SAP HANA Interview questions & Answers

SAP HANA interview questions& answers! I have compiled SAP HANA questions ranging from the basics to more advanced concepts.

Hopefully, this interview questions on SAP HANA blog post will assist you in feeling more prepared for your interview and less nervous. If you are interviewing for a position in SAP HANA, this collection of questions can be useful.

SAP HANA Interview questions & Answers:

1. What is SAP HANA?

Most data computations in SAP HANA are done in memory. It can be delivered as an appliance or cloud platform with a control flow logic application server. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) allows access to the platform as a standalone application.

2. What are some features of SAP HANA?

SAP HANA features include in-memory operations, column stores, parallelism, projections, dynamic aggregation, active and passive storage, real-time analysis through SLT (SAP Landscape Transformation), and SQL (Structured Query Language) script for complex calculations.

3. What does SAP HANA mean by “dynamic aggregation”?

Dynamic aggregation eliminates the need for aggregates, saving time and space, and enhancing performance.

4. What are active and passive storage in SAP HANA?

Active and passive storage allows only the data that is currently in use, such as the current year or fiscal year, for computations.

5. How SAP HANA is built?

Base HANA architecture comprises data from SAP business suite, SAP network, and BW third-party systems. SAP business objects are used to integrate data into the system, and other applications employ SAP HANA information models for complicated data processing in reporting levels.

And also, you can learn SAP HANA architecture interview questions

6. What is the Eclipse-based HANA studio?

The Eclipse-based HANA studio is an application design tool that creates information models for reporting layers. These models are used in the reporting layers to analyze complex data.

7. What are the advantages of SAP HANA over other databases?

SAP HANA offers several advantages over other databases, including column stores, parallelism, projections, real-time analysis, and SQL script. The architecture of HANA is designed from scratch, allowing for better performance and flexibility in business scenarios.

8. How does the native HANA architecture work?

The native HANA architecture involves bringing data from different sources, building models, and using them in reporting tools. This is achieved through the application server and web server of HANA.

9. Why does HANA have extra tiny or expanded services infrastructure?

The extra small or extended services infrastructure in HANA allows for better communication between the application server and the database.

10. What is the role of the access engine or extended services in the native HANA architecture?

The access engine or extended services in the native HANA architecture is responsible for controlling flow logic and ensuring that most data intensive logic is done in the database.

11. How does native HANA presentation logic differ from client-side logic?

Presentation logic is typically done on the client device due to modern laptops and smart phones’ capabilities, while client-side logic is typically done on the client device.

12. What are some systems that are supported by HANA in the native HANA architecture?

Some systems that are supported by HANA in the native HANA architecture include SAP non-SAP and flat files like Excel and CSV.

13. What is SLT (SAP Landscape Transformation) in HANA and what is its purpose?

HANA uses table-to-table mapping called SLT (SAP Landscape Transformation) to handle SAP, non-SAP and flat files like Excel and CSV. This allows data flow from these systems to HANA.

14. What are business objects data services in HANA and what is their purpose?

Business objects data services in HANA are used to transfer data from SAP systems into the HANA database. Their purpose is to allow for data access and analysis using reporting tools.

15. Explain what HANA Information models are and how they work?

Information models in HANA are built-in using the HANA studio, which are then used in BO (BusinessObjects) and other reporting tools. They are used for complex analysis of business information using reporting tools.

16. What is the purpose of native HANA architecture?

The native HANA design makes data migration from other databases into HANA powerful and efficient, enabling extensive business information analysis using reporting tools. The application and web servers work perfectly with the database.

17. In SAP HANA, what is the function of BO (BusinessObjects)?

BO (BusinessObjects) is the official reporting tool of HANA, and it is used from end to end in SAP HANA.

18. What’s the difference between native and non-native HANA?

Native HANA uses HANA data-intensive logic with an external application server like BAP, .net, or Java. Non-native HANA uses for HANA data-heavy logic with an external application server like BAP, .net, or Java.

19. How data transferred from SAP systems to HANA?

There are different ways to upload data to HANA, such as SAP landscape transformation, business objects data services, and direct extractor connection.

20. What is the purpose of the extended services application layer in HANA?

The extended services application layer broadens the implementation base, enabling application development,  Hypergraph Transfer Protocol (HGTP)-based user interface, and better performance due to deeper integration with the database.

21. What are the features of HANA Studio?

Eclipse-based HANA Studio lets users design information models. HANA Studio plugins develop attribute, analytic, and calculation views, create tables, load CSV data, and use table letters in information models.

22. How can you create a database stable and load data from a CSV into it using HANA Studio?

To create tables, you can right-click on the desired folder and select “new table.” This will prepare an editor for you to create a table. You can also choose between creating a column store or restore table, depending on your needs.

23. What are the two methods for creating tables in HANA?

The two methods for creating tables in HANA are creating a table from the table definition or by typing a code in the SQL console.

24. What is a column store in HANA and how is it created?

HANA column stores store data in columns instead of rows for improved query performance. HANA lets you add all the columns, data types, dimension length, and key status to a column store.

25. How to created restore table in HANA?

HANA restoration tables store data in rows instead of columns to speed up queries. HANA allows you to add all the columns, including data types, dimension length, and key status, to a restore table.

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26. How does HANA’s model perspective import option fill tables with data?

