IBM WebSphere Interview Questions & Answers

Through this blog, I aim to offer my expertise in answering IBM WebSphere interview questions answers so you can secure the job of your dreams. I hope that it adds depth to our discussions.

IBM WebSphere provides an advanced platform for designing, deploying, and managing enterprise-level applications, its secure infrastructure and integrated development environment, WebSphere’s rich feature set enables developers to design, test, and deploy applications rapidly while efficiently scaling large systems.

IBM WebSphere’s tools and capabilities enable users to develop applications or integrate systems more efficiently than ever.

1. What is WebSphere?

WebSphere from IBM is a middleware tool designed for middleware administration and development applications using Java languages like GT, J2EE or plain Java.

2. What is the backend of an application?

The backend of an application refers to where its database lives, while the server interacts with it directly.

3. What is the responsibility of a WebSphere administrator?

A WebSphere administrator’s primary duty will be managing an application’s entire servers while ensuring they can respond efficiently to requests over the network.

4. What is the role of a server administrator?

As a server administrator, your role is to oversee both its resources and manage requests efficiently as the demands increase.

5. What do these tools support the major application development languages?

Java and dotnet will likely be used as primary languages for application development, while these three tools do not support them.

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6. What are the main differences between WebSphere, WebLogic, and J-Boss?

WebSphere stands out in terms of security and flexibility; WebLogic stands out for being even more secure while offering more freedom in terms of customisation.

7. What is the role of a middleware administrator?

Middleware administrators manage Java applications, including developing, front-end and database features and overseeing server administration.

8. What is the base of the IBM WebSphere Application Server Administration?

IBM WebSphere Application Server Administration relies heavily on WebSphere Application Server Administration VAs Administration as its foundation.

9. What is the purpose of Process Server Administration?

Process Server Administration is an organization-level business tender process converted to business process management through BPM technology.

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10. What is the purpose of Portal Server Administration?

Portal Server Administration is necessary when running Java-related portlet apps like Gmail or YouTube’s YouTube App on Java servers like WebSphere Application Servers.

11. What are the different types of profiles available in the WebSphere Application Server?

Profiles are at the core of the WebSphere Application Server and contain essential information regarding various shapes and folder structures and how they relate to controller configuration and child configuration synchronisation; multiple WebSphere profile categories exist, including standalone topology and network deployment cell topologies.

12. What are the limitations of web servers?

Web servers have limitations when it comes to deploying applications; for instance, they cannot create multiple instances with one installation or deploy business apps because only web containers exist on them, cannot store all their data within themselves and therefore cannot support enterprise apps.

13. What is the role of a WebSphere Application Server and an application server in deploying applications?

WebSphere Application Server is an execution environment for client requests, displaying web pages using HTTP and HTTPS protocols.

14. What does WebSphere offer the four Application Servers?

Red Hat JBoss and Apache Tomcat are semi-application servers, while WebSphere and WebLogic offer complete application hosting solutions.

15. What are the three types of cluster features in the WebSphere Application Server?

WebSphere Application Server clusters have three features for improved cluster performance: high availability, load balancing, and scalable session management.

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