What is Liferay?
What is Liferay?
Liferay is an open-source enterprise portal platform that enables businesses to build scalable, secure, and adaptable web applications.
Its framework is well-suited for developing various digital solutions, including web portals, intranets, extranets, and CMS systems.
Liferay’s extensive range of features, such as its modular architecture, scalability, and flexibility, make it an excellent choice for businesses seeking to future-proof their digital investments and stay ahead of the competition.
Portlet Modes, Features, and Specifications in Liferay
Portlet is a powerful JavaScript library that provides various modes and features for developers to use.
It offers a variety of features, including view editing, help, and state-changing functions, as well as a portlet interface that allows for easy communication and resource management.
Portlet provides three modes by default:
Edit and
Additional modes can be added after the initial view, edit, and help mode. Other available modes include creating data, preview, and others.
Portlet Face is another portlet that can be used for blogging and other functions.
JSR specification 168 and 1p0 specification 168 define two phases of JSR specification.
The render phase is used to generate a view, while the content phase is used for state-changing functions.
Inter-portlet communication and resource management are important features in JSR specification 268 and Portlet 2.0.
These specifications include an event phase and a resource-serving phase, which are used for AJAX calling.
For example, to submit a form and update a database, the action phase is used until the form is submitted.
Portlet Structure and Functionality in Liferay
The portlet structure is a type of web application that allows users to interact with a web server through various methods.
It is based on the concept of a generic portlet, which is a simple and flexible way to implement a web service.
The portlet is designed to be asynchronous, meaning it does not need to be updated every time an action is executed.
The portlet is designed to handle multiple requests, such as buying a product or selling a page.
If there are multiple requests for a specific item, the portlet will automatically call the render method for each one. This ensures that the web server can respond to the request accordingly.
In another scenario, if an action request is made for a portlet, the portlet will also call the render method for the same item.
However, if there is no action on the same portlet, the portlet will still call the render method for the item. If the page refreshes, the render method of the page will also be called.
If the request is for a specific item, the render method of that item will also be called.
If there is no render method for the item, the portlet will not call the render method.
If there is no service call for the portlet, the portlet will not call the render method.
The portlet structure is designed to be scalable and adaptable, making it suitable for various scenarios.
It can be easily deployed using a control panel, which allows users to directly remove the portlet from the web.
Its flexibility and adaptability make it an ideal choice for developers looking to streamline their web applications.
What is Generic Portlet in Liferay?
The first example of a generic portlet is a portlet that implements the basics in it. It allows for the creation of various types of JavaScript objects and methods.
The main d file in the CSS folder contains the main d class. In this class, CSS files, JavaScript scripts, and other JavaScript code can be written.
The category life display shows the category of the port where the JavaScript is located.
If jars like GSL, TLD, and Spring are required, they can be used directly.
For example, if the CSS main class is used, an entry of CSS must be provided in each category.
If the header port class is used, an entry of JavaScript must be provided in each category.
The lifecycle of a generic portlet includes the creation of a portlet and some URLs.
The render method is called when the user clicks on a render URL.
The d class is used to create a render object, which is then used to create a new render object.
A generic portlet is a type of JavaScript object that implements the basics in it.
It allows for the creation of various types of JavaScript objects and methods, such as the render class, render method, and render method.
The lifecycle of a generic portlet is illustrated through various examples and methods, demonstrating its versatility and flexibility.
Creating and Deploying an MVC Portlet in Liferay
The process of creating an MVC portlet includes various interfaces and classes. The source code for the MVC portlet is provided, and the code is searched for and executed.
The doAbout and doConfig methods are found in the portlet, and the doView method is included in the MVC portlet.
The GSP is used to retrieve the init parameter from the portlet.xml file. The code is then created and tested.
The controller category is displayed as blank in the controller, and the portlet.xml file contains any parameters and key values.
The GSP initially receives a message from JP, indicating that the code is running successfully.
The next step is to deploy the code and add the portlet to the page. The category is provided as an ad, and the page is added to the category as an ad.
