent on each sprint and ensure all team members work towards the same goal.

What is Scrum in Agile

Scrum is an agile framework that enables teams to efficiently organize, iterate and constantly enhance projects or products they work on. By understanding its process and applying its principles to team efforts, Scrum helps improve communication as well as work practices.

Scrum is widely utilized by development teams due to its flexibility for adapting quickly to shifting requirements, goals, and circumstances. The Scrum framework simplifies large complex projects by breaking them up into more manageable sections for easier management and producing high quality products quickly and more frequently.

Scrum offers more flexibility when making adjustments or changes; its framework emphasizes continuous learning and adaptability to change, helping teams adapt more rapidly to market conditions or user requirement changes with short iterative release cycles, known as sprints.

Agile Training

Scrum is an agile framework designed to empower teams working on complex projects or products to work more collaboratively and self-organise themselves, learn from experiences, reflect upon successes and losses for improvement, as well as self-organize themselves to self-manage their tasks more efficiently.

Scrum can be implemented for any kind of team, offering meetings, tools, and roles designed to structure and manage work efficiently within any organisation.

The Scrum framework consists of three main roles

Product Owner

Scrum Master

Development Team

Product Owners: are experts in their products, tasked with implementing the vision and monitoring the market and customers.

They identify business and market requirements and prioritise tasks for the development team.

Scrum Masters: also known as ” Servant Leaders,” are responsible for the success of Scrum within their team.

They coach developers, product owners, and the company regarding the Scrum process and optimise their approach.

Development Team: The Scrum development team consists of developers and designers who work daily to achieve sprint goals and forecast the amount of work in each sprint.

Once they find what works best, they consider optimising development methods. The development team, Scrum Master, and Product Owner keep the project and Scrum methods on track.

Advantages of Agile

Agile can benefit clients and project teams in handling large amounts of interactions between clients and the project team, with agile methodologies helping manage extensive interactions by lighting the way for more open communication and collaboration among team members.

Self-organized teams tend to be more accessible, leading to greater transparency when handling claims. Agility benefits include following gel methodologies which impose predefined schedules and predictable timelines on projects.

Sprint planning in Agile

Sprint planning is the primary ceremony in Scrum; it helps prepare teams for each sprint by outlining its key priorities for this period of work. Decisions will also be made during this session and key backlog items transferred from product backlog to sprint backlog.

Sprint planning requires the team to decide their desired goals for their upcoming sprint and combine tasks and stories from their backlog into one sprint in order to meet that objective.

Daily Scrum meetings aim to bring everyone up-to-speed quickly, address any concerns or issues impeding progress towards Sprint Goal, and share successes during that sprint cycle.

At the conclusion of each sprint cycle, teams gather for an informal Sprint Review meeting where an informal demo may be shown as well as discussions of accomplishments being shared among colleagues.

Product Management reviews the tasks on their backlog that have been selected for release as part of a release, revise their backlog accordingly based on current sprint status, and set goals based on what has happened during each sprint – this serves as the beginning point for sprint planning sessions; once completed each sprint ends with an evaluation or retrospective session.

Sprint planning consists of two basic tasks:

Backlog maintenance


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Sprint reviews in Agile

Sprint reviews are essential in developing better software, stronger teams, and an optimal team culture. They involve gathering all involved parties including the Scrum Master, development team, product owner, designers, writers and analysts for an extensive discussion with an interactive screen in front of all.

At Sprint Review, product backlog tasks that have been completed or not are reviewed to show which have and haven’t. Once this task completion review process is finished, development team takes over, showing results of completed tasks while answering queries regarding content or purpose of them.

An iteration review provides the perfect opportunity to recognize your team’s hard work during an iteration and ensure it has planned and prioritized their tasks effectively.

What is Scrum Master

Scrum Masters focus on overseeing Scrum framework within their assigned team while Agile Coaches assist organisations with adopting and implementing Agile principles across multiple teams and stakeholders.

Scrum Master and Product Owner share tasks identified from retrospective meetings; then both collaborate on setting sprint goals and determining velocity.

Prioritisation can be difficult in sprint planning, but setting clear sprint goals and using data such as average velocity can make discussion much simpler and improve efficiency overall.

A scrum master serves an integral role in project execution by keeping everyone on the team focused without distraction or interference from outside sources.

Roles may include managing product backlog, organizing scrum events and making sure their team understands scope and product domain.

Waterfall model

The waterfall model provides an effective approach to project management that requires meticulous planning and execution to guarantee its success.

The waterfall model also presents some disadvantages, such as increased time consumption and extra effort required to complete tasks, yet remains an effective method for organizations looking to streamline processes and boost project outcomes.

The waterfall model helps in identifying expected output and the timeline for product development. If expected output falls within two years or later than two years then that would be acceptable.

The waterfall model is an agile methodology used to gather and document project requirements. This process begins by collecting requirements before having them signed off comprehensively by all relevant personnel.

Once approved, the design process commences by taking into account process, products, people and environment as part of its focus. Attention must be paid to detail when it comes to correcting deviations that threaten project success; deviations must also be addressed promptly for correct execution of design plans.


Agile and Scrum place an emphasis on continuous improvement by breaking large projects down into manageable tasks that allow teams to operate more effectively. Both frameworks promote improved collaboration, adaptability, and prompt modifications allowing teams to produce high-quality work faster and more frequently.

Agile methodology emphasizes adapting quickly to change and providing frequent updates that add value for clients. While Agile may present its share of drawbacks – such as rapid adaptation – its numerous advantages – like increased client satisfaction and teamwork enhancement – make it an attractive solution.

Team can stay focused on their objectives while improving workflow by using sprint planning, reviews, and retrospectives as tools to keep an agile culture alive within them. Agile has proven itself beneficial both now and into future projects for teams working on present or future ventures.

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Vinitha Indhukuri
Vinitha Indhukuri


Success isn’t about being the best; it’s about being better than you were yesterday.