MeanStack Basic Tutorial

Advantages of MeanStack

Developers can design both the front end and the back end of the application using MeanStack since it only employs one language, JavaScript. This is the primary benefit of MeanStack.

As a result, modifications made to any of the components that make up a web application will not result in modifications being made to the other component.

In addition, MEAN creates a separation between the front end and the back end, which enables developers to work on the front end and the back end independently.

This indicates that changes made to any of the components will not result in modifications made to the other.

To exchange data between the front end and the back end, the JavaScript object notation, often known as JSON, is used.

Another benefit of MeanStack is that it has a robust community, which is comprised of a large number of developers.

The presence of a large community of developers who can assist in the resolution of issues and the provision of solutions is a benefit that this community offers.

MeanStack, on the other hand, has a few drawbacks, such as the fact that it is dynamically typed, which indicates that JavaScript does not have an implicit type system that is built in.

Although this could be advantageous for applications of a smaller scale, it might not be appropriate for applications of a greater scale.

Prerequisites to Work on MeanStack:

JavaScript is a dynamically typed language that, owing to its complexity and the needs it has for setting it up, is not suited for use in relatively modest projects.

MeanStack requires developers to establish the backend, frontend, and application programming interface (API), authorize the API, get data, and display it on the front end before they can create an application.
Because these processes are excessive for applications of a small size, it is not a good option for applications of that size.

Developers must have a solid grasp of JavaScript to work with MeanStack since JavaScript is the language that the MeanStack employs

If you have a solid grasp of JavaScript and are at an intermediate level, utilizing MeanStack might be advantageous to you.

The use of MeanStack, on the other hand, might be quite challenging for those who are not well-versed with JavaScript.

JavaScript is plagued by several issues, including dynamically typed inheritance and a variety of other peculiarities and peculiarities.

As an example, inheritance in JavaScript is distinct from object-oriented programming; hence, it is vital to have a solid understanding of these differences to work well with MeanStack.

The JavaScript runtime environment known as Node.js gives developers the ability to create and execute code written in JavaScript on the server at the same time.

It gives developers the ability to build the server-side backend of a web application and to design the backend using JavaScript, which is the same language that is used for the front end of the program.

There is a possibility that node.js is a fantastic choice for front-end developers who are interested in beginning their journey into back-end programming.

The fact that node.js is so simple to use is one of the many benefits of utilizing it. Learning node.js is not very difficult if you have a fundamental grasp of JavaScript.

Because it is asynchronous, which means that it does not block, it is an excellent choice for actions that require a significant amount of time on the server.

The inclusion of a built-in package management, known as NPM, is yet another significant benefit of utilizing node.js.

With the use of NPM, developers are able to include code that was developed by other developers into their own projects without having to rebuild the functionality that was previously established.

It is only the third version that will be installed if the user chooses to install the version of a certain package that they have requested.

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ExpressJS is a server-side web application framework for Node.js that helps developers construct frequently used web application features like request routing and templating.

It also lowers the amount of boilerplate code that is required to build a web application.
Built-in support for routing is provided by ExpressJS, which enables developers to specify URL endpoints and the manner in which the application will react to them.

Additionally, it is capable of supporting templating, which is the process of mixing static views with dynamic data to produce dynamic content for the user.

ExpressJS does not come with its own templating engine, however it does support a number of different templating engines, such as handlebars embedded JavaScript or EJS.

Additionally, it gives developers the ability to construct middleware, which is a function that is executed throughout the request response cycle and has access to both the request and response variables.

This gives users the ability to verify whether or not the user is authorized, determine whether or not they have supplied certain headers along with the request, and the ability to control and alter the behaviour of the application depending on the requests that have been received by the program.


MongoDB is a document-based database system that does not use SQL. It stores data in a format that is similar to JSON (BSON), which is binary JSON or binary JavaScript object notation.

The data is stored as documents, and it provides a number of benefits, such as high speed, indexing, quick query results, not having a schema, being simple to scale, and the ability to run data searches that do not need sophisticated connections.

It is important to note that MongoDB is related toseveral different terminology, such as NoSQL, documents, collections, and Besant.

No SQL databases are not represented in the form of tables with rows and columns; rather, they are modelled in alternative forms such as graphs with columns, XML, and other representations.

Documents are used to hold data that is wanted, while collections are analogous to tables in a relational database.

In the language of SQL, collections in MongoDB are equivalent to tables in SQL, and documents in MongoDB are equivalent to rows or records included inside a SQL database.

Besant is a specialized format that MongoDB employs for the purpose of document storage. A collection, which is analogous to the creation of a database inside the database, is required in order to utilize MongoDB.

This collection is used to store documents. Similar to the way papers are organized, we construct rows inside the table.

The name of the collection must be sent in when using the DB dot create collection collection command in order to create a collection on the currently active database.

For instance, we might give the collection the name “users,” and it would thereafter return the answer “OK.”

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What does Angular mean in MeanStack?

The web framework known as Angular is a sophisticated tool that enables developers to construct and manage apps by using a variety of application components.

Services are wide categories that include code that execute particular activities such as logging data into a file or receiving data from an API, while components are used to layout views and the user interface.

Components are used to layout views, and services are used to accomplish specific tasks.

Afterwards, components or other services will make advantage of these additional services.

The dependency injection method of Angular enables the building of applications to be completed more quickly by incorporating dependencies into the constructor component itself.

When it comes to testing apps, this is especially helpful since the process of generating new objects may be untidy and challenging.

Web applications or front-ends can interface with the backend and carry out operations on it thanks to the HTTP client module, which is another essential component of Angular.

Angular is able to send HTTP queries to the back-end server since the module makes use of proper HTTP methods such as get post and delete.

The HTTP client module is used by Angular in the process of developing a REST API in ExpressJS. This module is responsible for retrieving, storing, updating, and deleting data.

Creating a separate folder for packing and another folder for fronting is necessary to construct a task management application using Means Tag.

All of the AngularJS code will be located on the front-end, while all of the node.js and expressJS files will be located on the back-end.

The front-end will get data in the form of JSON when the backend has completed its interaction with the database.

It is necessary to first establish an ExpressJS project and then develop a package for the front-end to construct the package inside the backend.

After that, you will need to construct a package for the front-end, which will include all of the critical dependencies and dependencies that are required for the application.

The Model View Controller (MVC) architecture is supported by it, and it gives developers the ability to write code in three independent layers: the model, the view, and the controller.

The model addresses several issues that are associated with the application, including business logic, data validation, and other issues.

Views are utilized for user interface elements like buttons and tables, and views are the place where these elements are produced.

Users can interact with the program by clicking on a button, which is made possible by a controller, which functions as the glue between the model and a view.

There is support for testing built in into Angular, and this support includes both unit testing and integration testingapps for the web that are created in JavaScript, are referred to as single-page apps (SPA).

Every subsequent interaction is retrieved from inside the same page by the JavaScript from the backend when the user enters the website.

The HTML page is presented with all of the necessary CSS and JavaScript when the user views the website.

The Angular command-line interface, sometimes known as Angular CLI, is a command-line tool that was developed by Google for the purpose of generating new Angular projects and components.

By assisting with the generation of new files such as Angular components, services, and modules, it enables developers to avoid writing boilerplate code and ensures that all files are appropriately registered.

In Angular, modules are collections of code that are connected and include things like components and services.

The functionality of other modules may be imported and exported by modules, which allows for the definition of business logic and the construction of components that are unique to the module.

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