The doView method is already present in the MVC portlet class, making it a complete MVC portlet class.
The code is then created again, and the previous application is developed as a form. The doView method is also present in the MVC portlet class, ensuring seamless rendering.
After deploying the code to the server, the application is tested.
The results confirm that the application runs successfully, as the doView method is already present in the MVC portlet class. The application is tested multiple times, confirming its functionality.
Extracting and Integrating Source Code in Liferay
The process begins with extracting source code using a package explorer and importing it into the existing project from the Journal.
To attach the source code to Liferay it must be downloaded and executed, displaying the message “Hello World Successfully” on the screen.
Handling portlets requires setting the namespace parameter to false to avoid conflicts when multiple portlets share the same page and ID.
JavaScript usage in forms should be avoided to prevent issues with multiple portlets. The reporter.xml file is created and utilized.
Finally, the attached source code can be shared and promoted through social media while ensuring proper implementation practices.

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Portlet Name Space Parameter in Liferay
Liferay is implemented in various applications, offering three methods to handle namespaces: providing required parameters, using namespaces, and importing them vertically.
It also supports efficient field identification and namespace handling through EUI tags.
Portlet names in XML spaces can be managed by changing the required name to “place”, setting parameters to false, or using portlet namespace tags and UI tags.
Validation in Liferay Using Liferay UI
The validation process in Liferay begins with creating a lightweight project and adding a portlet.
Resources and bundle files are configured for language support, and a form with fields for first name, last name, phone, and email is created.
A register method is implemented to handle form submission, with necessary adjustments made in the liferay-portlet.xml file to ensure a single portlet is used per page.
A bean and a registration class are created, incorporating get and set methods.
The validation logic is handled through a validator class, which includes a validate method that checks user data and returns a Boolean value.
The name builds method processes validation, and errors are flagged if the data is incorrect.
If validation passes, the process continues smoothly; otherwise, error messages are added to the request object and displayed using GSP keys.
If there are no errors, a simple SOP is executed; otherwise, the process loops back to GSP for further error handling.
JavaScript Application Development and Internationalization in Liferay
A JavaScript application is developed using the JSP plugin.The application is deployed, tested, and verified by checking the edit mode, ensuring the correct display of elements like the gear icon and references button.
Additionally, internationalization is implemented in Liferay to support multiple languages for users across different regions.
This involves creating a portal, a Content folder, a language property file, and a resource bundle to define localization keys and values.
By integrating, the application ensures seamless globalization, making it adaptable to various languages and cultural requirements.
What isLocale in Liferay?
The process of portlet localization begins by setting the language file to the system’s default locale, switching between French and English, and directing the output to JSP using set attribute.
The portlet title is customized based on the locale, ensuring dynamic updates according to the portlet demo’s title.
A custom title is created in JavaScript using a locale and properties file, allowing modifications through key adjustments.
Additionally, a service is created by adding an entry in the services database, leveraging a counter local service to automate ID generation.
The Service Builder structures the source code into interface and implementation layers, with the locale managing title creation.
The “U do” command enables efficient service instantiation, while the counter local service streamlines ID assignment and instance creation.
Service Builder and Namespace Management in Liferay
The Service Builder structures the source code into interface and implementation layers, where the interface layer is crucial for VF services based on HNet and Spring, facilitating the creation of service documents.
The package path holds essential files and metadata, ensuring proper organization. While the author tag is optional, the namespace tag is mandatory for differentiating service-related tables.
When creating similar services, unique namespaces prevent conflicts, and a table service component ensures proper table entry management.
Maintaining these tags and metadata is essential for successful service creation, preventing structural issues, and keeping the database organized and efficient.
Finder Methods and Dynamic Queries in Liferay
Finder methods in Liferay are useful for retrieving data from specific columns. These methods allow searching for specific records but do not support delete operations.
Dynamic queries play a crucial role in various applications, such as using Hibernate Criteria API, to fetch specific records like employees belonging to a particular country.