To import data into tables in HANA’s model viewpoint, give file, delimiter, and header rows and ignore leading and trailing white spaces. Select an existing table or create a new one from the loaded source file.

27. How to setup SQL Server attribute view?

To create an attribute view in SQL Server, the author specifies join conditions, semantics, and type of key attributes.

28. What is the purpose of creating a calculation view in SQL Server?

The purpose of creating a calculation view in SQL Server is to analyze data and perform calculations on it.

29. What exactly the data preview in HANA?

The data preview in HANA is a feature that allows users to view a sample of the data that will be returned by the query.

30. Why does HANA evaluate data utilizing all elements?

The purpose of using all elements to analyze data in HANA is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the data and identify patterns, trends, and insights.

31. What is the analysis tab in HANA?

The analysis tab in HANA is a feature that allows users to analyze data by dragging elements onto the x-axis and y-axis.

32. What does SAP HANA do?

The purpose of SAP HANA is to perform data computations in memory and provide a comprehensive solution for managing and analyzing large amounts of data in a cost-effective manner.

33. In SAP HANA, what does an in-memory database do?

The purpose of in-memory databases in SAP HANA is to perform data computations in memory, which allows for massive data compression, partitioning, and second re-indexes.

34. What is real-time analysis in SAP HANA?

Real-time analysis in SAP HANA is enabled by SLT (SAP landscape transformation), which is the table-to-table mapping in HANA. This allows for efficient computations and analysis of complex data in real-time.

35. What is HANA?

HANA (High-performance ANalytic Appliance) is a database developed by SAP, which offers several advantages such as column stores, parallelism, and in-memory storage.

36. How does HANA’s fundamental architecture work?

The basic architecture of HANA includes an in-memory computing engine, modeling studio, real-time replication services, calculation and planning engine, and data services.

37. How does HANA work primarily?

The main feature of HANA is that most data computations are done in the database itself, saving time and storage.

38. Why does HANA have a modeling studio?

The modeling studio in HANA is used to create models, which are used in reporting tools for complex analysis of business information.

39. Why do HANA real-time replication services exist?

The purpose of the real-time replication services in HANA is to enable efficient communication between different systems and perform complex calculations and analysis in real-time.

40. What does HANA’s calculation and planning engine do?

The purpose of the calculation and planning engine in HANA is to perform calculations and planning for business information.

41. What is the purpose of the data services in HANA?

The purpose of the data services in HANA is to manage and organize data for reporting and analysis.

42. What is the known as application layer in HANA?

The purpose of the application layer in HANA is to provide control flow logic and communicate between the database and the application server.

43. What is HANA Studio?

HANA Studio is an Eclipse-based application development tool in HANA that allows users to develop information models.

44. What are the different perspectives in HANA Studio?

There are different perspectives, such as modeler, develop, administrative, and debug perspectives, depending on the task being performed in HANA Studio.

45. What is HANA and what systems does it support?

HANA is a database management system that supports various systems, including SAP, non-SAP, and flat files like Excel and CSV.

46. How is data transferred into HANA?

Data from these systems is transferred into HANA using transform methods such as SLT, which is a table-to-table mapping, and DXC, which is a direct transfer or extract transformation.

47. What is loading data into an existing table in HANA Studio?

The purpose of loading data into an existing table in HANA Studio is to use the tables in our information models.

48. What is the purpose of a SQL script in a data foundation and semantics database?

A SQL script in a data foundation and semantics database is a script that writes code to define a view using SQL.

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Now, let’s be smarter in MCQ’S on SAP HANA.

1)What is SAP HANA?

1. A database that computes most data in memory.

2. A cloud or appliance platform with an embedded control flow logic application server.

3. A basic data architecture for SAP business suite, SAP network, and BW third-party systems.

4. Eclipse-based reporting layer information model designer.

2) What makes SAP HANA better than other databases?

1. It speeds up data retrieval.

2. It offers several reporting and analysis options.

3. It improves corporate performance and flexibility.

4. Integration with other SAP products is simple.

3) What are in-memory operations in SAP HANA?

1. Operating on memory data

2. Operating on disk data

3. Operations on distributed database data

4. Relational database data

4) What are SAP HANA column stores?

1. A row-based data storage method for faster access.

2. A column-based data storage approach for faster access. 

3. Hierarchical data storage for faster access

4. Flat file data storage for easier access

5) What is parallelism in SAP HANA?

1. The ability to perform multiple operations simultaneously on different parts of a database

2. Perform several operations on the same database part

3. Ability to operate on distributed database data

4. Operate on relational database data

6) Which of the following is not a system supported by HANA?

1. SAP non-SAP systems

2. Flat files like Excel and CSV

3. SAP systems

4. None of the above

7) In the HANA architecture, why is native HANA access used?

1. Add data from various sources to the database

2. Improve application server-database communication

3. Transfer SAP data to HANA database

4. Conduct advanced business analysis using reporting tools

8) Which is a HANA extended service application layer?

1. SAP HANA Studio

2. HANA Database

3. Open Standard Interfaces

4. Application Server Logic

9) What are some ways to upload data to HANA?

1. HANA Studio, direct extractor connection, landscape change

2. BW-1 HANA, landscape transformation

3. HANA Studio, direct extractor

4. Business objects data services, direct extractor connection, landscape transformation

This interview questions for SAP HANA can help you for your upcoming interview of SAP HANA.
All the Best!!!

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