These queries enable operations such as data retrieval and updates without modifying the service structure.
One of the key advantages of using dynamic queries is their flexibility, as they eliminate the need to repeatedly build and redeploy the service when performing updates.
However, while dynamic queries are highly efficient, they may not be suitable for every scenario.
It is important to evaluate the specific needs and requirements of an application before implementing these methods.

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Dynamic queries in Liferay
Dynamic queries are a powerful tool for creating complex and efficient operations in SQL.
They allow methods to be created and executed without requiring service redeployment, making them a flexible and convenient solution.
Finders enable the execution of complex operations without the need to rebuild services repeatedly.
Setting queries and projections is an essential step in using dynamic queries.
A query is introduced that starts with employee data, filtering specific attributes such as the employee’s address and name.
Projections are then used to extract and display only the required data from the dataset, ensuring that unnecessary information is excluded.
By leveraging dynamic queries and projections, developers can optimize SQL operations, streamline data retrieval, and enhance the efficiency of their applications.
Writing a JSP Hook in Liferay
A JSP hook in Liferay is used to customize or override existing functionalities.
In this case, it is implemented to create a login module for users.
To achieve this, the user enters their ID and password, and the hook modifies the login process accordingly.
By using the “hook” command, specific elements, such as the “three” elements from the input field, can be removed.
This approach ensures flexibility and customization in handling user authentication while maintaining efficiency in the process.
Language Property Hook in Liferay
A language property hook is used to override a property file in a language portlet. The process begins by creating a portal property hook and displaying the properties of the file. The portal.
Properties file contains multiple properties such as include, override, and Boolean values, some of which can be modified using the portal property hook.
However, not all values in the file can be changed via the hook, and only specific properties can be overridden based on the Liferay Hook DTD, which depends on the version of the language portlet.
The portal master definition file can be found in the source code and definition folders, where all portal properties that support overriding via a hook are listed.
The Liferay Hook DTD is used to determine which properties can be modified.
To remove a captcha requirement from an account, this hook is utilized.
To create a new Liferay plugin project, select the project type as a hook and proceed to create a new Liferay configuration. Within the portal.
properties file, define the required properties and set their values. By default, some values may be set to false, but they can be changed accordingly in the hook.
For creating a new account, the “Create Account” button is used, followed by modifying the portal. Properties hook values.
These properties are stored in the SRC file, which contains the Liferay-hook.xml values and entries.
To apply changes, use the Deploy option to ensure the hook is executed properly.
A hook can also be written to disable captcha and manage login events, such as pre-login and post-login events.
Some properties allow multiple post events, so a hook is written without overriding them entirely but extending their functionality.
A separate class is created for managing login events, and it is executed through the run () method to complete the process.
Additionally, a JavaScript routine can be implemented for performing actions within Liferay.
This involves defining actions using the config. examine () method and a custom class, Dexamyl, which is located in the source code.
This class helps override specific sections when a user logs in, executes actions upon logout, and even plays music.
The process of defining custom classes for actions, using Config.Examine(), and forwarding actions ensures flexibility in modifying login hooks, property overrides, and portal customizations.
By leveraging these hooks, Liferay allows developers to extend and customize portal behavior efficiently.
Using Velocity Template in JavaScript
The Velocity template allows for the declaration and inclusion of variables in a file, enabling their use in code and evaluation.
It introduces the concept of dipped and displayed variables, which help in displaying different values based on specific conditions.
The Velocity framework enables the creation of dynamically generated variables, allowing conditional logic to determine displayed values.
For instance, a variable named “abc” in source one can be set and then selected, ensuring that the correct value is displayed dynamically.
In real-time scenarios, some variables may be available in the theme VM file but not in CMS templates.
To retrieve values such as user or username, a permission checker is used, as user objects are not directly available in CMS templates.
The process of utilizing the Velocity template in JavaScript enhances flexibility, enabling dynamic content generation based on conditions like role, username, and ID.
This approach ensures adaptability in different scenarios, making it an essential tool for managing content dynamically.

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